Invitation and Threat.

*Third person Pov*

The villagers started celebrating like there was no tomorrow.

Nako come towards Genzo and asked " What happened and most importantly who saved us"

The villagers who were near my also paid attention to Genzo.

Feeling everyone looking at him, he slowly said.

" Nami and her lover who she said well bring after 2 years"

" Nami?"

" She has a lover now"

" When did she come back"

" What we will do of that remaining fish man "

" Where is nami"

Hearing this nojiko looked at the villagers and said to nami beside her " can you remove the mask now"

Hearing this Nami looked towards the boy who nodded his head.

Than she removed her mask.

All villagers and fishman were also shocked seeing that girl was nami.

" The little girl has grown up now"

" She is also very strong now"

" Wow she looks more beautiful"

" So thats the boy who is wearing lion mask helped us"

" He looks strong "

" Thank you Nami "

The villagers all were suprised and have happy reactions but the fishman who don't fight and sideded with hatchan were the most shocked including hatchan.

" Is she really the human girl who was with us"

" How is she able to fight us now"

" She doesn't look likes when she left 2 years ago"

" What's happening "

Hatchan looked at nami " is she really Nami "

The boy nodded" she is indeed Nami "

Hearing this hatchan thought ' how did she become so strong could it be related to him' he looked towards boy.

" Ok everyone Don't get to much excited and about this fish man they are not with Arlong so don't worry and they will not remain on conomi island the boy will handle it so let's celebrate bring all food and wine we all will celebrate our freedom "

" Yes freedom "

" Celebrate 🥳 "

All villagers run to arrange a big festival.

Only nojiko, Genzo , Nako and nami were remaining and walked towards the boy and fishman.

*Atharva, Nojiko,Nami,Genzo, Nako, fishman and Hatchan Pov*

Seeing nami walking towards him.

Hatchan bowed facing nami and said " we are truly sorry for what we deed"

Other fishman also bowed their heads in shame.

I looked at nami wondering how she will handle this situation.

Hearing this I looked at him and saw him looking towards me and I know that look ' as if to see what I will do ha'

I closed my eyes the scene flashed before my eyes about Bell -mere and after that what darling 💞 has said before the battle.

" Nami" i looked at nami worriedly. ( Nojiko)

Genzo and Nako decided to be quite.

" I can't say I forgive you all but I don't hold a grudge against anyone and I am still processing what darling said about fish man and the world so thats my answer to your apology"

Hearing this all fish man were stunned but nodded their heads and don't say anything they know they were wrong this time.

Seeing this I was relieved and without giving her a chance I hugged her lifting my mask and kissed her lovingly.

Feeling his lips on me I know I said the right think and I was glad.

' ho give me a break can't you do when no one is around but nami handled it maturial than I thought ' (Nojiko)

All fish man and Nako looked away.

While Genzo coufed lightly hearing this I separated from her.

' Good Genzo ' I give Genzo thumb up for job well done( Nojiko)

" You handle it perfectly Thank - you for that my love"

" Yes I know you don't have to say thank you"

" In future journey you will understand what I said and will be glad that you made the right choice"

Hearing this I looked at him lovingly and nodded my head.

Not wanting to eat anymore dog food " so what will you with this fish man" (Nojiko)

" Yes I also want to know "(Genzo)

Hearing this I leaved Namis side come towards hatchan.

" What will happen to those who fainted early "

" Don't worry they will wake up after some time"

I looked at hatchan who was silent.

" So what you will do now" I asked.

Hearing this I looked at him " well I don't know i think I will just go back to fish man island and open a food shop"

Looking at hatchan who was talking about opening some shop I said " i have a suggestion if you like"

Hearing this all fish man looked at me including hatchan.

" Yes plz tell"

" What do you think all of you come under me"

" Under you" I was confused.(Hatchan)

" Darling 💞" (Nami)

' what is he planning ' ( Nojiko)

" Yes under me I am not a pirate now but I am sure because of my idea's and strong strength I will be rewarded sooner or later so what do you all think coming under me when I officially start a crew if you want your welcome I am not forcing anyone "

Hearing this I was stunned and asked " all of us really "

" Yes hatchan you can come to my boat or you can be captain and roam under my pirate flag what do you think"

" So you mean afflicted pirate to your group"

" Yes and you can come to my boat while appointing a captain you trust and let them practice in fishman island tell we arrive at fish man island so what do you think "

Nami don't speak but looked at hatchan waiting for her answer.

" Hatchan if want to go just go"

" We can handle ourselves"

" Yes just go"

Other fish man started incourageing hatchan.

Hearing this I was really moved and wanted to join him and see what can do for us fishman and the world but.

Seeing Hatchan hesitating " let's do it like this you go back to fish man island settle everyone and I will be in east sea for nearly 1 year so if you made up your mind than come and join us, you will also get time to decide"

Hearing this I was surprised" so even If I don't join you can we still be afflicted with your group "

" Ofcourse I will always be a friend to any fishman who is not evil" I said smiling.

Hearing this all fishman were shocked.

' can he really change the world '

" Ok I will go back and decide on what to do"

" Ok "

Than I looked towards Arlong" what about him"

" I will take Arlong to marines and hand him over this i can't compromise "

" Yes I know what he has done and have to take responsibility for his actions "

Hearing about Arlong both Genzo and Nako were relieved.

'He is doing this for nami if not he have also let him go'

" Ok we will be on our way and thx for not killing anyone of us"

" Its ok be safe and also give momoo to eat something delicious when you all reach fishman island i promised him"

" Yes I will do that "

We watched as hatchan and other fishman picked those who fainted and called momoo to start there journey back to fish man island.

" I hope to see you back if possible " I said while waving my hand towards all fishman.

" I will try my best" I said while I started swimming towards the grand line.

Watching them leave i come towards him and asked " what do you think will he come back"

To this question I laughed and said " who knows it all depends on destiny but I have a feeling that he will join our group for sure"

Hearing this I smiled i was happy for him.

' can I also join them' i looked at both with burning eyes.(Nojiko)

"Let's go back i have to do some work at night"

" Night what is it"

" Marines ha " i understand.(Nami)

I walked up towards Arlong and tied his hands and legs with rope and block his mouth with cloth.

" Let's go"

All started going towards Nojiko's house.

" Hatchan you wanted to join him"

"So why don't you Just say yes"

" Yes hatchan why"

After coming away from conomi island other brothers started asking questions.

" I know but I have to talk to jinbe about this and after settling you all I will come back to east sea and join them"

I said I have already decided to join him but I have to tell jinbe about this all.

' I hope I made the right choice'

" Ok let's increase the speed" I said and started swimming fast.

The sun was already going down.

*Atharva, Nami, Arlong and Nojiko Pov*

Genzo and Nako said goodbye at town saying they will oversees the preparations.

Nami made an appointment with doctor Nako before leaving.

We were currently in the house.

" So can I see your face now"

" Ok " i slowly removed my mask.

' what is that face so handsome '

Looking at nojiko who was stunned I smiled " I told you he looks handsome"

I can only nod by head.

He was really handsome, his eyes looks sharp and has blue colour.

' what happened why is my nose hurting like hell'

I thought while recalling memories.

' Did I lost again to a human and what happened to others ' l looked around than at myself tied with rope.

" So your awake ha " I said while putting my mask back again.

Hearing this nojiko come back to her sense and come near Arlong to see him awake.

Nami also gathered around but she was not wearing a mask.

Seeing this human girl I was shocked and tried to say something but I couldn't.

Seeing this I removed cloth from his mouth.

" You what are you doing her and when did you come back no wait that mask and clothes"

I was first confused but seeing the mask and clothes i understood that human girl with cat mask was Nami.

" Hello Arlong" I said without showing any fear.

" So you were planning this from when you come back and asked me permission to stay outside for longer time" i roared looking at her.

" Yes from that moment "

" I should have killed you when I was feeling something was wrong when you were going "

" Well bad for me and luck for me I survived and did not"

I just stopped talking not want to say anything about this i just looked at the boy with lion mask.

Seeing him not talking anymore" Arlong i always wanted to know if I have collected 100 million beri and given it to you would you have left our village alone"

Nojiko was also curious about this.

But I know the answer but did not said anything.

Hearing this question I laughed loudly and looked at her " you stupid human how can I leave the village and girl who can draw maps and sea currents I was just using you" before I could say more I lost consciousness.

Not wanting to hear anymore I just give him quick chop on neck.

Hearing this I was surprised.

" Nami are you alright" i gently hugged her.( Nojiko)

" You know deep down I know he was not going to leave our village but I was just hoping could he really"

" Ok don't beat yourself now all is already over"

" Yes I know"

Looking at sisters who were having a emotional chat i looked outside the sun was already down ' i should pay a visit to mouse'

" Ok you two have your conversation I am going to do some unfinished business" I said while picking up unconscious Arlong.

Hearing this both looked at me one in confusion and other in understanding.

" What unfinished business"

" Ok darling 💞 but come back for celebration"

" Nami will tell you and I will be back before you know it bye"

I said while exiting the house.

I looked towards nami " what unfinished business he is taking about"

" Yes the marines "

" Marines?"

" He is going to deliver Arlong and warn the navy to stay away from conomi island "

" Is that so"

' so they will leave after 2 days or early ha' i looked at her before looking at her chest.

" By the way nami how come your breast are longer than mine and those long legs "

Hearing about breast i blushed remaining our nightly activities.

"I have trained my legs that's why they are long "

' so why are you blushing '

" And about the breast? "

Hearing this I reminded silent.

Seeing her like this " well can't you tell your sister I also wanted by breast bigger" I said in sad tone.

Hearing her sad tone " ok I will tell you" than I started telling her about our nightly activities of last 2 years.

Both were blushing while whole time.

' so he likes sucking breast ' i looked at my breast.

" You two really are shameless"

Hearing this I only smiled while not making i contact with her.

" Nami what will you do if I say I also love him" i asked nami seriously.

Hearing this I was first stunned than angry but seeing this was my sister I claimed down.

' why did I have to say that she looks angry ' i thought.

I looked at her " you know if someone else had said this i would have atleast slapped her in the face but your my sister"

" Nami I am sorry I will " before I could say nami interrupted me.

" I know he will have many women beside him but I will not oppose it but if I don't like some one I will tell him in his face"

Hearing this I was shocked and looked at nami while crying.

" Is it really ok to go after my sister's husband"

Seeing her crying I said " don't cry your older than me and darling 💞 and he does not love you now and if comes to love you in future than who I am to say no"

I was already prepared i know his charm but still I didn't like sharing but if it was for darling 💞 I will do it and l know I will be his first wife and he will never stop loving me.

But I didn't expect the first girl to fall for my darling 💞 would be none other than my sister.

" Thx my little sister " I said while wipping my tears.

" Ok I am going towards Nako "

" What for"

" For tattoo I want to change it and new tattoo with darling name on it" i said while holding my right hand were the tattoo was.

Hearing this I nodded"ok come back soon"

" Ok" I aslo exited the house.

" I am all alone now"

' love ha will he love me' i thought checking my body.

I started making plans on how to seduce him and make him love him.

* Atharva and Nezumi Pov*

I used moon walk and started going towards the navy base.

Which was few kilometres away from conomi island.

After some time I saw the base and landed on blind spot and activated observation haki to find were is that mouse.

After finding the mouse i started going their without making any noise.

I was seting in cabin thinking how to report this to navy headquarters.

" But my money maker I know gone or should I just collect fees from villagers"

" Yes that can work"

But I can't that lion and cat go.

" You both will regarte coming her"

" Ho really now" I said as I entered through window.

Hearing this I was shocked and turned only to see that monster with lion mask.

" Don't scream or I will kill you" hearing this I shut up.

" So you were something about regret what was that" I said while tosing Arlong towards him.

Seeing Arlong I was even more scared.

" Nothing i was just saying yes Arlong will regarte what he have done and I was coming to arrest him tomorrow "

Hearing this I laughed" don't fool me you mouse i know all about you colliding with Arlong for money in exchange not telling Arlong activities in east sea ha"

Hearing this I was angry at him calling me mouse but after hearing Arlong and money I was shaking and sweating.

" No that's not true "

" I know you were there when I defeated Arlong "

Hearing this I asked " so you already know this than why did you come here to kill me or what"

" You know I can kill you without anyone knowing and who will care even if you died"

" No plz don't kill me I will give you money and whatever you want just don't kill me plz"

Hearing this I smiled and approached him.

Seeing him coming towards be i started backing down.

" Don't do anything to villagers of conomi island and stay away from conomi island" i said while lefting him up in the air.

I was shocked my this and didn't able to say anything.

" Do you understand"

He kept nodding his head like chicken.

I dropped him and he started breathing in and out.

I looked at him why is he still her just go away.

" And Arlong put him in imple down"

" Yes I will do that" i quickly said looking at Arlong.

I started going towards window before turning and looking towards him and saying " if I hear you released Arlong or come to conomi island to do something to villagers or collect money from them I promise"

I released my dagenrous aura, feeling the aura i peed myself.

" Whenever I should be in this sea I will come back and give you very painful death remember that" i jumped out of the window.

Hearing his last words I shivered allover before getting up and looking outside the window he jumped off from.

" He is gone"

Two soliders entered.

" Captain what happened we were hearing noice from you cabin"

" And what about this pirate how did he come here"

Hearing this I thought ' this mornes are coming now' I shook my head.

"Get this person to prison and lock him in sea prison stone and double check that he is locked tightly and has no way to escape"

" Yes captain"

"And send Ensign to my cabin go"

The two soliders picked up Arlong and started going.

' threatening me ha I will definitely report that you defeated Arlong and tried to kill me let the navy headquarters take action against you and send someone strong to capture you than we will see your arrogance'

I thought while looking at dark sky.


Well nojiko be successful in seducing atharva?

Will navy headquarters will take action?

How long are they going to stay on conomi island?

Let's find out in next chapter!


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