Changes and Danger.

*After 15 days*

*Atharva Pov*

Days goes by like a flash.

In this 15 days we continue our training.

After 5 days normal exercise of nojiko also increased and i allowed her to lift some weights for increasing strength.

We also spared with each other.

Allowing her to develop her own fighting style.

She want to learn observation haki but that have to wait until her stamina and strength is increased to some extent.

Its not that I don't want to teach her but the time is not right yet.

She is slowly improving now she can do 80 push ups without stopping and 200 squats and this keep increasing with the day.

She is very hard working.

I think she has a keen eyes and her aiming is perfect she will be a good sniper and combined with observation haki it will be perfect.

But that I have to wait until we land on island.

Also my relationship with her had goten very close and I don't hate it.

We always kiss each other on the checks and seeing this nami look at us and roll her eyes.

It was cute.

But nojiko is really trying hard to catch upto us and i really appreciate it and happy.

About nami she had improved the most she can dodge my tricke attacks and find a counter measure to defend it if she doesn't have time to dodge.

We continue having battle as to make her adaptable to the situation.

In morning we only had pure physical battle and at afternoon we had battle including the navy 6 styles as to get her familiar on using it during battle and how can she develop her own fighting style.

We don't do anything naughty after that bathroom incident we controlled ourself.

But seeing them both wearing only bra and pants it was hard to control myself but I know training was important.

About my training in sensing the persons emotions.

After 10 days of continuous using observation haki to understand emotions.

I was successful on 11 day and was able to feel emotions of nojiko and nami which were.

Nami- tired, want to rest and determination.

Nojiko - firm will to be strong, keeping going forward.

I was really surprised when I first sensed it than I started feeling everything around me.

And took me another 4 days to feel emotions of every living being.

But because of that my emotions were in a mess and I had headache for while.

I immediately stoped using observation haki.

Again I tried slowly but it will affect me in small way.

So now I am trying to keep this emotions not to affect my emotions.

And keep them in check.

Now we were getting close to the village that will come before reaching the kingdom again.

*Nami Pov*

Well I was really tired this last 15 days.

Always fighting darling 💞 it was really nerve wrecking but I know darling 💞 was doing this for my own good so I was determined not to let his efforts to to waste.

But I think I improved more than I thought.

I was able to dodge his attacks without falling back.

His tricky attack was fast but I was able to to defend them using my arms.

From the 1 day I started and at the 15 day there was huge improvement.

I also started using Navy 6 styles to battle him and it was really helpful.

I understand more about the navy styles and when to use them and how to use them to my advantage.

It was a good feeling seeing improving oneself.

I always saw nojiko and darling kissing each other on checks time to time.

I just rolled my eyes at them and thought ' they both love each other so why not just say it'

But I don't say it if it was going slow than it was very good for me.

So I don't say anything and concentrated on training.

I was frustrated because we don't do anything after the bathroom incident.

But I know darling was to seeing me and Nojiko in bra and pants all the time But he was controlling himself.

So I also controlled myself and don't make any moves.

Now we were getting close to the village were we will stop if possible I don't know what darling wants to do.

*Nojiko Pov*

The last 15 days were difficult but I don't disliked it even more I liked.

I was improving as days passed by.

I can feel my strength increasing day by day.

After 5 days I also started lifting some weights.

And my capacity to do push ups and squats also increased as day's passed by.

But I know this is not enough so I asked him to teach me observation haki.

But he said I have to wait until the right time.

I could only nodded my head.

And continue doing exercises.

I think my relationship with him had moved one step forward.

We kiss each other on checks.

Some time I take the initiative to kiss him and does not back out from it and after first time I became more bold and started kissing him more often but only on checks if possible I really want to kiss him on lips.

But I know the time is not right at so I don't make the move.

And Nami seeing us kissing just rolled her eyes at us.

My life really changed after i decided to follow them and I think it was correct decision and I am really enjoying my life now.

More importantly I can with my sister and him.

I don't know what future holds for me or even all of us but I want to be with them and always try to become strong and help them when they need me.

I know the next days only be more difficult but I am ready to face them and improve myself along side them.

*Aron Pov*

Well what can I say the journey to east sea was not so boring as I thought.

Because captain asta was present I was not bored throughout the journey.

We occasionally talked and some time we fought side by side with some pirates who come to distrub us.

I was really glad that he was present or I will be really bored.

I was captain but I was mainly promoted because of information gathering not based on strength.

But my strength is also good I can handle pirates under 200 million easily.

I know shave, iron block and moon walk.

But unlike me asta was known for his strength.

He was on front line always fighting pirates and honing his skills.

I think he can handle pirates upto 400 million based on strength.

He learned more than I had.

Shave, moon walk, finger gun and blade kick.

And he also knows some observation haki and armament haki.

I also wanted to learn those but I lack physical strength to learn armament haki.

And about observation haki I started learning but it was taking to long and this mission come so I have to stop it for now.

But once this mission is done I will focus on observation haki.

But I have a feeling that this mission well take longer than I wanted it to be.

And I think asta will remain in east sea until my mission is completed.

He don't say it but I was sure otherwise he wouldn't have come and someone else had come.

Now I am sure commodore know something but don't tell the captain.

' does he knows what 'D' represents '

During our voyage towards east sea we caught 2 pirates group who were known for killing innocent civilians and loot them,kidnap young girls.

When asta was fighting I saw he wanted to kill this pirates directly without giving them the trial and sending them to Imple down.

But he controlled his rage and don't do anything thing that will get him in trouble.

I was really glad others wise I have to stop him doing so.

I was not able to contact the chief but once I am on island I will be able to report him that I am in east Sea.

And about the lion and cat matter.

I really think he will like the hot news.

And especially the boys name.

We will reach east blue soon I don't know where asta will stay.

But I have to act alone or I can't able to act according to my style.

Well he will probably stay in some base near conomi island so I think I can act alone.

I hope all go according in my direction.

I was currently on deck looking at vast sea.

" Well we will be in east sea soon"

Asta voice come to ear i turned back and said.

" Yes I know"

" You don't look excited"

" What now should I laugh and dance like a idiot or what"

Asta laughed at that.

' well I hope everything goes alright '

*Third person Pov*

On sea there is island and there is small village.

Where children can be seen playing with each other, women's can be seen doing their work in home and men's can be seen roaming her and there some caring fish they caught in morning some where going to open their shop and start today's business.

Among the childrens playing there was girl named Lillie.

She was 4 years old, she looked cute, she had white skin colour with blue eyes and red hair.

And her mother can be seen looking at her from the house while smiling.

Her father was gone to the store to start Today's work.

They were a happy family.

She was enjoying playing with childrens.

It was peaceful village with nice villagers who where caring for each other and minding their own business.

Lillie was liked by all villagers due to begin smart and sensesable from young age.

Helping her parents, and greating everyone in the village.

Due to her red hair and blue eyes everyone was attracted towards her.

500 meter away from the island a ship was sailing slowly towards the village.

The top of the ship was black flag and skull bone through knife was present.


There were atleast 30 person on ship on looking all viscous and scary they all

Were equipped with various weapons.

Gun, knife, chain,gutlate and cannons on the ship.

The look out who was on top.

Was looking through telescope and find an island and reported to the captain of the ship below.

" Captain 500 meter ahead and island can be seen"

Hearing this all pirates come back to life and started cheering.

" What's going on why so loud" a fat man come out from the cabin and scolded the pirates.

A strong man with toned muscle come to the fat man " captain island is spotted ahead"

"Ho really is there people on it "

" I think so captain there will be"

" Is that so"

The captains eyes flashed with light.

He hadn't had sex with a woman in last 1 month he was really frustrated.

But hearing there were people his eyes lit up.

Means he can get the money and women at same time.

" Ha ha ha ha good let's speed up I can't wait to hold a beauty in my hand"

Hearing this everyone no the captain want to get off with some women.

They were also pent up so they cheered loudly.

Started working fast to carry out the captains order.

The captain come to side of the ship and looked towards the village with greedy eyes.

The strong man with toned muscle also followed and looked at the village with a smile but that smile was a scary one.

The villagers don't know that danger was coming towards them.

That will change their life completely.

For particular girl with red hair and blue eyes.


Some will die or some will survive, how many will survive.


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