Dispair and killing.

*Aron and Asta Pov*

We were now in east sea.

I looked at Asta and asked.

" So her we are "

" Yes that is our distinction" i nodded (Asta)

" So what's next"

" Well tell me your plans first"

" Well just drop me on island from ther I can handle on my own and you can just go back to headquarters" the last part was to see his reaction.

Hearing this I twitched and looked away.

Seeing this I know I was right 'he will stay here ha'

" Well I will be staying in east sea until the investigation is complete"

I just looked at him.

" Common I was going to tell you "

" When you are just telling me this now when we are in east sea" i acted like i was really angry and at the same time sad.

" Ok sorry, maybe I forgot to tell you "

" So what's your plan"

" So you didn't mind I not telling you"

" Well it does bothers me but I can't do anything about it"(Aron)

Hearing this I could only shake my head, I was also can't tell him because the other 4 captains also don't know that I will be staying in east sea until the investigation is over.

At the last moment the commodore order me to escort aron to east sea and remain her till the investigation is over.

I wanted to refuse but seeing the commodore looking at ,me with serious eyes i held back what was i going to say.

" Well I will stay near conomi island but not at Nezumis base"

" There is more to it than are you telling me"

" Yes you have to give daily report to me because you prefer working alone that's why you have to keep us updated "

Hearing this I breathed sigh of relief before nodding my head.

" Anything else" I asked.

" Nothing else if there is I will contact you"

" Ok good"

" So from were are you going to start " I asked looking at aron.

" I will start near conomi island just give me small boat and I will visit some villages there and see if I get any valuable information "

" Villages ha "

" Yes because this Atharva named boy defeated Arlong on some village right"

" Yes that's a excellent way to start the investigation"

" I know "

" Just be careful this time we are investigating our own"

I looked at him seeing his serious eyes I nodded solemnly.

" I will handle it smoothly you don't have to worry and I will report my findings to you anyway"

" Ya you are right " i laughed.

I looked at him and shook my head before heading towards my cabin.

" Call me when we are near conomi island "

" Ok i will give you a call"

Hearing this without turning back I entered my cabin.

' just as I thought he will be here but I can act alone is a good thing '

And giving report each day was not a big deal anyway.

I always done that some time.

' this investigation i need to handle it well'

*Villagers Pov*

It was another beautiful morning in the village.

All peoples were starting their todays work with smiles and greating each other.

While some childrens playing together.

" Well going for work" one passerby asked.

"Yes you "

" Na I am going back home with the fish" he said while showing the fish in his hand.

" Well good for you keep at it"

" Yea I will"

After saying that they both parted ways and go on different direction.

Near the childrens playing area.

4 girls and 3 boys were playing games.

One of the girl name was Lillie.

She was taking care of everyone while playing.

Seeing this the near by women's couldn't help but praise her.

" She at it again "

" She always takes care of everyone "

" Lillie is really cute and caring"

" I wish I had girl inside that useless boy "

" Me 2"

Hearing everyone's praise she blushed while shaking her head and saying in small voice.

" Aunty you can't say that you want me instead of him he will fell bad about that."

Hearing her voice and cute apperance the 3 boys looked at her with stary eyes.

And the other women also has hearts in there eyes seeing this.

" Yes cutie you are right i shouldn't say that I am sorry"

The aunty apologized.

Hearing this the girl give a smile and nodded at the aunty.

Seeing this everyone was stunned for a moment and started laughing again.

After some playing the girl said to her friends " ok everyone I will go now I have to help my Mom bye see you later" saying that she started walking towards her home.

Hearing this the other children looked sad but nodded and they also started going back to their home.

" Lillie really is a good child"

" Mom I am back do you need my help in something "

Hearing this a women walked out form inside and smiled looking at the girl.

" You should have played for some more time "

" I could have but I want to help you Mom"

Hearing this the women smiled before picking up the girl.

" You some times act as you are bigger than your age" the women said while scratching each other nose.

" Really I am big so can I also help Father in Store "

Hearing this the women was stunned but smiled and shook her head before saying " not know when you get more bigger you can go with your father"

Hearing this the girl pouted and looked away from her mother.

Seeing this the women smiled and said " i made your favourite breakfast and I will tell something if you give me kiss 💋 on checks."

Hearing this the girl looked at her mother expectantly and seeing her mother moving her checks forward the girl quickly give kiss.

" Well you want know"

" Yes what is it"

" You can take breakfast to yours father's store and we can all eat in the store isn't it good"

" Yes very good" the girl was very happy,

The mother daughter packed the tiffin and started going towards the store.

While they were going they didn't know that a pirate ship was coming towards the village.

At the Port,

The village has a small port which is only used for fishing boats.

Now there were 4 person who has come back from fishing and just planning to go back to the village.

100 meter from them ship was sailing towards the Port.

One old looking man who was collecting fish from the net looked at sea and saw a ship coming towards the Port.

First he thought it was a merchant ship because some time merchant ship well pass by here.

But when he looked at the skull flag on top he started shaking.

" P. I. R. " He started saying something but couldn't say it.

But this attracted the attention of remaining 3 person.

" What happened what are you saying" one of them asked.

Hearing this the old man wanted to speak but couldn't say it.

Others were confused and just were going to come to his side but they say the old man lifting his shaking right hand towards the sea.

Everyone looked at sea and saw a ship but when they saw the flag their faces become pale.

" Pirates are her"

" We have to inform everyone let's go"

" Yes "

One person dragged the old man and run towards the village.

" Run and hide pirates are her"

" The ship is coming"

" Don't roam outside go and hide"

" Pirates are her"

They run while shouting.

Hearing this the villagers become scared and started running her and there it was complete chaos.

The girl and the mother who were going to her fathers store were also running towards the store.

* Pirates Pov*

" Captain I think they saw us coming "

The captain looked towards the village in the distance.

" Fire a cannon so they will not run and despair and wait for their death "

" Nice idea captain let's do it" the strong man beside him nodded.

Hearing this the pirates started working and fired a cannon when they got near the Port.


The cannon flew in the air and landed near a house and


Their was a loud explosion 💥 and flames lit up the sky.

Seeing this all pirates laughed.

Docking their ship at port all pirates come down with huge grin on their face holding different kind of weapons.

" Remember don't kill women's if possible and loot everything you can find Now go boys enjoy "

All pirates cheered.

" Long live the captain "

" Captain is the best"

" That why you are our captain "

Nearly 30 pirates entered the village.

Seeing this the captain smiled also started walking towards the village with the strong man following behind.

*Villagers, Lillie and Pirates Pov*

When the canon hit the house there were more than 10 villagers there but now all were dead and near my house caught fire.

Seeing this everyone was horrified and started shaking and running away.

When Lillie saw this seen she was lost and couldn't understand why did this happen.

All was going good we all laughed same way we always do so what was different today.

Why are they bleeding.

Who attacked us.

Why is everyone running away.

The girl looked towards her mother for answer but she didn't saw her mother.

Seeing this she came back to sense and started looking everywhere for her mother but couldn't find it.

" Mother were are you" i started running and looking her and there.

When I passed my the burning house I saw a women wearing some clothes as my mother.

I got close and called " mother"

But she don't respond.

So I tried to see her face but whe i saw it i was shocked " no no she can't be my mother" I backed off.

Claiming down I remember what happened hearing some sound we stopped and looked up we saw something falling toward us so mother pushed me and after that I don't remember.

I started crying " father were are you i can't find mother"

The pirates entered the village and started killing the childrens and men's and leaving womens alive.

" Plz don't kill my child"

" Husband plz run away with our child"

" Run child don't look back"

Hearing this the pirates laughed and killed more villagers.

" He were are you going " one pirate blocked the road of a person who was running towards his house to look for his wife and lovely daughter.

Hearing this the person stopped in his track " sir plz don't kill me I can give you money "

The pirate looked amused" money ha how much "

" 1 million beli "

The pirate grinned hearing the amount.

The person thought he has agreed but.

The pirate lift his sword and come towards the person.

Seeing this he was horrified.

" Sir I will give money "

" Even if you didn't give I can get it" the pirate laughed.

" Sir plz i have daughter and a wife"

Hearing this the pirate licked his lips " don't worry we will take care of them" and swing his sword towards the person head.

Seeing the sword coming the person closed his eyes ' Lillie father is sorry he couldn't protect you and your mother plz survive this somehow '

Blood flased and the person head rolled on the road.

Seeing this the near by villagers screamed.

And started running the pirates chased after them and killed them.

" No plz don't"

" What we did to deserve this"

" Plz don't kill me"

The sound keeping coming from the villagers from different direction from time to time.

The captain and the strong man with sword walked while seeing the pirates killing the mens and childrens.

Seeing this the captain laughed loudly.

" Good everyone is doing a great job"

While walking he heard crying voice.

He frowned and started walking towards the source of the sound.

When he reached the place he saw a little girl crying loudly while calling for her mother and father.

The captain smile broaded seeing this.

He loves making people feel despair and make them cry the most.

" Kill her with single strike of your sword"

Hearing this the strong man nodded started walking towards the girl.

Seeing that someone was coming towards me I looked and saw a scary looking uncle coming towards me with some sharp thing in his hand.

" Uncle what are you doing " I asked while backing off.

" Nothing i am sending you to your parents" the strong man replied with smile.

" Really were are they" hearing parents i stopped and asked with some hope.

But I saw the uncle raising his sharp thing and saying" they are probably dead"

Seeing that sharp thing come towards me I closed my eyes.

After not feeling anything i slowly opened my eyes to see a boy standing in front of me his back facing the scary uncle and he smiled at me but I thought he was in pain and while enduring that he smiled at me.

He asked with concern tone " Are you ok "

Before I could answer I saw blood coming from his back " Brother" and i fainted, todays incident has taken a toll on her mind and body.


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