The Dragon of the West

James and Angus had been walking on the road in silence for half an hour. James looked at Angus who seem perfectly at ease.

"Dad. Did you just pick this road for us to have a moment of privacy to talk a bit before we move on to the next location?"

Angus held up two fingers. I nodded. "Not really. There was supposed to be a location out here for us. It's gone now. So I used this opportunity for me to answer your questions as best as I can. We'll be moving on to the next location. I'm just waiting a bit trying to get my baring and-"

Angus turned pushing James behind as he drew his peacemaker and fired. An explosion of a fire storm shot out of the noose of his weapon as another blast of dangerous magical energy came racing toward them. Both spells met clashing. Angus stood his ground as the ground shook with the clash of masters contended in a duel for supremacy over the other.

Angus snarled as blood came from his nose. "Damn it." He said as he started being pushed back and the spell came closer toward them.

James shook head. "Dad!"

Angus shook his head. "I got it." He said and lifted his other hand that was glowing gold. He pointed two toward his enemy and a circle of light surrounded him.

James stared at him wide eyed. "Holy shit!"

Angus smiled. "Damn straight." He spoke in an echoing voice before golden flames came out of his weapon punching against the dark magical energy. The golden flames quickly overpowered the dark power. A second later there was a loud scream and the battle was over.

James stared wide eyes at Angus. Angus turned to him holstering his weapon. There was still an afterglow of golden energy around his body as he smiled at James. "That was scary. I'm a bit out of energy for the moment we'll have to walk over toward that jackass that tried to sneak up on us. We maybe able to get something off him that will help us." He said turning and started walking back down the road.

James was frozen for a few a seconds until his father looked back. He started following after him just then. Down the road they could see a body on the ground dressed in dark robes.

"What the hell was that spell he used?" James asked.

"Avada Kedavra." Angus said frowning. "He was pretty strong one too by the amount of energy he put into it. Still he was a bit slow on the draw. If he had been faster he would have caught us in the back."

James shook his head. "How did you know? How? I didn't even hear him speak it."

Angus shrugged his shoulders taking out another sandwich from the bag. "Nether did I son. I just felt the spell go off."

James flinched. "You felt the spell go off?"

Angus nodded chewing on his sandwich. "Yep. It's something I picked up in part from being unlucky enough to get myself into some dumb situations like this over time so I had to pick up a means of being alert when a spell like that goes off into this realm of existence."

James frowned at him. "Did you learn it from your master in The Wuixa?

"Yes. Master Chen had an interesting way of instructing me toward listening for a shift when magic is activated." Angus said with a grin. "It was not easy learning it."

James shook his head at Angus. "I don't understand what I just saw. I thought your weapon just shot fireballs or bullets and then I see you firing off a type Fiendfyre spell and then it changes to golden flames. How?!"

Angus shook his head. "I wasn't using a spell. It was pure wuixa flame element. It's the element I can work best through the peacemaker. however lightning element would have worked better just as well."

James frowned and started to say something but Angus drew out his peacemaker. He followed Angus' lead pulling out his wand and looking around for danger as they slowly approached the body of the wizard on the ground.

"Why did he attack us like that?" James whispered.

Angus shook his head. "He was probably put here to watch for us and he's dark wizard. Killing people is what they do best. There are no rules in battle. Be watchful but relax a bit so you can be quick to draw on attacker." He said as they quickly neared the body on the ground.

"Yes, Sir."

Angus had the peacemaker aimed at the body frowning at it. He noticed the wand was still in hand of the wizard on the ground. "Your in a lot a pain. I expect. I could relieve you of that pain right quick if you want."

There was no response. James frowned but kept his eyes darting around. He didn't know what Angus was about but he kept to his assignment.

"Listen. I don't fault you for sneaking up on my back door to put me down. It's the name of the game but you tried to kill my son and good buddy over here.

I'm willing to let you go though if you tell me who stole the stone from The Count. I don't want it personally. This is just a job to me."

No response.

"I know. I know. Your thinking I'm talking out of my ass but I'm being real with you Mr. Killer. I just want to finish this job and get back to my business and spending time with my son. You're probably feeling sore about loosing to an American Magi but it is what it is. No fault on your end. I been around. I learned some stuff from the Wuixa."

The wizard opened his eyes staring up at Angus. "The Wuixa do not welcome outsiders of the West into their sect with your power and name. How did you learn holy light?"

Angus smiled. "My Master Chen taught me. He took a liking to me because I made him laugh and I am a very patient man."

"Damn you." The wizard cursed Angus. "Damn you and your entire mudblood family legacy. Your are a disgrace to the pure bloods and magical world."

"Tell me where your master is and where I can find him or I'll destroy your wand and leave you here for wild animals or the next passing dark wizards to play with. I'm not leaving without the information. We can do this kindly or I can squeeze the information out of you. I'll do it. Don't push me. But besides all that. I won. You loss. It is what it is. You know the rules of the game" Angus said cold.

"Your a liar. You have defeated me. My wand is yours." He said.

"I don't want your wand. I don't need it. In fact I want you to keep. You can work out. Build your muscles and maybe one day you'll be strong enough to attack me from behind again and or catch me with my pants down on toilet. Then you can pat yourself on back for much of a strong brave pure blood you are." Angus said and then snorted in to laughter.

James flinched shaking his head. He said nothing but kept his eyes on watch for danger.

"Damn you, Dragon of the West. Damn you to hell. He said I'd never be able to beat you but I had to try. His name is Hector Wells. You can find him in the East Coast City of the Capital of the congress. Now leave me to my failure and disgrace."

"James. Grab hold." Angus said holding out his hand he kept his gaze and peacemaker leveled on the wizard on the ground.

James pocketed his wand and grabbed a hold on Angus' arm.