Back Sight

Angus lay on his back in a field of dandelions staring up at the cloudy sky. He heard rather then saw his wand being destroyed by his opponent. To the victor goes the wand and what he would do with it.

It was done. He had fallen into the same trap his father, uncles and all his brothers. Power and position. He had failed to resist it in a most damnable way possible. Now his family line would end with him. He didn't know how to handle that at first. He had failed.

"Do you hate me?" Max Hellion asked still with his weapon drawn.

Angus frowned at the question and he wondered why Max even bothered with such an idiotic question.

"Angus. Come on mate. I need to know your thoughts here. It would benefit you depending on how this thing would continue on."

"Continue on?! I have no idea what the hell your talking about bro. You won. I lost. That's the general way of a duel goes. One idiot challengers another idiot and guess what happens? The idiot loses." Angus said.

"I had to destroy your wand mate. No way around it."

"I don't feel like talk about my feelings bro. I challenged you. I lost. It is what it is. My girl is on going to my ass because of this shit."

"You didn't use Avada Kedavra. Why not?" Max asked in confused voice.

Angus frowned up at the sky. "What the hell are you talking about now?"

"You know Avada Kedavra. You didn't use the spell. It's a duel."

Angus glared up at the sky. "Now I get to listen this bullshit. Your a damned asshole for rubbing it in like this bro. You can't let me go down like real G. You have to rub my face in the shit."

"Bloody hell would you answer my damned question." Max demanded.

"We agreed to using Stupefy. Asshole. So I used Stupefy. What the hell are you on bro? It's just a duel it ain't a damned war or something. I can't believe I challenged you to a duel. What the hell was I thinking? This is the most embarrassing day of my life." Angus said as he stared at the sky now realizing the full idiocy of his situation. "I blame you for this?"

Max sighed and put away his wand to sit down on the ground next to Angus. "Okay. Ah. I got something to ah tell you."

Angus shook his head. "No. I can feel your about to say something that is going to add to me feeling like a bigger jackass then I already feel like right now."

"Just listen to me first. Barney came to last night telling me you had wanted this to be a real duel. You had some rumor that I had tried to seduce your lady. He said you were getting serious ideals about going for rising for power. So I had to use serious force and destroy your wand."

"Good old Barney likes to talk shit Max. He always has sense forth year at Hogwarts when we had to get him out of jam because he had talked himself into being thrown in a trash bin on Diagon Alley. Don't go trying to tell me you believed him. You still blasted my ass into the air with Stupefy on the first draw. I've never seen you draw that fast in my life. I never had a chance." Angus said as he realized the distance he really did have from being a great wizard as his grandfather was to faraway from him to touch. "I never had a chance." He whispered softly.

"Shit. You can get a new wand mate. Hell I'll even pay for it for you to get a top one." Max said.

Angus shook his head. "No. This ain't going to work. I have to find a different way. I'll just keep hitting the same damn wall if I keep going down this path. If this is as far as I go as a wizard so be it. But, I can't end my life like this. I have to change. I have to find a way to win."

"No you don't." Max insisted. "Your the last descendant of Harry Potter. You've got me and Ava to back you up. You got great skills as at dueling and hunting dark wizards and combating dark creatures."

Angus shook his head. "No. Grandpa Harry told me not to coast along on his name. He told me to not lean on my friends to much but be someone they can lean on. He told me that I had to find my own way and make my own name. He told me I had to become great for myself sake not to make for some bullshit legacy."

Max stared at him. "He didn't say that last part." He said.

Angus sat up and looked at Max. "Yes he did. Grandpa Harry was a real one. He was nothing like the bullshit stories people told us. That's why he was a great man because he wanted me to be my own man. I'll never be what he was but I will obtain my own greatness. My story isn't going to end up like my father and brothers or uncles."

Angus got up to his feet. At the same time Max did.

"Are you going to be alright?" Max asked in concern.

"I don't know yet. I have to go away for a bit. I'm going to see Ava first to tell her what I'm going to do. If she's willing to wait for me then they'll be something for me to come back for." He said and stared off.

"Angus. Where are you going?"

Max smiled. "East. I'm going as far East as I can go until I find them."

"The Far Eastern Wizards? We've got plenty of their wizards here and we have all the books from the masters in the Far East. You should know, you studied them in Hogwarts. You are a scholar on them."

Angus grimaced shaking his head. "Am I? Learning from books ain't the same as being instructed from the people that wrote the damned books. It's time I upgraded my training. Come on. I'm going to need emotional support when we meet my girl and tell her I lost against the future minister of magic." He said and disappeared.