The Court of Owls

Angus stood in a closed off board room before a long boarding room desk where eight men in robes sat. Their faces were all masked by some sort of spell Angus couldn't see through but for one man. A man with black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Yo. What's up Nick?"

Nick nodded to Angus. "What's up bro? Sorry for having to call you up here so late. But it's important."

"Alright fellas I'm here. What's with all the trouble that you had to call me up from Texas that couldn't send me a damn letter to solve?" Angus asked.

"As a member of the Court we have every right to call you in for an accounting of your latest cases or discuss matters as they arise." One of the men with shadowy face said heatedly.

Angus nodded. "Okay. Okay. I get what your saying. So what's the job or what do I need to be held accountable for this time?"

"You purposely being an asshole right now. There is no need for it. We need a vote for the new head of the Owls and your thoughts."

Angus pointed toward the man whose face was not shadowed in magic. "I vote for President Tim Nickolas Coles."

"You cast the same vote every season of seat changing." One of the men protested.

Angus shrugged. "I vote for who I want. Is that all?"

"No it is not. We have mission for you. Dementors have invaded the magi homeland. You must hunt them down and exterminate them with in the next forty-eight hours or your position will be called into question-"

"-Yeah. Yeah. I know. I'm waiting for you to give me a damn location for their possible location so I can pop over to there and get rid of them for you." Angus said in annoyance.

"Reports are said that they have landed in the Capital City of the Congress of the magi. We will provide you with a picture of the building they are-"

"-I don't need a picture. I just needed to know where they are. I can get anywhere I want and any time I want to get there. Anything else?"

One of the men stood up and bounded over the desk disappearing and appearing before him. "Yeah. I'm coming with you. I own the building."

Angus nodded. "So be it, Mr. Mr.-"

"You damn well know my name Angus or you want to be a silly ass then Mr. Wells will do."

"Your the one that's clouding your face up in some magical charm along with the others. Because y'ah are having a bad hair days."

"It's for our protection as well as your own, Angus." One of the faceless men said. "We can't not afford for the members of the council members to get out to the population at large through the back sight."

"You wouldn't need protection if you just sent me a note-"

"Angus. Let it go!" Nick said.

Angus rolled his eyes. "Alright. Alright. Let's get on the move then." He said held out his arm.

Wells snorted shaking his hand. "I'll be the anker. And I'll be fighting with you." He said holding out his arm.

Angus sighed and put his index finger on Wells palm.

"Alright let's go." He said.

Wells laughed. "You sure you'll be able to hold on."

Angus nodded. "I'm sure. What's your happy thought?"

"The day we beat The Horde and saved the nation. That was a good day."

Angus shook his head. "No isn't it. Whatever it is. Keep it in your mind. Focus on it and shoot."

The two men disappeared and an instant later Angus fell down into a dark room with strange deep blood chilling emptiness. Angus's peacemaker was in one hand and knife in the other hand as he came to his feet in a room filled with creatures' that stood several heads taller then him. They began to sing out a song that brought a deep cold freeze to the air.

Angus spun into 360 spin as he fired his peacemaker and glowing flames came out of the nose setting the Dementors on fire. The song of the Dementors came to halt as they were set on fire by the glowing flames. Several of them ran as few of them took hold of Angus screaming in his face and tried to suck his emotions and thoughts from his body.

Angus went still. As the room began to shake and then He smiled. The Dementor jerked away but he grabbed it's arm and looked at up at it. "Look into my eyes Demon and see what you fear." He said.

The Dementor screamed. Angus lifted his peacemaker and fired sending a round of gold flames into the body of the Dementor and exploding it on contact. Several of the Dementor ran as Angus gave chase.

"Ain't no getting a way boys." Angus cried after them.

Angus threw glowing knives into their bodies bringing the down as he raced to make sure he got them all before they escaped only when he searched all the house did he began to limp to the front of the house of the front door.

The door swung open as Angus lifted his weapon up aiming it at Nick and Wells. Wells' face was masked. He frowned at him and looked at Nick.

"Was this a test?" He asked Nick.

Nick walked inside looking at the Dementors on the floor and then he took out a cigar and lit it up with a lighter. He looked at him. "You can't kill Wells. He's apart of my Court."

Angus shifted his gaze toward Wells. "Are you satisfied with the results?"

"Yes. Yes I am. It was as I suspected. You did become a master of the Far Eastern arts of magic. No wizard as ever taken out a breed of Dementors alone, with only command weapons, tricks ever. You didn't even use a patronus."

Angus shook his head. "Western Wizard didn't invent the patronus charm. We just created our own version of something that existed for centuries before our people challenged our magic from the elemental forces of the world. I didn't learn that in the Wusxia. Neville Longbottom taught me this."

Wells waved a careless hand at his words. "Sentimental talk doesn't suit men of power like ourselves. You went to the far east wizards and learned their secrets. Those secrets have led you to become an eastern magical wizard. Can you use all four elements?"

Angus looked at Nick. "Nick-"

"-He has nothing to do with this. As a wizard of the Court of Owls. I'm asking you a direct question."

"I ain't no wizard." Angus bite back. "I'm Wusxia. But to answer your question. I know how to wield all four elements but I am no master yet. Why don't you stop with all this dancing around and tell me what the hell you want so I can get the hell on?"

"I want loyalty. I want complete loyalty to the court and every member. Not just me your friend here. You will give it to me or you can remove yourself from the court and this country."

Angus smiled. "I can do loyalty but not complete loyalty."

"Complete loyalty or you and your son must leave my country." He said.

"No. I sworn a duty to protect the magi here and maintain their safety. My complete loyalty goes to my family, friends and the President of the Congress of magi. If you were to attack the magi or the President. I would be honor bound to put you to sleep."

"Including your President Cole?" Wells asked nodding to Nick. "If he so crossed the Magi here or dared to-"

"We are all honor bound by that oath." Nick said finally. "It would be his duty to take me out as well if I so crossed the line and endangered our people. This isn't complicated."

Wells shook his head and pointed at Angus. "I don't understand you. You don't move or behave like a man with power. You're either pretending to be something your not or pretending to be some noble creature of fantasy people believe you to be." He said. "You are not a dragon of West."

Both Nick and Angus snorted in laughter. Angus put away his weapon in his side holster. "This is all interesting but I got to make my kid his birthday breakfast. Later." He said and vanished.