Gambit and Mystery

James stood in the hall of the tower of Hawks Landing as he takes in the news of Angus' news of his departure. His family sits by quietly eating their breakfast ins silence.

"Okay so how long are we going to be away?" James asked him quickly. They couldn't be away for to long because Hawks Landing needed to be protected.

Angus folded his arms across his chest. "I'm going to be away for a bit your not coming with me. You'll be needed here. I'm leaving the sword in your keeping until I get back. It's a special mission and I can't bring you along for this thing and you're a strong enough fighter to defend your dream realm." He said.

James sighed. "Okay."

"Okay? Just like that?" Angus said.

James nodded. "Your the boss. We'll hold Hawks Landing until your return." He said calmly. "That reminds me though I think we'll need to start hunting up for more people to defend this place when you have to go off on your work for the Owls and President."

Angus nodded. "Again that would be your issue to handle James if you want to keep this place the way it is."

James grunted. "Alright. When you get back we can decide on that stuff for later."

"Son. I'll put a front in public and about whose running this place but you handle things how you like." He said.

James snorted in frustration. "Everything has to be complicated. I told you how people perceive me and you is totally different. We can have the same goals but people will perceive your motives and mean differently. It's just the way it is. Your the hero type. I'm a Slytherin."

"No." Angus said shaking his head. "This ain't school. This is real life. Your an adult you do whatever you want to do and move how you wish too. Damn how anybody else feels about it. I'm with you not everybody else."

"James. What are you planning on building or engineering for Hawks Landing." Ava asked.

James looked toward her. Ava was coming to her feet. She cupped her hands tightly together. She smiled at him.

"It depends on what's needed for the people that will be coming here. We've already had a few major buildings and new constructs developed by Nick and everyone here. Dago has done probably the most out of all of us in protection ward theory and development for security purposes."

Angus snapped his fingers. "That's another thing I need your in put on. Like you said we need a damn opening guard in here. Do you want to recruit some the owls to come into your project to build on to it."

James frowned started to speak but saw Dago at the doors waving for him to come. He nodded his head holding up a finger. "Only bring in someone willing to help and people you trust who are strong like you trust like Nick."

Angus made a face shaking his head. "That would be a bit hard son. I don't trust none of them assholes like I do Nick. He just brought me into the group to watch his back among the wolves."

James shrugged. "That's depressing but not unexpected. Okay. I guess we can stick with Nick from the Owls. He's the strongest and the most capable. His one contribution was enough to build on for the next years to come. Alright I'm going to start sending out letters to my friends. and contacts from school. If you can think of someone creative and has an interesting wizardry mind and loyal to us that can help bring them."

Angus smiled and nodded his head. "I can think of a few people. They would love to get a look at your place and their minds would create something here for you to craft with the magic you've created here."

"Bring em up bro! Again, I didn't create any magic here. That's all on you and everybody else here I've just taken advantage of the ground you produced here by accident of fate." James said.

"Don't start that shit with me son. I had a talk with Nick already he had no idea what the hell you crafted out his spell when I told him about the tower. He said it was all you doing and a work of your magical invention here. What type of spell craft have you built here? Your really going have to give it a damn name before somebody else tries to steal credit for you created here with your mind and skill." He said.

Dago waved at James. He looked annoyed at him.

James nodded. "Alright enough of this bullshit. I got to go bro. Try to finish up your job in the next couple of weeks as fast as you can. We're going to have a party before the end of this month comes to end." He said and held out his fist.

Angus and James bumped fists and slapped hands. Angus disappeared. James walked quickly toward Dago toward the doors as held them open for him.

Ava and Mara followed behind James silently as they walked outside into the bright sunny day. James grinned at the sight of Hawks Landing in early morning around him.

"James. What party are you and your father talking about. Is it a political event you are attempting to start?" Ava asked.

James shook his head and saw storms in the distance at the border of the realm. He sighed. "Your birthday is this month Mother. We're planning a big celebration in the tower. I might even bring some of your friends in if I can manage it." He said pointedly.

"James we have only a few minutes until the wards break. You have to repair them man." Dago said in a rush.

James nodded as he came to the platform that housed Dago's long whiteboard. He got out his wand before stopped in front of the spells in written down on them and tapped his finger to them.

The magical words disappeared off the whiteboard and appeared hovering in the air over the palm of his hand. He slipped his wand between the circle of wards and magical words and they grafted onto his wand.

"Get back!"

They backed away from James as he spun around to the east. "PROTEGO!"

A Loud and crackling sound came from the wand as it rebounded out of the tip of the wand and expanding out like giant wave of energy expanding out into the entire Hawks Landing border.

James sighed. As he took a breath and watched for the lightning and thunder. There was a moment it stopped for a few seconds and then James felt danger. He turned bringing up an element shield of fire and water with his hand. A wizard dusty red hair and sky blue eyes appeared in front of him.

"Expulso!" The wizard hit James shield with the spell and sent him him flying at the same time a sword appeared in his hand and flew across the stone ground toward where James had fell.

"Stupefy!" Dago spoke.

The wizard was jerked to stop and his sword sent flying.

Ava and Mara aimed their wands at him.

"Put your wand down!" Dago commanded

A bang sounded from the wizard's wand sending a wave of white energy out and knocking Dago, Ava and Mara back several feet away. Mara fell off the edge and dove after her.

The wizard aimed his wand for where James had been laying on the grey stony ground. Suddenly James appeared punching the wizard in the face before he was kicked back to the ground.

James lay on the ground as the sword fell on him stabbing him with his sword. James didn't cry out though to his own surprise but he knocked the wizard back with his staff.

The wizard stared at him as James got to his feet the sword still in his left shoulder. He reached for it and removed it with grunt. The sword disappeared and appeared in the wizard's hand.

The wizard stared at him. "You choose the staff."

James frowned at him. "Yes. I choose the staff and the wand choose me." He said.

"You could have used a sword. I was kind ah hoping you would mate. I wanted to get a look at it first hand." He commented.

Ava and Mara appeared beside James holding out their wands toward the wizard.

James nodded. "No point in bringing out a sword when I don't have much use for it or know how to fight with one well enough. Why didn't the sword hurt me? Is this a test?"

The wizard held out the sword for him to look at it. "Do you remember this sword?" He asked.

James frowned and examined the sword closely now. It was thin sword with a noticeable precious of power. He stared at it and then he looked up. He glared at him. "You Gryffindors are an annoying bunch of assholes. Did you really think that sword was going to hurt me? That's enchanted sword you know. It's a weapon against evil and those that threaten Hogwarts." He said heatedly.

Ava frowned and looked at the sword and then glared at the wizard. "You dare use the sword of Gryffindor against my son."

The man chuckled shaking his head. "I wanted to know who James Potter was. You''ve got a lot of rumors about you mate. A lot people think your a evil little bastard. It was quick way of finding out."

James putting away his wand. "Well now that that's done. Who the hell are you?"

The Wizard waved the sword away and disappeared. He smiled. "I'm Ron Wesley. Nice to meet you."