
"James did you give that villain your core?" Ava asked. "Was it a trick? Was it some type of illusion you used. Tell me."

James paused in his writing a moment. "I didn't give him anything, he stole my magical core. Listen, mother. Your not going to like my answer and it really wouldn't help-"

"Tell me the truth. No lies no misdirection the plain truth and then I'll know what I need to do!" Ava shouted.

James shook his head. "Yes. It was my magical core and everything I have learned and what little skill I have mastered over my short life span. Now would you please help in documenting your account and thoughts when the Wesley library was created." He said calmly.

Ava shook her head. "I have to find your father. He'll know how to handle this and get your core back. Afterwards we'll have to talk about what to do about guarding your secrets here and getting you a proper duelist to train for you combat. You should have went with your father. Your not ready for this war. I'm sorry James. It's the truth."

James shook his head and waved her away. "If you can find father then be on your way. I'll have Dago and Mara to help me in my research." He said turning his eyes to his notebook.

Mara and Dago who had been quietly sitting at a desk. But they got up and started studying and taking notes about their observations about the Wesley core.

Ava sighed. "I'm not trying to put you down. I'm just making an observation. It's not your fault but you made a major mistake in letting your enemy see your weakness and revealing your power to him."

James grunted as he wrote down his thoughts in the notebook without looking up. "You should get going. Father will want to know what has happened and he'll handle it how he will." He said.

"I will also have a talk with Hermiona to-"

"Leave Aunty Hermiona alone. She wouldn't know what Ron was up to nor would she willingly played a part in it." James said calmly.

"You don't know that. You don't know as much as you think you do James. You have used that man but he still got the better of you. You allowed that man to come in here and the take your magical core. Your still young and human." She said.

James nodded. "I'm a young fool then in need of more schooling and more powerful wizards-"

"I didn't say any of that! Listen to me! James stop and look at me. James!"

James dropped his pen and finally looked up at her as he folded his hands together and stared at her silently. "Continue."

Ava sighed. "You have a ways to go before you will become a powerful wizards. You still need training and teaching from your father to become half the wizard he has become. It was like you said before he left. You still need him to train you to grow in your power. Your right that your father needs to take a more hands on touch here. Your not ready but one day you will be."

James stared at her. "Are you done?" He asked calmly.

Ava shook her head. "I know I am annoying you and taking you from your work. But this isn't your destiny-"

"-I know what my destiny. You will not redefine my destiny for me. Have I made myself clear?" James spoke in calm cold voice.

Ava blinked frowning at him. "James I am only-"

"You're going beyond the realm of disrespect and intruding into the path I've chosen for my life and the one that has been revealed to me. You will not interfere in my life choices. You will not dictate to me how I will live my life. I am an adult and a married man. You will not decide what I will do with my life. It's my life not yours. You do not own me. Have, I made myself clear to you?"

"Perfectly. Is it your wish to become just as strong as your father?"

James shook his head. "No. I can not obtain that objective. I am not capable enough or strong enough to be as strong as he is. I will become the President the Congress of Wizards and become the strongest magi and wizard I can become."

Ava frowned at him in confusion. "James. You are your father's son. Look at what you've achieved so far here. Look around you at this construct you've made. The amazing things you've done. How can you still think this way?"

"Dad said I would never be as strong in martial magic as Mara or as capable as a spell engineer as you are. So why would I attempt to be like him."

Ava stared at him. "What are you saying? Your giving up then?"

James shook his head. "No. I'm going to find my own way. Just like my father taught me to do. I'm going for what I want and what I can achieve. Potters never give up, we just find another way. I'm going to be the President of the Congress and I'm going to perfect my apparition and in forty years of practice and study in wusixa I will gain my own level of strength and power. I will find my own way."

Ava smiled. "Son. Your father was merely stating his opinion based on the current facts. Those facts will be changeable in the next forties years when you advance past Mara in magic power. You don't have to doubt yourself and-"

"-I never said I was doubting myself." James interrupted her studying her closely. "You've researched Mara's back history I'm sure and you are aware she is smarter and more capable in areas of magic. She always had better grades then me and she did help me out with my studies."

"James. These insecurities you have about yourself are to much. You are great wizard. You need to believe in yourself but realize your still human. Your still capable of failure and mistakes. There's nothing wrong with admitting your mistakes when you make them." Ava said but smiled.

James stared at her then rubbed his chin in thought before he nodded his head. "Your right mother. I did make a mistake. Luckily. I have dad and you to help clear up my mess. You did invent a brand new magic system." He said with a smile.

Ava blinked frowning. "What?! James. Why did you say that? Why must you turn everything I say into a sign that I am belittling you. This is dangerous situation. You don't know who hired that villian to steal your core. We have to get it back before something bad happens to you or worse your father might lose favor with the far eastern Wizards."

James shook his head. "Mother. I think you should go find father now if you can. It's important that you go now and help clear up my mistakes and foolishness quickly. Ron does have my magical core. As you said and believe this is a dangerous situation. You have to go stop him. I know you'll be able to find him and dad is a determined hunter. Go. I'll be safe here. I won't get into anymore trouble. After you leave I'm putting Hawks Landing into a lock down. When you complete your mission. I'll open it up for you." He said rising to his feet. "Dago! Help me out."

Dago stepped forward quickly along with Mara. "Alright Dago. Do you remember the spell we first did as a ward protection for the border?"

Dago nodded. "I do. I don't know if I'll be able to copy what you did, mate without your help."

"I'll help." Mara said.

James nodded. "Good. We're going to need you. Alright Dago you stand to my right Mara to my left."

"James what are you doing? I need you to hold off on anymore experiments before your father returns to protect you."

"Mother. If you don't leave right now you'll miss your window to be able to go for the next forty-eight hours. Go find dad and hunt down Ron. Go do what you need to do. Right now, because when you get back things are going to be a lot different." He said turning away from her to Dago and Mara.

"James. You've lied to me haven't you? Damn it, James. We're going to talk about this when I get back." Ava said before disappearing.

Both Dago and Mara were grinning at him. "What are you two grinning about?" He asked.

"We're about to make history aren't we?" Dago said.

Mara laughed. "This is crazy. It's like everyday is one wild ride to the next. Will it ever end?"

"Bloody hell. I hope not. I alright James. Let's do it." Dago said taking out his wand and the same time Mara did.

James held up his hand and a circle of wards appeared in front of them. "Alright take out your wands and I need you two need to perform your best PATRONUM!"