Hope for a new beginning

Wait." Angus said holding up his hand.

James started to speak but Angus narrowed his eyes on him. "Just give me a second. I have say something before y'all go off into this thing. I do have a bit of experience in combat and war then you do."

James blinked and relaxed and he nodded. "Go ahead Dad. I'm sorry my emotions got the better of me for a moment. Your are the veteran in martial combat. I apologize again. Please advise or correct us or a better game plan."

Angus stiffened but he nodded. "Yeah. Ah. Okay. You trust the vampire still even now."

"Completely without question." James said.

"I'm sorry. I have to know the details. Explain to me the reason." Angus asked.

"Grandpa Harry is my great grandfather from a mirror realm earth. He travelled here to our earth realm chasing his enemy that came here over thirty plus years ago when you were born. He has been protecting you and I as best as he could ever sense then from that enemy and his dark servants. I know all this because he shared those memories with me and I got the echoing memories from your grandfather's wand before he died." James said.

Angus stared at him. "Thank you for telling me the truth. I know it wasn't easy for you to share Grandpa Harry's story but thank you."

"Do you wish to know what happened to his family and who turned him into a vampire? He didn't tell me but I have a guess on who killed his family and turned him into a vampire. Would you like to hear my explanation of who that person could be?" James asked Angus.

"No. I can already figure that much out for myself. Though I'm not as smart as you are I do have a functioning brain. Harry Potter only had one enemy in his life."

James nodded. "Alright your in charge. What's the plan then? How would like us to proceed or do you wish us to stay here while you and Grandpa Harry fight the enemy."

"Are you serious?" Angus asked.

James nodded. "Yes. I am being very serious. I overstepped my role here and I am not a warrior but any means and you are the leader here. We'll follow your lead from now on. I did not mean overstep my role here. It was just emotions and all. Go ahead dad. You're the boss?"

Angus blinked and stared at James and then shook his head. "Okay. I want you to help grandpa Harry. He'll watch your back. Your friend Dago will go with me to the forest. Mara and your mother will go to the tower to defend it."

James nodded. "Okay. When your ready by your leave."

Angus rubbed his temple. "Yeah. Ah. When we get a break in between the fights we'll discuss where everybody's role is and how not to overstep on everyone else' place. You can head out James to Grandpa Harry."

James nodded and looked at the sword in his hands. "Return!" He said and the sword returned to a ball of light and went back into the sword. He then reached for his wand and turned into the apparition appeared beside Harry as he was dueling two wizards. "Exploso!"

The was loud cracking sound and then two wizards were blasted with explosive spell that sent them and other wizards advancing forward toward them.

Harry wordlessly cast a protection shield around them as he turned to James. "Why are you here? Did your father send you?"

James nodded. "Yes. Dago is with him and Mara is with my mother." He said.

Wizards around attempted to cast spells at the shield around them to break it but their spells kept being bounced off.

Harry nodded. "That is wise of him. Join the experienced with the less experienced. Your mother is a marital wizard." He said.

James nodded.

Harry frowned at him. "Your time will come."

James blinked at him. "What?!"

Harry stared at him. "Your time will come. Be patient because there is never an end to learning to improve yourself. Your both different kinds of men with different destinies. He might out shine you in one way but your still his son. He's proud of the man your turning into. You'll find your own way and you have every right to stand tall next to him. Your day will come."

James stared at him as a slow shaky smile formed on his lips. "Only you would understand. I won't be a great warrior or wizard like him."

Harry shrugged. "You will be a great Slytherin and magi wizard though. That's something neither your father nor I can be. That is something for you to shoot for. Are you ready?"

James straightened up and nodded his head. "I'm ready what do you need me to do?"

Harry grinned. "Put your wand away and give that staff of yours some use. I'm interested to see what more you can do with it."

Harry said and then frowned at the shield as it began to crack under the endless battering of spells. "First lesson. I want you to change this shield spell into a weapon against our enemies. How's that sound?"

James nodded putting away his wand and took hold of his staff from behind his back. The staff glowed in grasp as he stood it before him.

Harry grinned. "Alright James. Give them a taste of what to expect in the future."

The shield began to glow into a warm golden bronze color. James lifted his staff and the shield expanded out.

"Mist of protection.

Mist of legends.

Come to my aid.

Force out these enemies invaders."

James ended his song and then he brought his staff down to ground hard. The shield expanded rapidly as lightning rained down on the shield and knocked into the other wizards electrifying them until they disappeared.

Harry capped his hands. "Hot damn!" He said and then froze as he breath became frosty. "Damn."

James felt a sudden chill as the dark wizards had left but something else had come. He frowned as he felt a sudden feeling of disappear and sadness grip him until Harry his arm.

"Dementors their coming. Damn him!" Harry said and then lifted his wand. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He roared and then a storm of warm energy hit James as storm of magic fired from his wand and stag raced out into darkness.

The patronum ran free racing into the gang of dementors only to be engulfed in dark flames. Harry lowered his head. "I've failed again." He said in defeat.

James came to his feet staff in hand. He closed his eyes focusing on everything that mattered to him. He breathed in the mists and exhaled. He heard the whispers of madness and sadness coming from his enemies as the darkness closed in on them.

The staff started glow with a warm a glow of amber and golden glow that an illuminated the darkness around James. He smiled. "There you are. I found you."

"What did you find?" Harry asked.

"Hope!" James whispered back with a small and opened his eyes and smiled at Harry. He laughed as the dementors around him started to scream.

"Potters never give up. We always find a way." James whispered into the darkness. A warmth filled his body. The was a stillness to the air and then lifted his staff and bright light shinned expanded out bathing the entire Hawks Landing in a glow that spread out overall.

A dozen Dementors all around screamed a hellish sound of one voice of pain and retreated backward fleeing the touch of the light.

"James. James. It's time for me to go!" Harry said as he started to fade in the brilliance of the warm light cast all around them.

James lowered his staff after several minutes finally let his staff down gentle. The after glow of the light was on his body still as he smiled at Harry. "Thank you, grandpa Harry. I promise I won't fail you. I'll avenge you and your family."

Harry smiled shaking his head at James. "No. No. That's not why I fought so long to live. Listen. James. Live a happy life. That's all I ever wanted for you and Angus. That's all your great grandfather ever wanted for you and yours. You'll do well James. You'll do well. Go find your father. Tell him. Tell him. I loved him with all my heart. I love you James. Your day will come. Please be patient for it and please live a long happy life. Until we meet again I love you." He said as he faded away.

"Have a good rest Grandpa Harry." James said smiling at him.

James turned and appeared beside his father and Dago as they rested on tree trunks. Angus smiled at him. "I've never seen or felt a patronus like that. It burned a couple of dementors and scared the hell out of dozens of dark lord jackasses. Good job son."

Dago stared at him though. "Where's your grandpa Harry?"

James sighed. "He's pasted on finally. I think he's earned good long rest." He said.

Angus looked up and sighed. "Damn."

"Dad. He told me to tell you-"

"I know." Angus said. "I know. I loved him too. Damn it. Why didn't he tell me the truth?"

"Does it matter now?" James asked.

Angus looked at him. He stared at the warm glowing light that was still on him. "No. No. doesn't. I should have just gotten over it and remembered how he protected your mother and you. I just got emotional about it. I treated him like crap."

James shrugged. "He forgave you. What do we do next?"

Angus sighed. "We head to the tower and check up on your mother and Mara. Then we start sorting out everybody's role here so that we can avoid stepping over each other. We'll also have to talk about getting security to a level we can have a private conversation around here without worrying about somebody listening into our plans. How's that sound, son?"

James leaned against staff and smiled. "That sounds like the right thing to do. That's what we'll do."