
It had been a pain filled number of days for Lily. Needles were poked into her arm for various reasons. She had to be administered painkillers at calculated times of the day and the part she absolutely hated, she had to be aided in the bathroom. For most of the day, Lily was a miserable wreck with so much anger and hate in her heart for the man she blamed.

The only time she didn't feel so miserable was when her best friends, Joan and Neo came to visit. They always brought snacks and Lily's favorite, hot gossip. When it came to that, Neo was their man. Whatever happened in the university, good or bad, he always knew about it. There wasn't a day when something juicy didn't happen and unfailingly, Neo always knew the details.

"And you guys would not believe what happened next."

Neo whispered as he fumbled a bubblegum between his teeth. Lily and Joan shared a quick glance. Their eyes shone with curiosity and excitement.

"Well don't keep us waiting Neo!"