Glass house

Lily sat in the back of a black SUV with tinted glasses. She still had the brace around her neck so she sat completely still with her eyes fixed on the car window closest to her view. She tried to ignore the fact that Asher Blackwood sat on the far end of the same backseat, but as a result of the dreadful silence between them, she could hear him steadily breathing. It had been that way since they left the hospital thirty minutes ago.

As the giant steel gates opened to let them in, Asher glanced at the woman on the other end of where he sat. It was the umpteenth time his eyes had wandered in her direction and he hated himself for it. A very faint part of him itched to say something, but he was quick to starve it of life before he would go ahead of himself yet again. It was the reason Lily was even in his car in the first place. It was the reason she was going to be staying at his house for the next few weeks.