53 - Equipment Technique

Mito Kiko wiped a trickle of blood from her face, her eyes never leaving Hirohiko. With swift, precise movements, Hirohiko had deflected most of her shurikens, his hands a blur as he knocked them away in just two fluid motions.

Suddenly, Mito Kiko sprang into action. She leaped high, her body twisting in a graceful somersault. As she reached the apex of her jump, four kunai glinted in her hands before she released them with deadly accuracy.

'Above!' Hirohiko's mind raced, his Sharingan eyes tracking Mito's every move. He had anticipated her reaching for her ninja pouch, had seen her fingers close around the kunai. Now, he was ready.

The kunai whistled through the air towards him. In one fluid motion, Hirohiko's hand dipped into his own pouch, emerging with three shuriken. He let them fly, his other hand simultaneously sweeping outward in a defensive arc.

The clash of metal on metal rang out - "Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!" - as Hirohiko's shuriken intercepted the incoming kunai. His sweeping hand knocked away the last shuriken, completing his defense.

Without missing a beat, Hirohiko pivoted, his arm whipping forward. A kunai shot from his hand, threading the needle between the four falling kunai and streaking towards Mito, still airborne.

Hirohiko's body swayed, almost dancing as he dodged the kunai that had passed his defenses. They whistled by, so close he could feel the wind of their passing, before embedding themselves in the ground at his feet.

'Perfect escape,' Hirohiko thought, a hint of satisfaction in his mental voice.

But the battle was far from over. As Mito descended, Hirohiko's kunai found its mark. A pained grunt escaped her lips, blood spattering the ground as she landed.

"Mito!" The anguished cry came from Sata Nozawa, Mito's teammate, his face a mask of concern.

Even Kayami Hyuga couldn't hide his surprise. 'This Hirohiko Uchiha,' he marveled silently. 'The power of the Sharingan... With such insight, he completely shattered Mito's offense. The Uchiha clan's reputation is well-deserved.'

'As I suspected,' Kayami concluded grimly, 'he's the strongest opponent here.'

"Is it over already?" one of the examiners breathed, eyes wide with amazement. "What an incredible display!"

But Kushina Uzumaki, Chiba, and Yukina knew better. 'No,' they thought in unison, 'this fight is far from finished.'

Mito Kiko, despite the kunai strike, managed to flip and land on her feet. She gritted her teeth against the pain, blood seeping from her left shoulder. Her landing was awkward, her hands clutching something unseen, a faint glimmer visible between her clenched teeth.

Hirohiko's heart clenched. 'What is she planning?'

In that instant, Mito yanked something with her hand. Hirohiko felt it immediately - a sensation like fine silk rubbing against his skin, hot and painful.

Before he could react, the four kunai at his feet sprang to life. They flew upward, circling his arm twice before he could blink.

Suddenly, Hirohiko found himself bound tight, his arms yanked forward like a marionette on strings.

'Wire!' The realization hit him. 'Steel wire!'

Hirohiko's pupils contracted, his blood-red Sharingan reflecting Mito Kiko. The wire was clenched between her teeth as her hands flew through a series of seals.

Instinctively, Hirohiko tried to retreat, but the wire held him fast. He could barely move, the shuriken on his arm clattering uselessly.

"An equipment manipulation technique?" Kushina Uzumaki murmured, surprised admiration in her voice. "This girl is full of surprises."

Chiba watched intently, his eyes narrowed. 'We can't underestimate anyone here,' he reminded himself. 'This is just like the fight with Might Guy - let your guard down for a moment, and it's over. Even Hirohiko, with his Sharingan, is struggling against Mito Kiko, who has no bloodline limit. We must stay alert!' His thoughts turned to his teammate. 'Hirohiko, don't you dare lose!'

'Come on, Hirohiko!' Yukina silently cheered, her hands clenched tight.

Mito Kiko completed her hand seals. "*Lightning Release: Snake Lightning!*"

"Zizi..." The sound of electricity filled the air.

Electric arcs danced from Mito Kiko's mouth, racing along the steel wire like a striking snake. When they reached Hirohiko, the lightning exploded in intensity, engulfing him in a cocoon of crackling energy.

"Aaah!" Hirohiko's cry of pain cut through the air, his body writhing in the grip of the lightning.

Mito Kiko spat out the wire, her eyes reflecting Hirohiko's thrashing form. 'It's over,' she thought, a mix of relief and disbelief washing over her.

"No way!" a spectator cried out. "The genius Hirohiko Uchiha, defeated like this?"

"I must be dreaming," another said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Mito, you're incredible!" Sata Nozawa cheered, his earlier concern replaced by exultation.

The other ninja in attendance exchanged shocked glances. Some even pinched themselves, unable to believe that the Uchiha prodigy had fallen to an unknown like Mito - a girl, no less!

"Sizzle..." The lightning gradually faded. Hirohiko stood motionless, his eyes rolled back, his body smoking from the intense electrical attack.

Chiba stared in disbelief. 'Is it really over? Did Hirohiko actually lose?' He shook his head. 'No, impossible. Hirohiko isn't that weak!'

Kushina Uzumaki and Yukina shared his skepticism.

Suddenly, a loud "boom" echoed across the field. The charred form of Hirohiko exploded into a cloud of white smoke. As it cleared, a section of blackened wood wrapped in steel wire fell to the ground.

'*Substitution Technique!*' The realization hit Mito like a physical blow. 'But when?'

Her eyes widened in shock. She tried to turn, to locate Hirohiko, but exhaustion and fear made her movements sluggish. The world spun, darkness creeping into the edges of her vision as she began to fall.

Behind her, Hirohiko appeared, kunai in hand. He moved to place it against her neck, but Mito's sudden collapse changed the trajectory. The kunai's point now aimed directly at her temple.

"Mito!" Sata's panicked shout rang out as he lunged towards the railing. Even Kayami Hyuga's stoic facade cracked, alarm evident in his eyes.

"Watch out!" The Proctor's voice boomed across the arena as he prepared to intervene.

Kushina Uzumaki and some Jonin also moved forward, ready to stop the potentially lethal blow.

In that critical moment, Hirohiko made his choice. He flung the kunai aside, his arms opening to catch Mito's falling form.

"Thump..." Mito Kiko landed safely in Hirohiko's embrace.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the onlookers. The Proctor, Kushina Uzumaki, Chiba, Yukina - all felt the tension drain from their bodies.

But then...


The sharp sound cut through the air, freezing everyone in place.

All eyes locked onto the scene before them, shock evident on every face.

A vivid red handprint bloomed on Hirohiko's cheek, the force of the slap so great that his head had snapped to the side. A small swelling was already visible.

Chiba's eyes were wide as saucers. 'What the hell?' he thought, unable to process what he was seeing.

'That slap... I can almost feel the sting from here!'

His concern for his teammate surged. 'Hirohiko, are you alright?'