54 - The End Of The First Round

Chiba's eyes followed Hirohiko as he ascended the stairs, each step deliberate and measured. The crowd at the top parted, their gazes trailing after the young Uchiha with a mix of awe and curiosity.

Hirohiko's face remained impassive, a mask of indifference. Yet, the bright red handprint on his cheek told a different story, a stark contrast to his composed demeanor. The crisp sound of the slap still echoed in the minds of the onlookers, a collective memory etched in the tense silence.

The incident had been a misunderstanding, a series of unfortunate events that had led to this moment. Hirohiko had merely thrown his kunai and accidentally embraced Mito Kiko—or rather, she had fallen into his arms. His substitution technique, intended to subdue Mito from behind, had brought them unexpectedly close. The embrace had been nothing more than a reflexive action when Mito lost her balance.

But intentions meant little in the face of reality. Hirohiko's hand had inadvertently landed on Mito's developing chest, a fact that became apparent all too quickly. Mito's momentary dizziness had cleared in an instant, her surprise morphing into righteous anger. Her soft frame had found an unexpected reservoir of strength, and the resulting slap had been nothing short of spectacular.

Chiba winced inwardly, noting the slight swelling on Hirohiko's face. The audience remained stunned, the silence broken only by Mito's angry footsteps as she stormed away, her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation.

Despite the drama, the ninja proctor's voice cut through the tension, dutifully announcing Hirohiko's victory. As Hirohiko approached, Chiba could see the confusion swirling in his eyes. The young Uchiha seemed genuinely perplexed by Mito's reaction, unaware of how he had offended her.

"Let me take a look," Kushina Uzumaki said, her voice a mix of concern and amusement. She gently pulled Hirohiko closer, examining his face with a critical eye. A slight smile played at the corner of her mouth as she said, "It's not too bad. Just apply some swelling ointment when you get home."

Chiba couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Hirohiko, the prodigy, had fallen victim to an unexpected misfortune.

Across the room, Mito's emotions warred within her. Anger simmered beneath the surface, but her eyes kept darting towards Kayami Hyuga. The fact that she had been "groped" in front of her crush added a layer of mortification to her anger, a nervous energy radiating from her tense posture.

Kayami, however, seemed oblivious to Mito's inner turmoil. His gaze remained fixed on Hirohiko, only shifting to Chiba when the Uchiha moved to accept Kushina's inspection. In that moment, Kayami's eyes blazed with uncontrollable anger, a deep-seated resentment threatening to bubble to the surface.

'Chiba Taki!' The name echoed in Kayami's mind, a silent growl of frustration.

Meanwhile, Sata Nozawa attempted to comfort Mito, but his words fell on deaf ears. The anger had faded from Mito's face, replaced by a look of regret as she gazed at the young genius she had slapped.

"Alright!" Yuriko's voice cut through Chiba's observations, accompanied by a firm pat on his shoulder. "You can stand up now."

Relief washed over Chiba as he realized the absence of pain. He marveled at the effectiveness of the medical ninjutsu. 'Extraordinary,' he thought. 'An injury that should have kept me hospitalized for weeks, healed in mere moments.'

Kushina's voice carried a note of warning as she approached. "Don't underestimate your opponents next time. Everyone here has earned their place in the Chunin exams."

Chiba instinctively tensed, sensing Kushina's raised hand behind him. He braced himself for a reprimanding blow, a physical reminder of his lapse in judgment. To his surprise, Kushina merely pressed his head, turning him to face Kayami Hyuga.

Leaning close, she whispered in his ear, "That's your real opponent. You understand?"

Startled, Chiba nodded. "I understand."

"You must defeat him," Kushina's voice carried a weight that Chiba couldn't quite comprehend.

As Kushina straightened up, she muttered something under her breath. Chiba strained to hear, catching only the first few words: "Win that bet..."

The rest was lost as the proctor announced the start of the next match, the exam continuing its relentless pace.

The day wore on, a parade of unfamiliar faces and impressive techniques. Chiba noted the absence of some expected participants—Asuma Sarutobi, Ebisu, and Genma Shiranui were nowhere to be seen. Yet, the caliber of the contestants remained high, each showcasing skills that went far beyond the typical genin level.

As Tsunade announced the details for tomorrow's second test, Chiba found himself lost in thought. The day's events played through his mind, a whirlwind of techniques and strategies to analyze and learn from.

"Tomorrow at nine, first training ground," Tsunade's voice cut through his musings. "Be prepared for the second phase of the Chunin exam!"

With a final "Dismissed!" the crowd began to disperse. Jonin and Chunin filed out, followed by the anxious, excited, and sometimes disappointed participants.

"I should head home and take care of this," Hirohiko said, gesturing to his still-red cheek.

Yukina Hyuga nodded. "I need to report the results to my father."

"Alright," Chiba said, watching them leave. Soon, he found himself alone outside the training field, the events of the day weighing heavily on his mind.

'I should check on Guy,' he thought, a twinge of worry gnawing at him. With a determined stride, he set off towards the Konoha Hospital, hoping he hadn't been too rough during their match.

The sun was setting as Chiba walked, casting long shadows across the village. As he approached the hospital, Chiba couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning.