55 - Visit

Chiba's footsteps echoed through the sterile hospital corridor, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The recent battle between Hirohiko and Mito Kiko played out in his memory like a vivid tapestry.

'Hirohiko's shuriken skills are truly remarkable,' Chiba mused, recalling the intense offensive. 'To counter such an onslaught with shuriken... it's beyond comprehension.'

He frowned, his analytical mind kicking into overdrive. 'Even possessing the Sharingan doesn't guarantee such prowess. This level of skill rivals Uchiha Itachi's. But why isn't there a ninja of this caliber in the original story?'

The puzzle pieces refused to fit. 'If such a prodigy exists—a seven-year-old with awakened eyes—why is there no record of Hirohiko?'

His thoughts shifted to Yukina, another anomaly in this world. A genius like Kakashi, graduating early, she was a prodigy of the Hyuga clan. Her talent rivaled Neji's, having mastered the Gentle Fist at a tender age. Neji, self-taught, had mastered *Heavenly Spin*, Gentle Fist, Sixty-Four Palms, and the Vaccum Palm. Yet Yukina had learned the Vaccum Palm at seven.

'Comparing their progress, with or without formal training, Yukina might be slightly behind Neji,' Chiba reasoned. 'But her talent is undeniable. So why isn't she hailed as "the genius of the Hyuga clan"?'

Then there was Mito Kiko, a twelve-year-old with mastery over A-rank ninjutsu, including the complex *Shadow Shuriken Jutsu*. Her *Lightning Jutsu* had been awe-inspiring. By all rights, she should have been a celebrated ninja in the original manga.

Chiba's brow furrowed deeper. 'Why is there no mention of these prodigies? It's... suspicious.'

A part of him wondered if Kishimoto had simply been lax with details, leaving the Third War era largely unexplored. But now, this wasn't merely a manga or anime—it was a fully realized world. The implications were staggering.

Lost in his reverie, Chiba failed to notice the approaching figure until a hand clapped his shoulder.

"Hey... Chiba, Chiba! Are you listening? Hey..."

Startled, Chiba whirled around to find Kakashi's eyes regarding him with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

'Not again,' Chiba chastised himself. 'I've got to stop getting lost in my head.'

"Kakashi," he acknowledged, his mouth twitching in embarrassment.

Kakashi sighed. "What's got you so preoccupied?"

"My apologies," Chiba mumbled. "I was... lost in thought."

Kakashi shook his head, a note of disbelief in his voice. "Your situational awareness is abysmal. How did I lose to you again?"

Chiba bristled at the jab but held his tongue as Kakashi continued, "What brings you here? Are you injured?"

"No, a medical ninja took care of my injuries," Chiba explained. "I'm here to see Might Guy."

They fell into step, Kakashi's hands tucked casually into his pockets. "I heard about your encounter during the Chunin exam," he remarked. "Guy ended up here because of you, didn't he?"

Chiba winced. "It wasn't intentional. But with Guy... you can't hold back."

A smile crinkled Kakashi's eyes. "That's Guy for you. Always convinced he can bounce back, no matter how hard he falls."

'So Kakashi sees it too,' Chiba thought, nodding in understanding. Aloud, he asked, "What about you, Kakashi? You don't appear injured."

"Just checking on Guy," Kakashi replied, gesturing to a nearby nameplate. "This is his room."

They entered to find Might Guy propped up in bed, his bowl-cut hair peeking out from beneath bandages. The usual green jumpsuit was replaced by a standard hospital gown.

"Yo, Guy!" Kakashi called out.

Guy's face lit up. "Kakashi!" His signature grin spread across his face, seemingly undiminished by his injuries.

Chiba scanned the room, noting the absence of his father Might Dai. Despite the bandages adorning Guy's head and body, his complexion remained healthy. It was a testament to his resilience.

'Incredible,' Chiba thought. 'He'll likely be discharged within days.'

Guy's thick eyebrows furrowed as he noticed Chiba. "This is..."

'You've got to be kidding me,' Chiba groaned internally. 'I defeated you. How can you not remember?'

Suddenly, Guy's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! Chibu! Your kick was phenomenal! I concede defeat!"

Chiba's eye twitched. 'Chibu? It's Chiba... Chiba!'

Before Chiba could correct him, Guy thrust out his right hand, thumb extended, and winked. "But next time, victory will be mine! Chibu! Our next battle will be a symphony of blood and youth!"

Chiba felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck. "It's Chiba... my name is Chiba."

"Understood, Chibu!" Guy nodded vigorously. "Our next clash will set youth ablaze!"

'He's doing this deliberately,' Chiba fumed, a vein throbbing in his forehead.

Kakashi patted Chiba's shoulder sympathetically. "Don't take it personally. He's always like this."

Turning to Guy, Kakashi asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Splendid!" Guy declared. "I'll be discharged tomorrow. Kakashi, Chibu, we must engage in a fiery battle of youth!"

Chiba's anger dissipated, replaced by resignation. "Tomorrow... I have the Chunin exam."

"And I have a mission," Kakashi added smoothly.

Chiba shot Kakashi a knowing look. 'That's definitely an excuse.'

Guy's face fell momentarily before brightening again. "How marvelous! Two fated rivals! Oh, the passion of youth! Two 'eternal opponents'! What joy! Youth!"

Chiba sighed inwardly. 'As I suspected, Guy is beyond my comprehension.'

Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he observed the exchange.

'Perhaps,' he mused, 'I should have skipped this visit altogether.'