67 - Killing Intent

Kayami Hyuga's cheeks bulged as the water pressure forced air from his mouth and nose. His eyes widened in shock as realization dawned. 'I was fooled! This bastard was conning me from the beginning!'

Minato Namikaze observed the scene, his initial astonishment morphing into comprehension. Chiba's strategy unfolded before him like a complex tapestry. The Water Prison Technique, typically a C-rank jutsu, required substantial water to execute with Chiba's limited chakra reserves. The boy had orchestrated every move to gather the necessary volume.

Mizutani and Shirakawa had created the initial water supply during their last fight, which Kayami had inadvertently scattered into a large pit. Chiba's subsequent water attacks on Kayami had further increased the volume. The combined efforts of the three genin had produced enough water to form the prison, with their seemingly random attacks designed to maneuver Kayami into position.

Minato's mind raced. 'Has this child really thought so far ahead?'

On the sidelines, Kushina Uzumaki clenched her fists, her vibrant red hair rising slightly as a grin spread across her face. Pride swelled in her chest at her student's ingenuity.

"Great! He's won!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying across the arena. "Well done, Chiba! This is how ninja fighting should be—full of strategy. You truly understand the essence of ninja combat."

Hirohiko and Yukina exchanged knowing glances. They had recognized Chiba's intentions throughout his series of moves, their eyes reflecting a mix of surprise, understanding, and respect. This was the Chiba they knew—the strategist who could turn the tide of battle through careful planning and flawless execution.

The Third Hokage observed silently, taking a deep draw from his pipe. Though he didn't speak, his eyes gleamed with interest, as if he'd discovered a rare gem among the young shinobi.

The legendary Sannin shared meaningful looks. They recognized that while Chiba appeared to have the upper hand, Kayami Hyuga had been in control for much of the fight. The young Hyuga's Gentle Fist style had perfectly countered Chiba's techniques, his Byakugan providing nearly impenetrable defense against both physical and ninjutsu attacks.

Yet, against all odds, Chiba had reversed the situation. Every move had been meticulously calculated, culminating in this moment of apparent victory. Until the very end, Kayami hadn't grasped Chiba's true intentions.

The Sannin marveled at the display. In a direct confrontation, Chiba couldn't match Kayami's raw power. But through cunning and composure, he'd outmaneuvered his opponent. It was a level of tactical thinking rarely seen in shinobi twice their age.

For a moment, the legendary ninja were speechless, their earlier doubts about Chiba's abilities thoroughly dispelled. The boy had demonstrated the epitome of ninja combat, his strategic mind proving to be his greatest asset.

Among the spectators, excited chatter erupted.

"Is Kayami in trouble?" one onlooker asked.

Another responded, "This Chiba kid is more powerful than we thought!"

"I can hardly follow what's happening," a confused voice admitted.

A more astute observer explained, "You're missing the point! Kayami's every move was manipulated by Chiba. He fell right into the trap."

"Kayami's been completely outplayed!" someone concluded.

Even Shinsuke Hyuga, Kayami's mentor, couldn't hide his astonishment. Despite his disciple's defeat, he found himself impressed by Chiba's performance.

Nearby, Might Guy turned to his father, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Father... can I really surpass someone like this? Kakashi, Chiba... are they out of my reach?"

Might Duy placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "Guy, remember this: life will present many challenges that seem insurmountable. But with unwavering confidence, hard work, and burning passion, you might surprise yourself. What once seemed impossible becomes achievable. Youth is filled with setbacks, but don't let them defeat you. The springtime of youth is just beginning!"

Father and son locked eyes, emotion welling up between them. Suddenly, they embraced, tears streaming down their faces.

"I'm sorry, father!" Guy sobbed.

"No apologies, son!" Duy replied. "Let's channel the full power of youth and aim for Kakashi and Chiba's level!"

"Yes, father!"

Their emotional display, combined with their matching green jumpsuits, drew attention from the crowd and even a brief glance from Chiba and Kayami on the battlefield.

Chiba's expression remained impassive, but his mind raced. The Water Prison Technique was draining his chakra rapidly. He estimated he had enough for two more jutsu at most. He needed to end this quickly; Kayami wouldn't admit defeat easily.

A moral dilemma nagged at him. Should he go for the kill? His eyes flicked to Yukina in the spectator area, her solemn gaze fixed upon him. If he killed Kayami, how would it affect Yukina?

Chiba frowned, weighing his options. If he spared Kayami, he risked future retaliation. Kayami's superior strength was undeniable. The threat of such a powerful enemy would haunt Chiba's nights.

Decision made, Chiba steeled himself. 'No matter the consequences,' he thought, 'I must act now.'

He raised his free hand, fingers moving in a precise pattern. Minato Namikaze's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the technique.

'One-handed seals?' Minato thought, recalling Chiba's earlier fight. 'So in the match with Might Guy, when his hand moved—it wasn't a mistake. He was attempting a seal, interrupted by Guy's Leaf Shadow Dance.'

"*Water Release: Water Arrow Technique*" Chiba intoned.

The surface of the water sphere distorted, three arrow-like projections forming and pointing inward at Kayami. Minato's breath caught as he realized the arrows aligned with Kayami's vital points.

'He intends to kill,' Minato realized, shock coursing through him. While Kayami's murderous intent was expected, Chiba's willingness to reciprocate was unforeseen.

"Stop! Chiba!" Minato shouted, but it was too late. The jutsu was already in motion.

In that crucial moment, Kayami's Byakugan detected a flaw in the prison. His palm shot out, breaking through the water's surface. The sphere collapsed, water arrows dissipating harmlessly.

The Water Prison Technique shattered.

Cold water splashed Chiba's face as horror dawned in his eyes. 'Shit!' was his only thought as Kayami launched his counterattack.

"Die, Chiba!" Kayami roared, both palms striking simultaneously.

At point-blank range, Kayami's attack connected with Chiba's chest and abdomen. Blood sprayed from Chiba's mouth as he stumbled backward.

Kayami pressed his advantage, spinning into his clan's signature technique. "Eight Trigrams Two Palms!" he called out, landing two more strikes.

"Four Palms!"

"Eight Palms!"

"Sixteen Palms!"

"Thirty-Two Palms!"

The barrage of strikes was relentless, each impact more devastating than the last. Chiba's body jerked with each hit, unable to defend or counter.

"*Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!*" Kayami concluded, unleashing the full technique.

Chiba flew backward, blood trailing from his mouth, and collapsed motionless on the ground.

'Die, Chiba!' Kayami thought, his rage subsiding into an eerie calm. He stared at his hands, a tremble beginning in his fingers. 'I... I finally killed him...'

"Father," he whispered, unsure if he felt pride or horror.

"Chiba!" Kushina's anguished cry cut through the sudden silence.

Minato sprung into action, a Flying Thunder God kunai materializing in his hand. 'I have to stop this!' he thought desperately. 'These children... the misunderstanding has gone too far!'

But before he could intervene, a loud "Boom!" echoed through the arena. Chiba's body exploded into white smoke, revealing a simple log where he had fallen.

'A Substitution Jutsu!' Kayami realized, whirling around.

Minato's kunai whizzed past, but Kayami's attention was fixed on another blade—one aimed directly at his heart. His eyes traveled up the arm holding the kunai to meet a familiar face.

Chiba Taki stood before him, eyes blazing with determination. The kunai thrust forward with deadly intent.

'Kayami Hyuga!' Chiba's mind screamed. 'Go to hell!'

The arena held its breath as the blade closed in on its target.