68 - Trying To Dissuade

The kunai's blade glinted in the arena's harsh light as it halted mere inches from Kayami Hyuga's back. A strong hand gripped Chiba's wrist, preventing his deadly strike from finding its mark. In a flash of yellow, Minato Namikaze had appeared between the two combatants, his legendary speed living up to its reputation.

Minato's blue eyes darted between the two genin, his expression uncharacteristically stern. With one hand, he restrained Chiba's attack, while the other firmly held Kayami Hyuga's wrist. In Kayami's trembling grip, a kunai dangled precariously, an explosive tag fluttering from its end like a deadly flag.

Chiba's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. His mind raced, processing the gravity of the situation. 'This is madness,' he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. 'If I had stabbed Kayami in the back, that explosive kunai would have taken us both out. Even if it missed me, the explosion...'

A bead of sweat trickled down Chiba's forehead as the realization sank in. He might have been able to evade the worst of it, but injury—perhaps even death—would have been certain.

"Both of you, calm down," Minato's voice cut through the tension like a blade. The usual warmth in his tone was replaced by a steely edge that neither genin had heard before. "I don't know what's going on here, but this is not the way to resolve it. Killing each other is not an option."

Chiba's brow furrowed in confusion. 'What's he talking about? What thing?' His gaze flickered to Kayami, whose face was a mask of barely contained rage. It was true that Kayami had always been annoying, but this... this was different. The killing intent radiating from the Hyuga was palpable, and it had awakened something dark within Chiba in response.

Chiba wasn't a killer by nature. His moral compass, while occasionally nudged by the challenges of the ninja world, remained largely intact. But in that moment, with the memory of Kayami's *Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms* still fresh in his mind, Chiba knew he had come dangerously close to crossing a line from which there was no return.

The adrenaline that had fueled Chiba's final attack was rapidly fading, leaving him weak and unsteady. His *Gate of Life* technique had long since dissipated, and he could feel the bone-deep exhaustion setting in. Every muscle in his body screamed for rest, his chakra reserves all but depleted. It took every ounce of his remaining strength to remain standing, to not show weakness in front of his opponent and the watching crowd.

Kayami Hyuga's pale eyes narrowed as he processed Minato's words. "You know about that too?" he asked, his voice a mixture of surprise and suspicion. A moment later, realization dawned on his face, quickly followed by frustration. "Damn it," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "I almost fell into his trap. If I hadn't seen the weakness with my Byakugan, that water prison would have been the end of me."

Minato's gaze swept over the two genin, noting their injuries with a practiced eye. Chiba's foot bore an angry red mark, testament to a close call with the earlier sharpnells. Kayami's shoulder was still oozing blood from where Chiba's water jutsu had found its mark. With a heavy sigh, Minato addressed them both.

"This situation requires discretion," he said, his voice low. "What you both need to know isn't for public ears. It's a confidential matter."

Chiba's mind whirled with questions. What secret could possibly explain Kayami's murderous intent? Was this about more than just their rivalry over Yukina?

Despite his exhaustion, Chiba forced himself to stand tall, unwilling to show any sign of weakness. In the stands, he could see the confusion on the faces of the spectators. They hadn't grasped the lethal undertones of the match's final moments.

Kushina Uzumaki slumped back into her seat, relief washing over her features. "Thank goodness Minato stepped in," she whispered to herself. "Those boys were about to throw their lives away."

Minato's voice drew Chiba's attention back to the arena floor. "Both of you will report to the infirmary immediately," he said, his tone brooking no argument. "You're still in the middle of the Chunin exams. Once they're concluded, you'll get the answers you're looking for."

Chiba's jaw clenched at the thought of being in close quarters with Kayami. "I refuse," he said flatly. The idea of turning his back on the Hyuga, even in the infirmary, was unthinkable.

"I also refuse," Kayami echoed, his voice tight with barely contained emotion. "I need answers now. What am I misunderstanding here?"

Minato pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the beginnings of a headache forming. Before he could respond, two figures materialized behind him, their appearances as silent as shadows. The distinctive black cloaks and animal masks marked them as ANBU, the Hokage's elite guard.

"Minato Namikaze," one of the ANBU spoke, their voice muffled by the mask. "By order of the Third Hokage, we are to escort these two genin away from the arena."

Minato's eyebrows rose in surprise. He glanced towards the Hokage's box, catching the Third's slight nod of confirmation. "Very well," he said, stepping back to allow the ANBU access to Chiba and Kayami.

The ANBU addressed the two genin directly. "You will come with us," the masked ninja stated. "The Third Hokage himself will provide the explanations you seek."

Chiba and Kayami exchanged wary glances. The gravity of the situation was not lost on either of them. The Third Hokage's personal involvement elevated this from a simple tournament dispute to something far more serious.

As the ANBU led them away, the crowd's murmurs grew louder. Speculation ran rampant about what could have prompted such an unprecedented interruption to the exams.

In the stands, Yukina watched Chiba's retreating form with worry etched on her face. Beside her, Hirohiko attempted to offer reassurance. "Don't worry," he said, his voice calm. "Chiba didn't do anything wrong. He'll be fine."

Yukina nodded absently, but her concern was evident. "I know he wouldn't be in trouble," she said softly. "But the ANBU... this feels more complicated."

As the group made their way out of the arena, Shinsuke Hyuga rose from his seat, his face a careful mask of neutrality. "Excuse me," he said to those around him. "There's a matter I must attend to."

Kushina Uzumaki, ever observant, noticed Shinsuke's departure. Her protective instincts flared. 'If Shinsuke is getting involved, I should be there too,' she thought. 'Chiba might need someone in his corner, and I'm not afraid to speak up... or throw a punch if needed.'

With determination in her stride, Kushina made her way toward the exit, intent on following the group to the Hokage's office.

At the judges' stand, the Third Hokage addressed his former students. "Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade," he said, his voice carrying the weight of his years. "I leave things here in your capable hands."

With that, he turned and walked away, his robes swishing softly as he moved. The Chunin exams would continue, but for two young genin, a much more personal and potentially life-changing discussion was about to begin.