Chapter 7: Departing I [Unlocking Chakra]

---Kuoh City, Shirotsuki Household---

"I haven't seen him at all today, I wonder what kind of training Tou-san is having him do today." The one speaking was a yellow haired girl with blue eyes, her hair was styled in two pigtails that reached her back. She wore a white short sleeved T-shirt and an orange skirt.

"I was wondering the same thing. I really was looking forward to having fun with him today since you are living for your Shinobi Acadamy." A black haired and purple eyed girl said.

Akeno had very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair was tied in a very long ponytail, reaching all the way down to the floor with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. She wore a purple dress

"Ohh, don't be so down. Akiho-kun will always be around dattebane. Although I will miss him a lot." Naruko said trying to console her friend. She had come to like her over the last few years and she considers her a really good friend.

"I feel like he'll be leaving too for some reason. I just hope am not right." Akeno said as she felt skeptical about what her friend said. She knows that Naruko and Akiho share a very unusual bond.

They cannot separate from each other at all so this can't be any different. She felt a little jealous at that.

"You're being too skeptical, don't you think?" Naruko said while thinking that her friend was overeating due to her leaving to Konoha.

---Somewhere in Kuoh Town---

"What do you wanna do Akiho." Kurama said with a serious tone. This kid may be thinking of something dangerous.

"Nothing, I just wanna create my own Chakra." Akiho said with the same amount of seriousness.

"That's not even possible kid, trust me a lot of people would have it."

"Please hear me out Ojou-san. Just tell what Chakra is." I said, I already know what it is but I need to atleast calm Ojou-san down.

"In simple terms it's the combination of Ki and Spiritual Energy. Ki is found in the body while Spiritual Energy is found in the mind."

"What if I told you I can sense two energies in my body right now."




"Maybe that's possible, you could give it a try."

"Why not sensei." I then sat down and meditate again but this time I was in a much clearer state than before and I even entered my mindscape.

While in there I also sat down and started absorbing Nature Energy slowly into where my Ki was. 'That kinda hurts!! Good thing Ki tempered my body or else... Let's not talk about it.'

I was getting attuned to it the more I absorbed this energy. I didn't think it would be this fast.

'Must be some True Human Ability.' I thought before I finally did it. I became an enlightened soul as nature itself recognised me and to form a connection to it. It was a good feeling.

I manipulated my entire Reiryoku into where my Ki was and fused them. Now my soul and body are one.

'Why is this so easy, anyway the last phase.' I absorbed Nature Energy into my body and man, am still surprised by the amount of pain a small amount can cause.

"It hurts. No pain, no gain huh." I said as my body immediately adapted. What am doing is dangerous, I should have waited until I was High-class but I decided take advantage of my adaptability.

At last my body was now accepting Nature Energy I absorbed but not passively absorbing.. 'That might take a while. I do that in the near future' I thought as I began fusing Nature Energy with Ki and Reiryoku.

"There we go." I said as a new energy circulated through my entire body.

"So this is what Chakra is huh? And they say it comes from the f*cking Juubi, Haaa!!" I said with excitement, then I left to the real world.

--Kurama's POV--

"This kid is crazy, if anything happens to him Asami would kill me. Wait, maybe Yasaka will do it instead." Kurama said with a sweat drop, this kid was just too much.

"Huh, his body is actually adapting. What exactly is his goal with all t-"






"Is that supposed to be possible!!?" Kurama said in shock at what he was seeing.

"Let's go Kurama-sensei, I have succeeded see." Akiho said with a huge grin on his face. I just walked back to his home still in quite the shock.

'Am mistaken right, it couldn't be....' Kurama thought Akiho brought a lot of surprises.

'How am I supposed to tell them he needs to go to the Shinobi Acadamy when they know he doesn't even have Chakra. I should just tell them he wasn't doing something dangerous.'

---Kuoh City---

"Ahh, nothing beats some good training, the feeling of getting stronger is unexpectedly exhilarating." I said to Kurama who I usually call sensei since he started teaching me.

'But he is not supposed to be in DxD, does this mean it's plot is irrelevant? Am not saying anything.' I thought as I was walking down the streets.

"Well, as long as you're not complaining kid." Kurama answered back. He was absent minded which I thought was unusual.

"Ohh, are those four who I think they are?" I asked a retorical to Kurama. "You can leave first, I'll catch up with you later."

"I have to talk to your parents anyway. Later." He then left me there while I went to greet four kids of the same age group.

"Irina, Issei, Ichigo, Katsuki, it's been a while. How have you been."

Irina is a young girl with violet eyes. She has long chestnut hair that is usually tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy, but on some occasions, she lets her hair down. I met her around the same time Issei and we became friends

Issei is an 8 year of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. I met him at school on my first day, he's a fairly nice kid.

Ichigo was an 8 year old kid who had spiky orange hair that really stood out. He is a fairly tall for his age with peach skin and brown eyes. He was a nice kid with that carefree and sunny smile. I practically beat anyone with bad intentions for the kid

Tatsuki is another 8 year old with black hair and brown eyes. Her height is average for a girl, I guess. Tatsuki had a tomboy personality. Her hair was also short and dark, kept spiked out at the sides in tune with her less than feminine appearance. She has always considered me her rival.

"We're good, we were actually planning to see you today. How about we hang around the arcade, you've been training like crazy in the dojo. It's not like there are any bullies you know." Tatsuki said with a smile on her face but you could tell she was a little concerned.

"Says who, the brute who made a certain orange haired kid I know cry." I retorted with a smirk on my face. And if you're asking if am a lolicon then No. It just so happens my emotions are sealed and it will be released with time. Till then...

Am just a 'normal' kid.

"We all know Ichigo is just weak and I was a bad match at the time, all it took was a punch. He kept bawling each time."

"HEEY!!" That was all Ichigo said in the background.

"So Issei, how has it been, I hope you everything is well." I said with a gentle smile on my face, Issei answered.

"Of course, it's good to see ya'?" When I heard that I silently made a vow

'I'll beat him up again if I catch him doing perverted stuff.' I thought in my head as my smile was grew a lot more gentle the ladies passing by were stunned.

'I won't judge.' Those were my thoughts on the ladies passing by but Issei just grew pale.

'Why do I feel like am in trouble." Issei thought as he got a sudden chill down his spine.

"So are you guys coming right now?" I asked the four.

"Nope, we'll come later Akiho." Irina said. When I saw throwing glances at Issei I had some suspicions and I figured out she was a girl from her parents. I told them to not say anything about it.

"Alright, See ya'." I said goodbye to them as walked home. I saw Naruko coming towards me.

'Why is she here.' I thought as I also walked towards her.

"I finally found you." Naruko said to me while she pouted afterwards.

"Oh Naruko, how'd you find me in this city.

"I can tell you from the crowd through your scent-" Naruko answer though I interrupted her with a faint voice.

"Whaaa!" My thoughts just halted for sometime though I could still hear what she was saying.

"-so it was easy to track you down."




'Do I smell that bad? I shower every morning and night, sometimes in the afternoons.'

"Why do you have Chakra?" Naruko asked just to confirm what she was sensing.

"Does that really matter, atleast I have a chance to leave with you right?" I asked as if teasing her.

'This is also one of the reasons why I decided to create my own Chakra.' I thought but Naruko still had a curious expression.

"What about Akeno? She doesn't have Chakra." She asked which led me to a realisation.

'I FORGOT THIS WORLD HAS DxD IN IT!!!' I screamed in my head. 'Ah wait, I can just ask her mother to take her with us, afterall sensei can protect both of them, hey that's it I can avoid Shuri's death.

'Genius I tell ya.' We then walked to my  home

--Few minutes later--

We made it to the house and I saw the whole gang there.

"Oh hey guys." I said to the four kid I just met with a few minutes ago and a violet eyed girl. They were happily talking to each other before we arrived

"""""Hi.""""" Five people answered me at the same time. It was Issei, Akeno, Ichigo, Irina and Tatsuki.

"So wanna head out, Naruko and Irina are leaving soon." Ichigo said to me as I was surprised at the news.

"You're leaving too Irina?" I asked that question with a bit of sadness. It kinda saddenes me that we would be going separate ways.

'Naruko has to come back here after 4 years. Afterall it's not like the cannon Naruto where everyone is at odds with each other. Kurama-sensei said that the 5 villages were allied after the third war when a certain goddess ended it.' I thought that was wierd too.

(A/N: I'll the rest to your imagination but the goddess's identity is fixed. Am trying not to give to many spoilers and I just teased you so."

Would there be the 4th Great Shinobi War? Will Trihexa appear, or the Ten Tails? I don't know either.

"Yeah, my dad said something about working in a church in Europe." She said with a sad face.

"Today is all about you two then. We will do anything you ask for the day." I said after slowly thinking carefully about it.

"You guys..." Irina said with tears in her eyes. Naruko just smiled.

"Hahahahaha. Why are you crying, aren't you a man." Issei said before he was knocked out by two fists. You could see Katsuki and I standing with smoke coming of our hands.

""Jerk!!"" We both said at the same time.

"Try that again and I'll make you wish you were a girl." I said with a anger in my voice.

'That's the first time I've seen him that angry.' Issei thought while seemingly trying to shield his family jewels.

"Haaaaa, anyway how about we leave right now Issei?" I said with a tired expression after exhaling loudly.

"Let's go 'ttebane." She said as she began dragging Irina by hand.

"She'll never change huh?" I said to myself though I noticed Issei was looking at Naruko attentively.

"Hey Issei, let's go before I knock you out of that daydream."

"Huh, sure sure." He just said while blushing. I am pretty sure he ignored me.

"Let's just leave him there Aki-kun." Akeno said after remaining quiet for so long.

"Yeah, we all know Issei is brain dead at this point." Ichigo said as well. I just decided to leave afterwards.

"Hey, wait for me!!!"

Just like that the next few days we were just having fun. I was told that I would be leaving for the Shinobi Academy in a few days.


Update on the Auxiliary Chapters in a few minutes

Possible Harem Members:

Irina Shido


Orihime (Either she goes with Ichigo or Akiho, it will depend)