Chapter 8: Departing II [Konohagakure Here I Come]

Today was not like any other day. This is a day filled sadness. A day where tears were shed, grief was hovering around like the very air we breathe. Depressing really. Am not even good at goodbyes and yet life shows no mercy. The skies are gloomy too, you can tell by ho-

(A/N: Quit it, you are gonna scare the readers away. Don't turn a simple goodbye into a funeral. I might just cut your screentime to a third!!)

... *Sigh* I feel like someone is trying to ruin my fun with these monologues.


"Do you really have to leave Irina, you know Ichigo, Tatsuki and Issei are going to miss you right?" I asked feeling a sad about her departing. She was was wearing a dress today.

"I know, but my dad got a new job in Europe so we have to move there." She said in a gloomy tone worse than mine.

"Also, please stop pretending to be a girl. We already have enough tomboys in the group...though we only have one"

"AM A GIRL!!!" She shouted out, I think I could see steam coming out of her ears.

"Whatever you say." I said with a seemingly uncaring look.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr." I heard her groan and well she looked mad but I just smiled.

"I was wondering how long you were gonna keep quiet about it. If Issei still doesn't like you then I don't know." I said as her eyes widened in surprise.

"You knew!?" She asked with a shakey voice.

"Don't worry about it, your secret is safe with me, okay."

"Un." She nodded

"Don't forget to visit us, Irina-chan."

Irina left after hearing those words. She didn't have such a heavy heart anymore. Even though Akiho seemed shy at first she came to believe that he was used to being alone. After they became friends he started getting more afterwards with less difficulty.

'Even though he seems distant but he really is kind, he can be a bit annoying,  sometimes too silent or even scary, but he loves his friends very much.' She thought as she gazed at him one last time and saw him smiling brightly, but she knew better.

'He probably is sad right now and trying to hide it with a smile.' She thought as she walked away with her parents.'

"You better come back Irina!!" Naruko shouted out from behind me.

'I can't even rely on cannon events right now.' I thought before releasing a sigh.

"Do you have anything to say Naruko?" I asked the blonde hair who wore clean clothes similar to the ones she wore a few days ago.

"Otou-san said that you will be leaving with me to Konohagakure. Since you have Chakra right now I guess you gotta learn how to use it."

"Doesn't that mean I won't come back here again."

"Actually Shinobi are given the task of guarding a city from the supernatural. D-ranked missions are chore related, C-ranked missions involve guarding someone, B-ranked missions involve dealing with the supernatural, A-ranked missions involve guarding a city and S-ranked missions are war related." Naruko said seriously prompting me to do so as well.

"Do we choose an A-ranked mission ourselves?"

"Yup and when the time comes we better be quick about it." She said that after I asked the question.

"How strong are you right now?" I asked out of sheer curiosity.

"Middle-class at best." She answered with a bit of pride that she can still walk with me side by side.

"That's good enough. We may not be strong right now but atleast were going somewhere." Naruko nodded while holding her chin before she spoke.

"We'll be leaving in a few days so you best be ready." I smiled as I answered her.

"I know, I have been training really hard you know. I am a few steps away to becoming middle class. I know it!!" Naruko just exclaimed with excitement

"Really!?" I answered her curiosity with a bit of pride in my voice.

"Well I can already use C-ranked jutsu right now." She answered with such innocence I didn't even have room to think she was showing off.




"CAN YOU TEACH ME, COME ON YOU GOTTA TEACH ME. YOU JUST HAAVE TOO!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs while holding her shoulders and shaking her lightly.

"Akiho-chan, I said don't scream like that anymore. My ears are very sensitive." Akiho then looked down with a disappointed look, though it was directed to himself.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away. You're still gonna teach me jutsu right." She said with a teasing smile on her face.

"Only if you call me sensei." I just gazed at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"No." Naruko's smile widened a little bit.

"Then you don't wanna learn, dattebane." She then started turning around and happily walking.

"YOU'RE BLACKMAILING ME!!" I shouted at her in complete shock and defiance. She turned around and looked at me with mock curiosity.

"Did you say something Akiho-kun?" I was caught completely off guard there. She just turned around and continued walking away.

"I guess it's nothing, see ya around 'ttebane." Man, she's so evil.

"Fine, I'll call you sensei Naruko." It's not so bad, guys also have female sensei. Although am gonna make her pay for this.

"I think you're forgeting something." I just looked at her with a bit annoyed.

"Grrrr, I said I'll call you sensei." She just smiled happily after she heard him.

"I'll teach all those things at the Shinobi Academy, but for now I'll teach you the theory. Sounds good right?" I just answered her

"Sure, why not." She just mischievously smiled at me.

"You know, am gonna teach a student of mine he calls me 'sensei' 'ttebane." She said the word sensei in a sing song tone.

'Man I'll get my revenge.' I thought as I answered her in an annoyed tone.

"Of course Naruko-sensei." She just kept smiling.

"That's more like it you know." I just stared at her as if I no longer cared when she said that.

"Whatever." She then pouted at me.

"Awww.. you're no fun." I just shrugged it her complaint off. She likes teasing people for some reason. I decided to change the topic.

"What about Akeno, we can't just leave her behind." She answered me as if comforting me.

"Otou-san said that she's coming to with us along with her mother. Though Ichigo and Issei won't." I just sighed hearing that.

"I guess everything doesn't go according to plan." She nodded at my words.

"It's time we pay Ichigo a visit." I then started walking away, my destination was the Kurosaki house.

---Kuoh City, Kurosaki Household---

"Hello there, I was just about to leave with Ichigo right now. Do you want to join?" A woman

"Yes mam. I might be leaving soon so I wanted to spend time with Ichigo before I leave." Ichigo looked said after I said that. He asked

"You're leaving too?" I just nodded my head and answered

"I'll be here every once in a while. I have to get stronger you see. You better train like your Mom tells you to."  Ichigo asked with curiosity in his voice.

"What's the point of all this Akiho?" I was gonna answer him but Masaki answered her son before I could.

"You wouldn't understand right now Ichigo. All you need to know is that it's for your own good."

She beat me to it, I am thankful for this woman but the only problem is I don't know how to save her from that grandfisher. I know that it happened on Ichigo's birthday but canon events may change in this world

It's a combination of DxD and other worlds, what couldn't change canon of any plot that existed separately.

We spent quiet sometime in the dojo that day until we finally came back. I was already planning on buying Ichigo a present but Ichigo's next words made me panic.

"Why is that girl staring at the river." I was confused when I actually saw the girl ready to jump inside the river.

'Wait, Ichigo is still 8 years old. This is supposed to happen when he is 9.' I thought as I grabbed ahold of Ichigo's hand.

"Ichigo, that's not a human being. It's a ghost so they shouldn't be harmed by doing such ac-" I felt the surrounding air starting to become suffocating. Runes started appearing in the air in my hand as lightening shot out from it very fast in a straight line

"Lightening Spear" I said calmly as I hit the torso very Grandfisher that made Ichigo dread his own day of birth. I made sure to keep Ichigo's eyes closed.

That was not all

Four magic circles appeared around the hollow as I cast another spell.


"Remote Ignition: Flame Vortex." Naruko said as she used both wind magic and fire magic on the already weakened Grandfisher, it still survived

"*HOWLL* Damn bra-"

Naruko certainly didn't wait for it to finish what it wanted to say. Four red colour magic circles appeared surrounding the hollow, each one conjured red hot flaming chains that pierced it's limbs and wrapped around them.

"Sealing: Hell Bind." She chanted the name of the spell

'Well, can this be considered chunnibyou. I mean this kinda looks like something hell would have.' I thought with a sweat drop.

"Well, I certainly didn't learn anything from this. A shame, I didn't even use my Remote Discharge." I said as I turned to Masaki and asked out of worry

"Masaki-san, are you alright?" She nodded

"Yes, thanks for helping us." I just smiled at her. I got serious at what I was about to say.

"Masaki-san, train hard alright. There are many dangerous things out there." Masaki on the other hand just smiled and said

"What's with that expression of yours. I'll be just fine Aki." With no other choice I decided to leave it at that.

"Okay." After I said that Ichigo then asked curiously.

"Where is that girl that was about to jump into the river?"

Kid, that same girl would have made your mother depart to the afterlife and you're still worried about her. Although it can be justified since he doesn't know much about his ability.

"That was a ghost Ichigo." I answered Ichigo wryly. "Surely ghosts don't die right?" When I asked this Ichigo looked at me as if it all made sense

"Oh yeah, you're right." Well, you'll learn all the ghost stuff of the soul society when you're older.

I don't care much about plot because this world is already messed up and other plots could have affected this one. Also I may have already changed everything by just existing.

It is what is known as butterfly effect.

---A few minutes after they left the scene---

A woman stood on top of a building, she was a slender yet athletically fit and well-endowed woman of average height. She has dark skin, golden irises, and black hair. Her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face.

"Well they certainly made my job easier. I didnt need to save her after all."

"I wonder what they would be like as Soul Reaper's, since their not Quincy."

"Well it's time to go" Just when she vanished, a few people wearing black shihakushou appeared.

"What the hell happened here." One Shinigami said.


"I don't know, but whoever they are....

They must be scary"

-------------------To Be Continued-------------------

(Alternate Title: Face Off With A Hollow

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