Chapter 9: Enter The Leaf!! Hokage Stone Faces

"Shuri, I already talked to Baraqiel about this. He agreed to take you with me so long as he gets to see you once in a while when he's not busy." A man with orange red hair said to a woman with black hair and violet eyes, she was rather beautiful with her hair styled in a ponytail. The woman just kept silent.

"Think about Akeno, Shuri." The man, who was obviously Kurama said.

"I.... fine, as long as Akeno is safe. I trust you."

"It's not really reassuring you know?" Kurama said with a dumbfounded expression. This made Shuri question him.

"Would you leave Yasaka behind just like that?" Kurama just looked down on the floor while smiling wryly. He then silently answered.

"You got a point." Just after that Kurama turned to leave. He then added.

"I better go and get Yasaka, they should be back soon."

"Softie." Shuri said while smiling a bit.

"I heard that!!" Kurama called out as he left.

"Fufufu." Shuri giggled at herself.

---Somewhere in the streets of Kuoh City---

"So this is goodbye huh?" A black, spikey haired girl said. She looked young, about 8-9 years of age. Most would not be able to tell the difference unless they had a good eye.

"Sorry Tatsuki, you better train hard with those techniques I taught ya'." A light brown, messy haired kid said. He had green eyes that resembled.

His hair was cut short, with a patch of hair sticking out from the right side of his head. His hair was noticeably curly as well. He could be considered cute.

"Of course, I get a chance to do super cool stuff like this with Masaki-san. Why would I slack off?" She said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

You might be asking me why am trying to teach something that needs a Masaki's guidance. Ichigo's mother is aware of the supernatural, she's a Quincy so that's natural.

Am not so heartless as to leave her be. For all I know she could die and out of the entire group, she's the only one who is normal.

Ichigo has Soul Reaper, Quincy, Hollow, Fullbringer and Human powers. Currently unranked.

Issei has the Boosted Gear of the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig. Currently unranked

Irina's father is an Exorcist so she might go down that same path. I am not sure about her though, but let's assume unranked.

Naruko is a Yokai with wierd Chakra I recognise as Tailed Beast Chakra since it's red with corrosive properties if she wills it. Currently ranked middle class, battle prowess of a high class and she is nearing that rank.

I am a Martial Artist who can manipulate Reiryoku, Ki and Nature energy to some extent. I also have a very strong body, unique magic and my overall strength allows me to fight a High-class being. Currently ranked middle class being but soon to be a high class being after some training.

Naruko somehow uses the same magic I use, wierd. She's also as capable as I am and she's got jutsu she can use.

Compared to us, she could be the only one left out in the supernatural activities we would do.

This can keep her safe but it would also fill me with regret if she dies without having no way to defend herself when I can help her. Especially when I can prove to the supernatural world that humans aren't just ants you destroy on a whim....

And I thought of all that in 5 seconds.

"So it's settled, we'll meet again soon. Just keep going alright."

"Right!!" Both Ichigo and Tatsuki said which made me look forward to the future. I looked towards Issei with a smile on my face.

"Issei, I'll see you in a few years. Promise me you will respect women's privacy and won't do anything improper." I said to Issei dead serious about this issue though everyone was dumbfounded.

"Why are you saying that??" Issei asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Promise me Issei!! Swear it on your grave." I stressed the first part, and was frowning slightly.

"I promise, Akiho. Geez." Issei said so with no intention of going back on his word.

'Yet.... Why do I feel like I will fail this somehow?' Issei couldn't understand this sinking feeling but when he saw Naruko smiling so brightly he just let it go. He had a crush on Naruko since forever and he doesn't even know that we all knew, maybe except Naruko.

On the other hand, Naruko was too close to me but didn't seem interested that way. She was just too innocent, plus we are kids.

"See you guys later." I said as I went back home with Naruko to get ready while Naruko stayed behind.

"Tatsuki-chan, keep watch over both Ichigo and Issei. I wouldn't want them getting into trouble." Naruko said to the only female member of the group.

'She cares!!!' Issei felt touched at this, this wasn't the first time she showed such kindness but it made him feel like crying.

"Ichigo, take care of both Yuzu and Karin. You are their big brother okay." She said to the orange haired boy who seemed determined after hearing her.

"Yes, I will not let them down!!" Ichigo replied vigorously. "You should do the same Naruko." He then added

"Issei, please don't get yourself into trouble." Naruko said to a certain brown haired boy who was absentmindedly staring at her.

"Of course I won't Naruko-chan." Issei said while raising his feet into the air.

"Naruko, let's go already."

"Right, bye everyone." Naruko said while waving her hand before running off.

"Bye!" They all replied. They were surely going to miss them and Irina as well. They watched as both their silhouettes disappeared into the distance.

"Let's go guys." Ichigo said to the other two.

"Right!!" They all replied before everyone was on their way.

---Shirotsuki Household---

I opened the door as I entered inside the house when I suddenly saw a yellow flash.

'What in the-!!'

"Aki-kun, it's been so long. You don't even visit me these days. My cute nephew has forgotten her aunty, how cruel."

A woman beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hugged me to her bossom. She had blonde hair with matching golden eyes styled in a. She wore a red kimono decorated in white petals.

'Don't think about it. Do Not Think Abo-, wait I can just....'

"Your squeezing me too tight.....  Onee-san." I said with a muffled voice but it seems she didn't hear me.

"This is punishment for spending time with Kurama instead of m- Ouch!! Why did you bite me."

"Serves you right!! You don't go suffocating people you know." I answered before someone knocked me on the head.

"And you don't go bitting women's chests."

I was on the floor, tears threatening to come out.

'Damnit, am 15 for crying out loud. I can't cry.' But it seems I was asking too much for an 8 year old body.

"But it was her fault." I tried to justify my actions. I had a tear in my eye.

"No excuses!! Apologize!!!" She said to me, I knew that if I didn't comply I might as well go shopping for my gravestone, some flowers and find a shovel to bury myself afterwards.

"Sorry.. Onee-chan. I won't do that again." And that's when I made a big mistake, it was welcome but still. 'Oh no."

Yasaka just hugged me to her bossom again and I cannot say anything about it.

"Kawaii!! He called me Onee-chan!!" Yasaka exclaimed while everyone else was watching the spectacle with a dumbfounded expression.

'Actually, dying this way is not so bad. Any man would want to be in my place right now.' As I finished that line of thought someone me snatched away from her.

"Kaa-san!! Let him go." Naruko said to her mother.

"Ara Ara, would you look at that." Yasaka.

"Akiho!!" A baby voice sounded trying to call out to me I guess.

"Kunou-chan, come to your big brother Akiho."

I played with Kunou as I held her, she was so cute. Kunou is a year old right now and she can barely walk right. She likes me a lot but what can I say, kids love me.

"Alright, I think it's about time we leave for Konoha. Everyone get ready." Kurama said as he to us to the backyard. He then made a hand sign with one hand.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu."

We were all teleported to another location. Akeno, Naruko, Yasaka, Kunou, Shuri, Mom and Kurama.

"We have arrived." We were now standing in front of the gate of Konohagakure no Soto. It looked huge really, kinda like a city.

"Welcome to Konohagakure, this is where we will be staying for a while." Kurama said with a smirk.

That does not concern me for now.

"What is that jutsu Sensei!?" I asked because as a hardcore Naruto fan, who wouldn't the Hiraishin.

'I am so learning this!!'

"That's the Hiraishin, I'll teach you this after you become a Jonin." He said so with a proud expression

'Damn, I was thinking of abusing it in the Chunin exams.'

"In the meantime, I will train you in using seals."

"Really!?" I said with a lot of excitement.

"Of course, just promise me you won't give up midway."


We entered the village and what I saw surprised me to no end.

"Who are those people on the mountain over there?" Naruko asked, just as surprised as I am. Hasn't she been here before.

"Oh, those are the Hokage, they are leaders of the village and the strongest ninjas in the the village has ever had."

"From left to right, we have the First Hokage Hashirama Senju. He was the founder of Konoha along with Madara Uchiha."

"Second Hokage, Uchiha Madara. He became Hokage after the agreement between him and the first, but the truth is they ran the village together."

"Third Hokage, Tobirama Senju. He created a lot of jutsu that you will use later such as the Hiraishin."

"Forth Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi who is known as the Professor due to knowing justu from every element and the current Fifth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He is known as The Yellow Flash of The Leaf."


"Woah, that's awesome!!" I said trying to cover my bewilderment.

"These Hokage must have been really strong!!" Akeno said in to no one in particular

"You're right Akeno" I said to Akeno who was amazed by what she heard.

'Why is he so surprised?' Kurama thought. 'What confuses me is that Naruko's reaction is no different. Maybe it's because their just kids.

"Come on let's go sensei, Onee-san." I said as I really wanted to see the village that was practically a city.

"Ara Ara, why don't you add the -chan suffix anymore." Yasaka said to side

"Okay, Onee-chan." I said in which she smiled. I might as well just call her that anyway.

"Mom, why didn't Dad come with us?" I asked my Mom. I don't know why but he is always never around and this makes me a bit detached to him.

"He couldn't make it, sorry dear."

Oh well, as long as Mom is happy, I am happy, Simple. Even though she is not my mom, she carried me for nine months. Loving her like a mother is the very least I could do.

"Alright, let's go inside. I have to go to the Hokage Office and talk to the Hokage. Yasaka will show you our house."

"It's not necessary Kurama, we can just rent our own. Right Ayami?"

"No, I insist." Kurama said, both Shuri and Mom had nothing to say so they just agreed.

"Alright, I'll be off."

And there he goes, using the number one jutsu that's at the top of my to do list. There is also Shadow Cloning, Rasengan, Chidori and Many other jutsu I should try.

All I need to do is head to the Shinobi Academy and I can do it. Besides I may actually need no guidance with the Rasengan. I just need to learn Chakra Control.

"Akiho, you are doing that thing where you become distant from the surroundings and absentmindedly following us." I heard my Mom say but it took me sometime to process it.


"Yes." Yasaka said while trying not to tease me but I can see it won't be too long.

'This woman.' I thought as Kunou was peacefully sleeping in my arms. Kids just love me that much.

---Hokage Office---

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." A voice sounded from the other side. Kurama opened to see a Yellow haired man

"Oh, Kurama. It's been a while." The man said.

"I've been doing okay Minato. You haven't changed a bit." Kurama said to the man now identified as The Yellow Flash of Konoha, Minato Namikaze.

"So, why are you here exactly? Last time I checked you were with your wife Yasaka?" Minato asked in a curious tone.

"Yes but you see, I brought my child back here so she can learn the way of the Shinobi."

"Ah, I see."

"I also brought along a student of mine. He's talented and he unlocked his Chakra so..."

"Okay, I understand. Anything else I need to know old pal."

"Yeah, if a man who introduces himself as Baraqiel then please let me know. Also have another daughter right now."

"Really!? I'll come and see her when I am not busy. I'll bring Kushina and Naruto along." Minato said to his friend who he has fought alongside with. "So, see ya' later?"

"Of course." Kurama said before leaving toward the door.

"Oh, tell Kushina I said Hi." He then left afterwards.

"I guess he can help us figure out the identity of the masked Uchiha."

-------------------To Be Continued-------------------

Author Here

Alright so this fanfic is going to be heavily focused on Naruto and they may be some plot changes if not a lot, but some things will go according to canon. That is, the overall canon of Naruto.

And do not complain please. It is called fanfiction for a reason.

Thank You

Happy Reading Everyone.