chapter 2 : shadow trials

Shen's hands trembled as he held the second envelope. The words inside felt like a hammer blow to his chest:

"The second test is the Trial of Shadows. You will face a 1st stage planet beast in single combat. Only those who defeat their opponent will pass."

His mind raced back to his childhood, the nightmarish memories of the 5th level wave of planet beasts that tore through Xen City. He could still hear the screams, still feel the heat of the flames as his world was reduced to rubble. It was in those moments of terror that he had sworn to become stronger, to never be powerless again.

Shen shook his head, banishing the haunting images. He had trained for this. Every sleepless night, every drop of sweat, every sacrifice had led him to this moment. He couldn't afford to falter now.

The door to his room slid open silently, revealing a dark corridor that led to the combat arena. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, each footfall echoing his determination. The corridor opened into a large, dimly lit chamber. A massive holographic screen displayed his opponent: a 1st stage planet beast, a creature of muscle and fury, its eyes gleaming with primal rage.

A disembodied voice filled the room. "Candidate Sung Shen, prepare yourself. The trial will commence in 60 seconds."

Shen clenched his fists, feeling the familiar weight of his combat gloves. He had modified them himself, integrating micro-blades and shock absorbers. As he entered the arena, the air buzzed with anticipation. The beast stood at the opposite end, its massive form dwarfing Shen. The countdown began.

"Three... Two... One... Begin!"

The beast roared, charging at Shen with terrifying speed. Shen's training kicked in, and he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the beast's razor-sharp claws. He countered with a swift punch, the micro-blades in his gloves extending and slicing into the beast's thick hide. It howled in pain but retaliated with a powerful swipe, knocking Shen off his feet.

Shen rolled to the side, quickly getting back up. The beast was relentless, its attacks ferocious and unyielding. Shen knew he couldn't rely on brute strength alone. He needed to be smarter, faster. He focused on the beast's movements, looking for any pattern, any weakness.

There – a slight hesitation before each charge. Shen timed his next move perfectly, dodging the beast's attack and delivering a precise blow to its underbelly, where the skin was thinner. The beast stumbled, momentarily stunned. Shen seized the opportunity, activating the shock absorbers in his gloves and delivering a series of rapid, powerful punches.

The beast roared, its movements becoming more erratic as it struggled against Shen's relentless assault. But Shen was determined, his mind clear and focused. With a final, desperate surge of strength, he aimed for the beast's throat, driving his micro-blades deep into its flesh. The beast let out a gurgling cry and collapsed, its body convulsing before lying still.

Shen stood over the fallen beast, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The chamber lights brightened, and the disembodied voice spoke again.

"Congratulations, candidate Sung Shen. You have defeated the 1st stage planet beast. Proceed to the final test."

Exhausted but resolute, Shen rose to his feet. There was one more envelope to open, one more challenge to face. He couldn't stop now. He wouldn't stop until he had secured his place in the 5 Star General Academy and set himself on the path to destroying the beasts that had taken everything from him.

With trembling hands, he opened the final envelope.