chapter 3 : ticket to greatness

Shen's heart pounded as he opened the final envelope. He unfolded the paper and read the instructions:

"The final test is a group challenge. You and nine other candidates who have passed the second test will face a 1st level wave of planet beasts. Teamwork and strategy are essential. Only those who survive and demonstrate exceptional ability will pass."

Shen took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. He exited his room and followed the illuminated path to the Grand Hall, where the other successful candidates were gathering.

The atmosphere was tense; each candidate bore the marks of their previous battles—bruises, cuts, and the unmistakable look of determination.

The hall was vast, its high ceilings and metallic walls echoing every sound. At the center stood an imposing figure, the academy's head instructor, General Ryoko. His presence commanded respect and fear.

"Welcome, candidates," General Ryoko's voice boomed. "You have shown great skill and determination to make it this far. But now you face your greatest challenge.

A 1st level wave of planet beasts will be released into the simulation arena. Your task is to survive and neutralize the threat. Remember, this is not just a test of strength, but of strategy and teamwork. The future of our forces depends on your ability to work together."

The candidates were led to the simulation arena, a colossal dome with a terrain designed to mimic various environments. As the massive doors closed behind them, Shen felt a mixture of anticipation and dread. He scanned the faces of his nine companions, noting their expressions and stances. Some looked confident, others anxious, but all were ready to face whatever awaited them.

A loud siren blared, signaling the start of the test. The ground beneath them trembled as the planet beasts were released. Shen could hear their roars and the thudding of their powerful limbs against the earth.

"Form a defensive circle!" Shen shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. The candidates quickly moved into formation, their backs to each other, weapons drawn.

The first beast burst through the trees, a monstrous creature with thick, armored skin and razor-sharp claws. It charged at them, its eyes blazing with fury.

Shen moved with precision, coordinating with the others to intercept the beast's attack. They struck with synchronized blows, using their diverse skills to exploit the creature's weaknesses.

But more beasts emerged, each more fearsome than the last. Shen's mind raced as he directed the group's efforts, calling out commands and making quick decisions. They used the environment to their advantage, luring the beasts into traps and ambushes. Every candidate played a crucial role, their individual strengths combining to form a formidable force.

The battle raged on, a brutal test of endurance and skill. Shen felt exhaustion creeping in, but he pushed it aside, driven by the memories of his parents and his vow to avenge them. He fought with everything he had, his movements a blur of calculated strikes and evasions.

As the wave of beasts began to thin, Shen saw an opportunity. "Now! Focus on the largest one!" he shouted. The group converged on the final beast, a towering monstrosity with a roar that shook the ground. They attacked in unison, their combined efforts overwhelming the creature. With a final, thunderous blow, the beast collapsed, its body crashing to the ground.

Silence fell over the arena. The candidates stood amidst the fallen beasts, their breaths heavy, their bodies battered but unbroken. The doors of the arena opened, and General Ryoko stepped inside, his face stern yet approving.

"You have done well," he said. "You have faced a 1st level wave and emerged victorious. You have demonstrated not only strength and skill, but the ability to work as a unit. You are now part of the 5 Star General Academy."

Relief and pride washed over Shen. He had made it. He had survived the trials and proven himself worthy. But as he looked around at his fellow candidates, he knew this was just the beginning. There were greater challenges ahead, and he would face them with the same determination that had brought him this far.

As Shen left the arena, he couldn't help but glance at the sky. He thought of his parents and the vow he had made. He was one step closer to fulfilling it, one step closer to becoming the warrior he needed to be.