chapter 4 : gift from above

Shen was still catching his breath from the grueling final test when he received a notification on his wrist communicator. The sleek device emitted a soft chime, and Shen glanced down to see a message marked with the insignia of the Void Dojo.

"Candidate Sung Shen, you are hereby invited to a special selection event at the Void Dojo. Attendance is mandatory. The event will provide access to weapons, armor, and secret techniques. Report to the Void Dojo at 0800 hours tomorrow."

Shen's heart quickened with excitement. This was an extraordinary opportunity, a chance to further enhance his abilities and accelerate his path to vengeance against the planet beasts. He spent the night reflecting on his journey, his mind racing with possibilities.

The next morning, Shen arrived at the imposing gates of the Void Dojo. The structure was a marvel of futuristic architecture, a blend of sleek lines and ancient design elements. He joined a group of other candidates who had also received the invitation, all of them abuzz with anticipation.

An instructor led them into a vast hall lined with display cases and holographic projectors. Each case contained weapons, armor, or ancient tomes of knowledge. The holograms displayed detailed information about each item, providing insight into their histories and capabilities.

The instructor cleared his throat, drawing the candidates' attention. "Welcome, candidates," he began. "You have proven yourselves in the trials, and now you have the opportunity to select items that will aid you in your journey. As a reward for your exceptional performance, your first selection is free. Consider it a gift for passing the exam. Choose wisely, for these items will shape your path forward."

Shen wandered through the hall, his eyes wide with wonder. There were sleek energy blades, advanced combat suits, and scrolls that glowed with hidden power. But one display in particular caught his eye: a holographic projection of a lightning bolt crackling across the sky.

Curiosity piqued, Shen approached the display. The hologram shifted, revealing a detailed description of the technique: "3rd Class Thunder Manual."

"The 3rd Class Thunder Manual," Shen read aloud. "A collection of techniques that harness the power of lightning to increase cultivation and combat prowess. Techniques include Thunder Strike, Lightning Reflex, and Storm Call."

Shen's pulse quickened. He had always been drawn to the power and speed of lightning. It seemed almost predestined that he would find this manual. The techniques described would not only enhance his combat abilities but also provide a unique path for his cultivation.

"This suits me perfectly," Shen thought, a determined smile forming on his lips. He knew that mastering these techniques would require intense dedication and training, but he was ready for the challenge.

The instructor noticed Shen's interest and approached him. "Ah, the 3rd Class Thunder Manual," he said, nodding approvingly. "A wise choice. This manual is known for its explosive power and speed. But be warned, it requires immense focus and control."

Shen nodded, undeterred. "I am ready. I will master it."

The instructor handed Shen a sleek, metallic case containing the manual. "Study it well. The path of lightning is not an easy one, but it can lead to great power."

Shen accepted the case with reverence, feeling the weight of his new responsibility. As the other candidates made their selections, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. This was the beginning of a new chapter in his journey.

Later that evening, Shen sat in his quarters, the manual spread out before him. He began to study the techniques in earnest, absorbing the intricate details and envisioning how he would integrate them into his training.

The first technique, Thunder Strike, focused on channeling electrical energy into a concentrated attack, capable of stunning and damaging opponents with precision. Lightning Reflex emphasized speed and agility, enhancing Shen's reaction time to near-superhuman levels. The final technique, Storm Call, was the most advanced, allowing the practitioner to summon and control the elemental fury of a storm.

As he practiced, Shen felt a new energy coursing through him. The techniques resonated with his spirit, igniting a fire of determination within him. He was more resolved than ever to become the warrior he needed to be, to protect the innocent and avenge his parents.

Days turned into weeks as Shen immersed himself in his training, pushing his limits and mastering the Thunder Manual. Each success brought him closer to his ultimate goal, and each setback only fueled his resolve.

In the quiet moments of reflection, Shen would look up at the sky, remembering his vow. The journey ahead was long and fraught with danger, but he was ready. With the power of lightning at his command and the knowledge of the Void Dojo behind him, Shen knew he could face any challenge that lay ahead.