chapter 5 : head of power yuan

Shen was alone in his quarters, the 3rd Class Thunder Manual open before him. The intricate symbols and diagrams glowed faintly, illuminating the pages with an ethereal light. He focused intently on the first technique, Thunder Strike, trying to internalize the complex instructions.

According to the manual, Thunder Strike required the practitioner to channel electrical energy through their body and into a concentrated point of attack. It was a delicate balance of control and power, demanding precise focus and unwavering concentration.

Shen closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he visualized the energy flowing through him. He extended his right hand, attempting to summon the electrical current described in the manual. At first, nothing happened. He tried again, concentrating harder. A faint spark crackled at his fingertips, but it quickly fizzled out.

Frustration gnawed at him. He had expected the path of lightning to be challenging, but this was beyond anything he had encountered before. Just as he was about to try again, his wrist communicator beeped urgently.

"Candidate Sung Shen, report to the Void Tower immediately. This is a priority summons."

Shen's eyes widened. The Void Tower was the headquarters of the Void Dojo, a place of great significance and power. Being summoned there could only mean something important. He quickly secured the manual and left his quarters, his mind racing with anticipation.

The Void Tower loomed in the distance, its spires piercing the sky. As Shen approached, he felt a mixture of awe and determination. He had heard countless stories about the tower and the legendary figures who resided within its walls. Today, he would see it for himself.

Upon entering, Shen was escorted by two stern-faced guards through a series of corridors adorned with intricate carvings and glowing runes. Finally, they reached a grand hall where a group of candidates had already gathered.

At the far end of the hall stood Yuan Xie, the leader and head of the Void Dojo. His presence was commanding, his eyes sharp and filled with a wisdom that spoke of countless battles and victories.

"Welcome, candidates," Yuan Xie began, his voice resonating through the hall. "You have all shown exceptional skill and determination to reach this point. The path ahead will be arduous, but I have faith that each of you has the potential to become a great warrior."

Shen stood among his peers, feeling a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Yuan Xie's words filled him with a renewed sense of resolve.

"For your first year at the 5 Star General Academy, you will be trained rigorously in both combat and strategy. You will face numerous challenges designed to push you to your limits and beyond. But remember, strength alone is not enough. You must also cultivate wisdom, resilience, and the ability to work as a team."

Yuan Xie paused, his gaze sweeping over the assembled candidates. "In addition to your standard training, you will have access to the Void Dojo's vast resources. Weapons, armor, and ancient techniques will be at your disposal. Use them wisely and strive to master them."

Shen felt a thrill of excitement. This was exactly the opportunity he had been waiting for. The 3rd Class Thunder Manual had already opened a new path for him, and now he had access to even greater resources.

"As part of your training," Yuan Xie continued, "you will also participate in missions that will test your abilities in real-world scenarios. These missions are not just exercises; they are crucial to our ongoing battle against the planet beasts. Your actions will have a direct impact on our efforts to protect humanity."

The gravity of Yuan Xie's words sank in. Shen realized that his journey was not just about personal vengeance. It was about something much larger—a fight for the survival and future of humanity.

"One last thing," Yuan Xie said, his tone softening slightly. "Each of you has been chosen because you possess a unique potential. Do not squander it. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your weaknesses, and never stop striving for greatness."

With that, Yuan Xie dismissed the gathering. As Shen exited the Void Tower, he felt a surge of determination. He knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on.

Back in his quarters, Shen resumed his practice of Thunder Strike.

This time, his focus was sharper, his determination stronger. He closed his eyes, visualized the energy flowing through him, and extended his hand. A spark crackled at his fingertips, growing brighter and more intense.

For the first time, Shen felt the true power of the Thunder Manual coursing through him. He was on the path of lightning, and nothing would stand in his way.