Marked for Greatness: Johan's Awakening

In the Principal's Office...

'A physical attack, followed by a second, more intense impact, a sort of shockwave after a delay at the point of contact. He did not move physically, so I assume that it was a mana blast.'

'Problem is, all the sources say that he has zero mana, including the tests taken right after his birth.'

'And then there's the slashing attack, Dismantle, as far as I have seen, it slashes monsters in cubical divisions, so can he change the shape of slashes? It is seen that he can completely slash through D-Rank monsters, so what about C-Rank monsters?'

'These are only two of his attacks, there might be more techniques as well as variations of these ones.'

'So many questions piled on top of each other'

'Ryomen Sukuna, I guess I'll be meeting you soon then... '




POV: Johan Wolff

My blood pounded in my ears as the instructor announced the pairings.

"Spar Five: Ryomen Sukuna and Johan Wolff." A triumphant grin stretched across my face.

This was it. My chance to knock that smirk off his face, to prove I wasn't just some outcast.

He walked into the arena, hands shoved nonchalantly in his pockets. Murmurs of anticipation, the crowd's eyes glued to him.

"I'd prefer the Rank 2," he mocked, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. "But I guess I'll have fun with berserk boy instead."

Berserk boy. The words scraped against the jagged black mark that pulsed with a heat that never truly subsided.

It was a constant reminder of that night, the night the demon tore through my village and left its mark on me, both physically and mentally.

My grin faltered, replaced by a snarl. He leaned in, whispering something I barely caught. "Entertain me."

The "begin" echoed in the arena, and I lunged. My fist aimed for his gut.

He blocked it easily, a mocking smile forming on his lips. I launched into a flurry of attacks, each blow fueled not just by weeks of pent-up frustration, but by the anger simmering beneath the surface, the rage the demon stoked within me.

Each dodged punch, each blocked blow, sent frustration through me, the whispers in my head growing louder.

"More," he goaded, his voice dripping with amusement. The crowd watched, silent.

This wasn't supposed to be difficult! My attacks, fueled by both my training and the demonic power, were calculated, powerful. But he was toying with me.

Suddenly, the tables turned. He lashed out, his fist crackling with a dark energy. Every connection exploded with a sickening crack.

The air crackled, and an unsettling feeling crept into me. A primal instinct, fear.

"Bored now," he spout.

My fear turned into a desperate gamble. He stood there, eyes glazed, seemingly lost in some trance. He was open. This was my chance!

I lunged myself at him, adrenaline drowning the pain of previous blows. But something was wrong.

The whispers in my head reached their peak, a chorus urging me to unleash everything.

My fist connected with a sickening thud. But before the impact registered, a searing pain tore through my chest. Black light erupted from his fist, engulfing me in a blinding flash.

My consciousness started fading, I managed to hear two words, loud and clear, "Black . . . FLASH"

The demon's mark on my chest burned.

In that moment, I couldn't tell if it was Sukuna's power or the demon's rage that consumed me.

The next thing I knew, I slammed against the opposite wall, the world spinning wildly.

My vision blurred as the medical team picked me up. Through the haze, I saw him.

Standing there, looking at his own fist with a contemplative frown. Then, he walked away as the victor.

A bitter taste filled my mouth. Defeat. But also, a flicker of something else. Fear, yes, but also a sliver of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, by understanding his power, I could learn to control mine. The demon's whispers wouldn't be silenced, but perhaps I could learn to drown them out.







POV: Ryomen Sukuna

Johan Wolff, huh?

I felt a sensation from him, something similar to my Cursed Energy.

But, as far as I remember, there was nothing in the game which could cause such a thing.

Johan had one of the most normal stories in the game, he was born in a village, his parents found out his talent, which also distanced him from other children.

Then he started to walk around the forest as a hobby and ended up enjoying killing monsters there.

Then one day, he met the other three and came into the academy.

In his story, there was nothing, no inconsistencies, no particularly important events.

I suppose I will have to investigate this then.

[Successfully performed Black Flash for the first time, Cursed Energy Proficiency+5%]

[You have reached 30% Cursed Energy Proficiency, unlocking 'Cleave']

[Cursed Energy Proficiency 30.6%]

This day is so good.

For now, let's go back, I've been standing here for too long staring at my fist.

"Sukuna, next time please don't injure the opponent so severely, our healers might be one of the best but there are some injuries even they can't heal," said the instructor, giving me a side eye.

I just nodded and sat down, closing my eyes.

My hands were hurting really bad. If I had punched harder, my bones might have been broken. I need to do something about this trash physique.

I got an idea, I don't need to do anything with my physique, Reversed Cursed Techniques will just undo everything that happens to my body. I don't even react to pain due to the effects of [Unshakeable Heart].

Well, now, nothing interesting should happen in the next month, the tournament is in 4 months, while next month the main characters will be stuck in a wrongly ranked dungeon, but will somehow come back alive, which will make the principal keep an eye out for them.

And obviously, I will fully interfere in this hehe.




POV: Johan Wolff

I groggily opened my eyes, coming into my vision was a white ceiling and a blinding light.

I seemed to be in a hospital room, that of the academy to be precise.

I tried to get up, only to be assaulted by a sharp pain in my chest.

I yelped, putting my hand on my chest, right where the mark of the demon was.

For some reason, I felt... stronger, the heat of the mark greater than ever, it was as if I had ascended.

The whispers were... louder. Before, I could ignore them and be in peace, but now it was as if they were chewing inside my head.

The endless whispers, they're so annoying. Just stop, please.

Right on time, a nurse entered the room. Seeing that I was awake, she asked me a few questions.


She showed me some x-rays and reports, and I have to say, Sukuna really went overkill, didn't he?

I'm glad he thought me worthy enough for such a display of strength, but...

I mean, breaking my ribs with a single punch and throwing me into a wall, making a dent on it? Damn man, chill.

Anyways... looks I have a new goal for strength after Ryo, huh?


Doesn't the title sound too much like a dragon ball episode?

Greatness Unleashed: Gohan Awakens!

Anyways, JOHAN HAS A BACKSTORY NOW YAAAAAY (another difference from the novel version)