Grinding with Gore

With the Principal . . .

The flickering image on the screen finally faded, leaving behind a tense silence in the Principal's office.

Blaze, the academy's leader, rubbed his temples with a sigh. His face, usually stoic, held unease.

He was a man who'd seen battles both within the academy and beyond, yet the raw display of power on the screen concerned him.

Beside him, Silvas, the Vice-Principal, was impassive. His gaze was locked on the figure on the floor in the recording.

Johan, the promising new student, was now a ragdoll on the floor, a whimper escaping his lips as the healers carried him away.

The cracks in his ribs, visible even through the screen, sent a pain of guilt through Blaze.

"Black Flash, huh," said Mean, a teacher, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "A catchy name, like naming a water spell 'blue'."

Silvas shot him an annoyed look. "The name could use some work, Mean, but its effects..." He turned back to Blaze. "Principal, any word from the healers?"

Blaze shook his head. "Not yet. But judging by the initial scans...shattered ribs, internal bleeding...Johan's lucky to be alive."

He paused, as if thinking deeply of something.

"More worrying is the report the healers mentioned. Said it took them almost twice as long to stabilize him. Like his body was...resisting the healing spell."

The air in the room grew thick with tension. This wasn't just a simple spar gone wrong. This was a hint of something far more dangerous.

"Normally," Blaze continued, "healing those injuries wouldn't take more than ten minutes. Twenty, max, to fully disappear.

But in this case, after thirty-two minutes, they could only mend him enough to move. The boy will be in pain for the next few days, with regular visits to the healers."

A heavy silence descended upon the room. Silvas and Mean exchanged a troubled glance. The implications were clear: this Ryomen Sukuna – the unassuming black-haired student – was unlike anything they'd encountered before.




2 Weeks Later . . . With Sukuna

Sukuna waa sitting in a cross legged posture on a field inside the grounds of the academy. The air was fresh, and the sky orange, the sunset was closing in. The trees were swaying gently in the wind, while a fresh smell of flowers was spreading in the environment.

In this peaceful environment, was Sukuna, sweating so hard that he created a new saltwater lake.

He was trying to activate Reversed Cursed Technique, he had a little understanding of it from the anime, but he still couldn't achieve it.

He figured out that instead of repeating unlocked techniques, if he tries to achieve locked techniques, his Cursed Energy Proficiency will increase faster, as his body does have the ability to perform these techniques, but they have been forcibly blocked by the system.

He was close, like really close to unlocking Reversed Cursed Techniques, his Cursed Energy Proficiency was at 39.2%, he assumed that he would unlock it in the next 2 days.

In the last few days, he has been maintaining his neutral relationship with the main characters, Johan doesn't hate him for literally nearly killing him on the first day of the academy, but instead, he admires him for being so strong, as expected of a brute.

He dispelled some of Alexia's fear towards him, because it was REALLY annoying, he got some questioning glances from students, he also heard murmurs about him molesting her being the reason for her fear, and it was...weird, to say the least.

Mind your own business, I can turn you into jigsaw puzzle pieces whenever I want.




Two days Later

[Cursed Energy proficiency +0.05]

[Unlocking Reverse Cursed Technique]

He was really happy right now, and fell back into his bed with a little smile on his face.

After resting for a few minutes he went to the little kitchen given to him in his room.

He took a kitchen knife and made a small cut on his hand.

He focused on the wound and it started healing, it took 10 seconds for the shallow wound to heal, which greatly disappointed him, but this would get better... hopefully.




After stabbing himself for a few hours . . .

[Subsequent acts of healing self-inflicted wounds will not improve Reverse cursed Technique]

Come on I was doing so well, no worries though, I can easily heal deep cuts and such now, though deadly wounds are still a problem.

Truthfully, I was getting bored from the repetitive task already.

It was like grinding in an RPG, a boring one at that.

Sukuna now got really excited for the dungeon diving in a few weeks, the teachers would hold a class in which they throw students into low-ranked dungeons.

At this time, the team of the main characters gets stuck in a wrongly ranked dungeon, it was supposed to be D-Rank, but it turned out to be a C-Rank with a high C-Rank boss monster.

He probably wouldn't be on the MC team, but he still can get injured by monsters being in other teams. His aim was to improve Reversed Cursed Technique in this dungeon run, to the point where he could regenerate deadly injuries and organ failures.

He was not sure about ripping out the heart like the original Sukuna, but ripping out the liver was still an option, people say livers taste good, or is it just chicken livers, I don't know, I don't want to know, I need to calm down.




The Principal slammed the report on his desk, the force rattling the coffee mug too close to the edge.

A bead of sweat, clear as rainwater, trickled down his forehead.

The one who wrote this report was fanboying over the subject.

Ignoring that, Sukuna, the name echoed in his mind. An enigma whose report was filled with contradictions everywhere.

While everyone else was working hard, training day and night. Training? He hadn't set foot in the training grounds since his arrival.

Yet, the power he'd unleashed during the spar – the "Black Flash," termed so helpfully.

The laundry staff spoke of bloodied clothes given to them.

A smile tugged at the corner of Blaze's lips. The top scorers respected him, they recognized his raw power under his nonchalant appearance.

But the rest of the student body? They steered clear, making way for him, whispering only after he is gone.

The blood. Here, the Principal's brow furrowed. The medical team confirmed no injuries on Sukuna.

The students seemed unharmed, no missing persons reports filed. Was it animal blood then, spilled during some weird training method?

He reached for his coffee mug, and took a sip... It was empty.

The unanswered questions settling in his gut. This enigma needed a damn good investigation.
