Chapter 7

" I know, but this is the last time I would be the one to commit the act, we have no time to waste, I gotta go" piper said and close her eyes to recite the teleportation spell.

" Wait piper, using the teleportation spell from one place to another is okay to a limit, but going to another country you will face side effects of the spell because you are not a witch" zephyr said stopping piper.

" Then what do I do, do I board a plane to the red sea" piper asked sarcastically. Not at all, that would be a waste of time for us" removing a necklace from her neck, zephyr used it to draw something like a door and blue light started emitting from the drawing.

" This is a magical portal, it can take you wherever you want. As soon as you step your foot through the portal you would find yourself at the border of the red sea. Take this, once you are done, use the necklace to draw a portal again, keep in mind your destination when doing so and you would find yourself right back here, hurry up, we don't have much time" zephyr said handing the necklace to piper.

" Okay" piper muttered as she took the necklace and with determination entered the portal. As soon as she was successfully at the other end the portal disappeared.

She looked at the red sea with excitement and longing. She could smell the salty water, the coral reefs, the algae bloom, brine shrimp and fish school which only excited her more to dive into the water and let it envelope her body.

Putting the necklace on her neck to prevent losing it, with no further Ado she dived into the water and her body instantly relaxed with the feel of home.

Swimming her way to the middle of the sea, piper noticed the blooming golden mortua flower. But the guards are nowhere to be seen. She knows it's just a trap and as soon as someone goes close to the flowers the guards would emerge.

Moving close to plant piper was careful not to trigger any trap that might have been set by the guards. As soon as she was an arm length from the flower a big shark appeared before her.

" Who are you and what are you doing here?" The shark asked. He could tell she was not human but a magical sea creature, her smell gave it all away.

" Oh great guardian of the plant, grant me entry and permission to pluck a leaf from the powerful mortua flower" piper said with a bow of respect for the guard.

" Why do you want the plant, do you know all the powers it has, or do you have any idea how dangerous it is to others. Answer me at once, who are you" the guardian shark asked.

" I am piper, a special magical sea creature, sent on a mission by the king and queen of waters, and for my mission the mortua aqua is very important" piper replied.

" I can't easily trust you, show me your prove" the shark said.

Closing her eyes, piper was silent for a minute before her whole body was engulfed in a blue light and a mark appeared on her left shoulder, it was a royal stamp.

Bowing to her the shark replied, " Am sorry your majesty, I didn't know you are the princess, you are allowed to take from the flower but for that you need to give a token to this guard". The shark said.

"Why do I have to give a token" piper asked. " Because it's the rule your majesty, there are only two ways to get this plant, either kill the guard and take it or give a token to the guard once he knows you. As the princess you can't you this plant to harm others, but rule is rule, only a token can grant you access to the plant" the guard shark replied.

Closing her eyes once again piper started some incantations and soon a whirlpool was formed.

A min later the sea calmed again and piper opened her eyes handing over a small jar to the guard shark.

Here take this, it's a crystal vial containing a drop of enchanted sea water from the king and queen's private reserve.

"With this enchanted water, your strength would increase and you would be able to heal yourself, most importantly it would protect you from any attack of someone who wants to take the mortua leaf" piper said handing him the vial crystal.

The guard sharks eyes widened with surprise, clearly happy by the special token.

" Thank you my princess, I accept the token. May this enchanted water grant me the power to protect the mortua flower and the sea" the guard shark said as he used his fins to carefully take the crystal vial and poured down it's content into his mouth.

As soon as the guard shark swallowed the enchanted water, a soft glow enveloped his body, his scales shimmering with renewed vitality and his fins seems to have become stronger.

Piper smiled, relived and pleased her token was accepted.

" Thank you your majesty" the guard said, it's voice filled with gratitude, you may now proceed" he said and gestured her towards the mortua flower indicating piper could now approach and take it.

Piper approached the golden flower happily as she plucked it. As soon as she plucked it she placed it on her palm and it entered her hand. Now she needs to get a golden fish.

Heading towards the fish school, piper was confident she would see a goldfish there.

When she arrives at the fish school she saw all types of fishes, including goldfishs. Just capturing and killing someone isn't right, so I need to ask for permission, piper thought.

" Oh you wonderful goldfishs of the red sea, I summon you all, here my call and come to me" piper said and the waters echoed her voice carrying it throughout lengths of the sea.

No sooner enough all goldfishes had gathered around piper responding to her call.

" You all wonderful creatures, my family, my people, please listen to me. You all are living happily because of the protection from the king and queen, it's time for you all as the residents of this water to fulfill your duty by helping me" piper said.

" What do you want from us sister that you summoned us" an elderly goldfish asked.

" I want one of you to be willing to be killed by me, I need your skin for a special reason" piper said and all of them gasped.

" Do you think any of us would agree to be killed just like that because you want, you what to kill us, aren't we all family" another goldfish argued.

" It's with pain in my heart that am asking such from you, but am left with no option, this is for all of us. One of you sacrificing your life would be in the interest of all aqua creatures. Who is ready to take such a sacrifice" piper asked looking at the faces of the goldfishes.

But none of them looked willing. " We don't agree to die for a reason we don't know" the fishes argued.

" You all know that the mortua aqua can only be extracted by your skin. I need the mortua aqua for a very special reason which would sum up all to the greater good, I ask again, who amongst you is ready to make this sacrifice for everyone good" piper asked again.

" Okay I agree, I would go with you, you can kill me and use my skin, but remember, if in the end the result doesn't benefit the sea creatures then you shall be cursed" an elderly goldfish said.

" I agree with you, now please follow me to the shore" piper said to the goldfish.

The goldfish said goodbye to his family and swam with piper back to the sea shore. " Am sorry great one, I have no option but to do this" piper said nad with that she used an invicible light from her palm and killed the fish right away.

As soon as she killed him she hurriedly skinned him, bringing out the mortua leaf she used the skin to extract the mortua aqua and stored it in a small jar.

Looking at the blood and body of the goldfish she just killed piper was filled with regret and helplessness, if only it wasn't in the best interest of all, she would have surely skinned that witch as well who made her commit such a sin.

She played in the water for some more time knowing full well she might not get the chance soon again.

But keeping in mind time she hurriedly existed the water, used the necklace zephyr gave her and created a portal back to the school.

As soon as she entered zephyr rushed to her, " piper, you are back, were you successful, did you get the mortua aqua".

" Yes, I did, can we proceed with the spell" piper said handing the jar over to zephyr whose eyes gleamed with excitement at the sight.

They went back to the center of the room with all the others and zephyr started pouring all the potions, and magical plants together into the silver vessel. After that she used a small knife to cut her hand and added the blood to the mixture.

She closed her eyes and started reciting the spell, soon the air became chilly and stronger and the mixture turned black which soon evaporated and mixed with the air.

As soon as any human inhaled the smoke, they became motionless.

" Hurry aurora, let's go to the cafeteria, we only have 9 mins 53 secs left before the effect of the spell wears off" zephyr said.