Chapter 8

" Okay, let's go" aurora motioned to the others. Since everyone is a statue then they can freely use their magical abilities, after all walking all the way to the cafeteria from the second floor of the school is quite a journey.

Using the teleportation spell they all teleported to the cafeteria. There students in there that had turned motionless, some of them have mouth open, probably because they were gonna say something.

Others have food on their lips and that's how they stayed, and so many other weird and funny positions, but seriously it's not the time to look at them. Aurora closed her eyes and started spinning at the center of the cafeteria.

The tiles started breaking, dust covered the room in a thick blanket and before you knew it, aurora had gone too deep into the ground. It looked like a well construction site because of the depth.

3 mins later aurora came up, the ground lifting her back up to the surface area. Closing her eyes her mouth moved a bit and the spot was fixed back to normal. Everything looked in place, except aurora who looked dusty and disheveled, holding a small platinum box.

" Good, there is still five mins left, I suggest we go back to the class and sit with the others" zephyr said.

" Why, we still need to open this and access the content, why should we go and sit with the pesky humans" vesper said rolling her eyes.

" Oh vesper can you use your head for once. We are humans now as well, if we keep wandering up and down we might get punished by one of the lecturers" zephyr said.

Vespers eyes turned red with anger, zephyr always challenges her, if only she could suck her blood.

" I think zephyr is right. Even thou the lectures don't make much sense, I think it's better we stay with everyone in class, otherwise we would be suspected" piper acknowledged as well.

" Suspected for what, the owner already knows we aren't humans, infact he might get us kicked out any time soon. Since we have acquired what we need to, I think we should head for the next object and not waste precious time here" vesper said.

" He won't, I have his son wrapped around my finger, he won't dare do anything regarding us. Moreover I heard one objects gives clue to the location of the other object" zephyr said.

" That's what am saying, we need to access the content of this box" vesper argued.

" No, we will go and sit in class with everyone else for now, we would do what's needed after class. Moreover who wants to play football, my legs are aching, I haven't played for more than three days" Aurora said.

" We have three mins for the effect to wear off, and sorry aurora, but you know I can't play ball with you, am just a girl after all" zephyr said flapping her eyelashes which made the others roll their eyes at her.

" I will play with you" vesper said. " Great, let's go back to class" aurora said. The other girls helped her tidied her appearance back to normal and piper hid the box in her hand so that no body sees it.

As soon as they sat in the class and bought out their notes, the spells effect dosed and the teacher continued, ".... So ancient dragons are said to reside In wyrmhaven peak. The location is said to be a rugged and isolated wrymhaven mountains, nestled in the heart of the rocky mountains and North America.

It is also describes as a leak towering, snow capped-mountain, surrounded by sense forests, treacherous terrain, and and harsh weather condition. The peak is inaccessible to most humans, minus researchers of making it an ideal sanctuary for ancient dragons. The nearby town of Ravens peak is the closest human settlement, with stories of dragon sightings and legends passed down through generation". The teacher explained.

" Sir, can we go there, I want to see for myself how those dragons look like, history has it that some dragons can spit fire from their mouth, is it true?" A curious female student asked.

" I don't want to court death, as I have said it's inaccessible to most humans, for all I know we might even get killed if we try to go there" the teacher said shaking his head.

" But sir, isn't that only stories. Mr Rowan told us that such magical creatures have ceases to exist" another student noted.

The four who usually didn't find the classes interesting were hooked in this topic. The teacher seemed knowledgeable and knows what he is saying unlike those ignorant teacher like Mr Rowan who teach internet dumped topics with no proper investigation of it's authenciticy.

" They exist, in this world they are not only humans, animals and plants, many other creatures exist, like the zombies, ghosts, vampires, witches and what not and they are magical creatures amongst even the most ordinary animals you see. So I don't know what Mr Rowan knows or what he thought you, but as far as I know they exists" the teacher said.

" Sir, if someone wants to fight an ancient dragon, what can they use to fight them" someone asked.

" Well I heard they can be fought with special dragon-slaying artifacts, which include legendary items like the dragonlance or the sword of light, forged specifically for dragon slaying, could be powerful enough to defeat an ancient dragon" the teacher responded.

" Wow sir, where can this items be found" another student asked.

" Well as far as I know they can't be found, because the dragons would destroy everything that can kill them. But I heard they can be created" the teacher answered.

"Wow sir, can you please tell us how it's created" someone asked.

" Well I don't really know but let's check internet" the teacher said and took his iPad, after going through it for some time he looked up and smile.

" Okay, I found something, it's said that the sword of light can only be created by an extremely powerful vampire who has lived atleast 3000 years. It's created using, starsteel, dragonbone, moonstone, sunstone, mythril, Phoenix feather, unicorn horn, Angelic Essence, Elemental crystals, and ancient runes". The teacher said.

" Oh, so it's impossible for us to make. I thought we would make it then go to wrymhaven and see the dragons, if they attack us, we can also attack and kill them, then hang them in the school display room as a treasure. It would add to the honor and prestige of the school" Jenner said sulking.

" Well we want peace more than prestige, those dragons would probably burn us all alive, then forget the school getting treasure, we won't even be remembered as the fools who jumped into the cave of death for prestige" the curious girl said rolling her eyes.

Looking at his wrist watch the teacher said, " well I think class ends here, you all should go and enjoy, am hungry. But yes, forget about wrymhaven or even fighting the dragons, you would die a useless death" the teacher said picking up his iPad.

The class continued little wishperes amongst themselves and a little later everyone dispatched into different way.

" Now can we go and check the box" zephyr asked. " Nope, until we are done playing football" vesper said with a smirk.

" Yes zephyr, no need to rush things, it's already in our possession so why worry, let's go play a little" aurora agreed and pulled vesper along with her to the school football stadium.

Seeing vesper and aurora the boys at the field hissed and picked up their ball to go. " We didn't ask any of you to leave, we are here to play with you people" aurora said.

" What's the point in playing, we would lose anyways, it's better to let you two play by yourselves" one guy replied.

" Why accept defeat before the real game, are you guys even men enough or just ladies dressed in mens outfit" vesper taunted.

" Fine, this is the last time we would play with you two" another guy answered.

Vesper and aurora smirked, very well then. The boys chose their best players, it was the boys against vesper and aurora.

Easy win isn't really a win so the two girls let the boys have the upper hand for a while but never let them win. And when they were bored and wanted the real game, they played the guys so hard that in 7 mins they won 10 goals.

The boys were panting heavily and sweating, but aurora and vesper looked as if they just entered the field.

" You two have managed to embrass us again, now please you can leave, allow us some peace" the first guy said.

Having done what they wanted to, the girls just smiled and left the field.

Zephyr and piper were waiting for them at the entrance of the stadium.

" Now can we go" piper asked. " Sure let's go" aurora said. They went back to the back of the school. Piper used her other hand to drag magically drag the box out of her hand.

" Let's see this, how do we open it. It's complete sealed from all sides and there is no lock" zephyr said analyzing the box. " Maybe we can open it using magic" piper said.

" Okay then, each of us would try to use their powers to open the box, let's see which works" aurora said. With that they all took turns trying to open it but none of them could.

They all tried together but still, that's when vesper noticed a tiny pencil like object on the box, she pulled it out and it was just some kind of weird writing.

" What is this" zephyr asked staring at the note she understood nothing off.

" It looks like some ancient writing, and I can't read it, maybe we should search it up on the net" piper said looking at the note.

Zephyr took out her phone and searched the note, " look here, everyone, it's said that only the blood of an ancient dragon can open this box" zephyr read out.

" It means we need to kill an ancient dragon" vesper said. " And the only place we can find am ancient dragon is, wrymhaven" they all said in unison.