Curse Has No Effect on Paladins

"Boom!" The Sword of Judgment erupted with punishing brilliance at the dragon's tail, causing Gohe to roar in pain and fury.

While Brunnok resisted the dragon flames, Andel bestowed a kings blessing upon them. The three scattered, their bodies clad in golden armor of holy light.

"Go to hell, foul dragon!" Valkyrie roared, her longsword slashing a deep wound into Gohe's dragon wing, splashing dragon blood.

Brunnok's silent fang pierced Gohe's other dragon wing, the blade shimmering with a faint light that triggered a silence effect.

The dragon flames, albeit recovering quickly, combined with Valkyrie's attack, caused the massive red dragon to lose balance. Gohe slanted and crashed downward.

Unfortunately, directly in its path lay a village. Upon noticing the giant dragon above, terrified villagers screamed and fled.

"Run, run, run!"


"Boom!" Gohe crashed among several houses, the fiery dragon flames instantly igniting a raging fire.

Some villagers perished from the violent impact and ensuing blaze while still inside their homes.

"Roar..." Gohe growled lowly, flapping its wings again as it lifted off. In the process, it glanced sideways, spraying dragon flames at several spots in the village before ascending into the sky, setting the entire village ablaze.

Forseti and the others' expressions turned grim.

As a rider of healing magic, Andel flew into the village without hesitation to rescue the villagers, though others hesitated, especially the vengeful Valkyrie.

"Save the people first!" Forseti commanded. He summoned the Holy Spirit Warhorse, releasing a burst of Holy Light.

Before the words finished,

Brunnok also moved to aid the villagers. Valkyrie hesitated briefly before flying toward the village.

Gohe seemed to anticipate their actions and flapped its wings, fleeing into the distance.

Forseti's vengeful rage subsided, with no intention to pursue Gohe further.

Summoning the Holy Spirit Warhorse, he directed it toward the red dragon.

"Take this, Holy Light Charger!"

The Holy Spirit Warhorse moved at his command, transforming into a golden streak and rapidly closing the distance with Gohe. The red dragon turned its head, catching sight of the Holy Spirit Charger—a mass of pure, luminous light hurtling toward it at great speed.

Its dragon pupil contracted, attempting to dodge, but it was too late.

"Boom!!" A sun seemed to burst in the sky, a dazzling Holy Light explosion that nearly engulfed half of Gohe's massive body.

"Ow!" Gohe cried out and plummeted from the sky.

Forseti also flew into the village with the others to aid in extinguishing the fire and rescuing the villagers.

Suddenly, a portal opened nearby, and Nierdi emerged, stepping into the village.

Seeing the village engulfed in flames, she swiftly opened a massive portal, connecting it to the river and drawing in water, rapidly extinguishing most of the blaze.

Soon after, other mages arrived, joining forces to ensure the villagers' safety.

"Has Gohe been defeated?" Andel asked, catching his breath as he sat on the ground.

"Perhaps not yet. I'll check." Forseti said, rising and flying toward the spot where Gohe had fallen.

Among the mages nearby, Nierdi watched Forseti fly off, her brow furrowed in thought.

"Greetings, mages of Midgard." Andel greeted the mages, though exhaustion kept him seated, still catching his breath.

"Midgard?" Many mages, including Kalulu, expressed confusion at the term, somewhat baffled.

Nierdi explained, "Midgard is part of the Nine Realms system. It seems likely they are Asgardians."

"Asgardians! Aren't they the gods from Norse mythology?!" Kalulu exclaimed in astonishment.

"Some records suggest Asgardians have aided humanity many times in history, and the Supreme Sanctuary was established by the first Supreme Mage Agamotto with the assistance of the sun god, Forseti. It appears these tales may be true."

"Indeed, my grandfather once encountered an Asgardian named Randolph..."

Forseti flew over a hill and spotted Gohe lying on the ground.

As expected, despite being struck by the Holy Charger, Gohe was not yet dead, but lay on the ground, bleeding profusely.

"Asgardians..." Gohe's burning, hateful gaze fixed on Forseti.

Forseti remained silent, gripping the Demon Slayer Sword, preparing to end Gohe's life.

But at that moment, a series of ancient, mysterious whispers emanated from Gohe's mouth. These indescribable whispers held a strange rhythm, unintelligible even to one versed in the Allspeak.

Forseti paused, his expression changing suddenly as he recalled something.

Dragon language curse!

In that instant, Gohe completed its dragon curse. Blood-red runes shot from its eyes, coiling around Forseti like serpents.

"Hahaha, Asgardian, perish with me..." Gohe laughed maniacally, flames and hatred burning in its immense eyes, though its expression and voice faltered.

Without hesitation, Forseti summoned the Holy Shield.

"Holy Shield!"

Golden runes of holy light erupted, enveloping him.

The Holy Shield rendered the cursed runes powerless, instantly crushing and dispersing them.

"What?!" Gohe's eyes widened in disbelief.

But having unleashed its dragon language curse, its already critically wounded body succumbed to death, unable to utter another word, its expression of frustration frozen.

"Unfortunately, curses hold no sway over paladins, even those spoken in the dragon tongue." Forseti murmured, then thrust the Demon Slayer Sword deep into Gohe's neck.

Gohe convulsed violently several times before falling silent, and simultaneously, the Holy Light emanating from Forseti's palm dissipated.

With the Demon Slayer Sword embedded in the dragon's neck, Forseti experienced an overwhelming sense of epic achievement. Briefly, he entertained the thought that it would be fitting if a bard passed by...

However, quickly returning to reality, he hastily retrieved numerous specialized crystal vials from the Sanctuary space to collect Gohe's blood.