[Valley of the Hearth]

"Let's go, target destination... Antarctica!" Forseti nearly slipped up due to an inadvertent association but corrected himself in time.

With those words, Ander, Brunnok, and several paladins mounted their Celestial horses.

One hundred and twenty human Paladins followed suit, heading southward and vanishing in the blink of an eye.

Forseti watched them depart, then turned his attention to the ancient guardian tree standing nearby.

Over the years, the ancient guardian tree had grown to over 30 meters tall and unusually thick, with a diameter exceeding ten meters. Truly a giant tree by any measure.

Its form resembled Forseti's impression of an ancient guardian tree: a colossal tree-man with robust branches and powerful arms, exuding a formidable presence.

However, being of the Thunder tree lineage, there were observable differences upon closer inspection.

Its sturdy trunk often crackled with electric arcs, occasionally resounding with thunder—a remarkable sight.

Moreover, sanctified seeds bestowed a faint aura of holy light upon the guardian ancient tree.

This holy glow was subtle under the sun but gleamed like moonlight in the dark of night.

Thus, as the ancient guardian tree soared in height, nights deep in the Alps were bathed in a gentle golden radiance, imbued with sanctity and peace.

Apart from its dramatic physical transformation, the ancient tree's wisdom had markedly improved.

Transporting such a venerable guardian tree to Antarctica posed a challenge, but Forseti had made meticulous arrangements, alerting the Supreme Sanctuary mages in advance. After a brief wait, a portal materialized.

"Apologies for the delay," Nierdi emerged from the portal, apologetic.

"No trouble at all. I'll rely on you next, Master Nierdi," Forseti smiled, noting the change in Nierdi's hairstyle.

Curiously, Forseti had encountered Nierdi a few times before, each time finding her hair shorter—initially flowing, now cropped close, perhaps soon to be bald.

"Stand tall, Tedis," Forseti addressed the guardian ancient tree, whom he had named.


Tedis creaked as its limbs supported the snow-laden boughs, roots coalescing into legs as its massive form slowly stood.

Simultaneously, Nierdi began casting spells, opening a portal to the South Pole.

To accommodate Tedis, the portal needed considerable width, elongating the casting process.

Once the portal spanned about fifty meters in diameter, Forseti commanded, "Enter, Tedis."

"Boom... Boom..."

With ponderous strides, Tedis entered the portal.

As soon as Tedis had crossed, Forseti beckoned Shilut and followed through the portal to Antarctica.

"Thank you, Mage Nierdi," Forseti bid farewell.

Nierdi smiled, departing without explanation, leaving Forseti slightly puzzled by her abrupt exit.

After a brief pause, Forseti shook his head and dismissed the thought.

"We must press on, ideally reaching Hearthglen ahead of them. Let's move," Forseti directed.

Hearthglen lay a considerable distance away, and Tedis' sluggish pace cast doubt on their timely arrival before Ander and the others.

"Boom... Boom..." Tedis trudged through ice and snow, shaking the ground with each heavy step.

Forseti and Shilut walked alongside Tedis, matching its stride. At times, they hastened, yet still outpaced the sluggish Tedis.

Thus, stone, tree, and man traversed the icy expanse for several days, finally arriving at Hearthglen ahead of Ander and company.

After surveying Hearthglen, Forseti selected an open space near its center and commanded, "Tedis, take root here."

"Boom..." Tedis lumbered to its designated spot, settling in and once more transforming into a towering tree.

Forseti then summoned Shilut and began constructing the Temple of Light.

The design, envisaged by Forseti, featured numerous tall stone pillars reminiscent of the Parthenon.

Encircling the central Hall of Holy Light, these pillars enclosed a circular corridor, beyond which thick walls enclosed various chambers, including the grand main hall.

Standing fifteen meters high and covering 2,000 square meters, the Hall of Holy Light was modest yet ample for the foreseeable Silver Hand acolytes.

Beyond the Temple of Light, other structures were planned for Hearth Valley.

As Forseti and Shilut labored on the Temple of Light, Ander and over a hundred paladins arrived at Hearth Valley.

Days of flight and Antarctic travel had taxed most human paladins; the frigid Antarctic winds made many shiver, some nearly falling from their Celestial horses.

Fortunately, having undergone the Holy Light infusion and acquiring sacred magic, they possessed some resilience to extreme environments.

Ordinary humans would struggle to endure half an hour in Antarctica's climate.

Forseti kindled a bonfire within the Temple of Holy Light, inviting everyone to warm themselves and rest around its comforting blaze, preparing to jointly build Hearth Valley the following day.

With Shilut and more than a hundred paladins in tow, several structures began to rise: the Temple of Holy Light and leafy guardian ancient tree as central feature, their orderly arrangement transforming Hearth Valley.

Paladins paved roads, constructed training grounds, and excavated storage vaults.

Midday saw Forseti and Shilut laboring inside the Temple of Holy Light.


Suddenly, a resounding gong-like noise reverberated from outside.

The deafening sound left ears ringing; Forseti's expression shifted, hastening outside.

Had a battle broken out?

"What's happening?" Forseti scanned the scene, finding paladins covering their ears, though nothing else seemed amiss.

Then, a cry rang out, "My axe!"

Forseti turned to see a paladin staring at his weapon in shock—his battle-axe cracked, as if struck a severe blow, ready to shatter.

Attempting to inspect it, the paladin's slightest movement caused the axe to disintegrate into shards, crumbling from his grasp to the ground.


"My warhammer!"

"Snap!"  "My sword's broken too! What's going on?"  The scene repeated, many paladins witnessing their weapons fragment inexplicably.