[Antarctic Vibranium]
Numerous weapons lay inexplicably damaged around Forseti, prompting him to quickly inspect his Demon Slayer Sword.
Crafted from Antarctic vibranium, the sword proved significantly stronger than others, showing no signs of damage—a relief to Forseti.
At that moment, a paladin rushed over, exclaiming, "My lord, we've unearthed something strange!"
"What could it be?" Forseti followed the paladin to a tunnel within one of Hearth Valley's underground structures. Several paladins, including Baka, were busy inside.
Pointing ahead, Baka explained urgently, "It shattered all our tools and weapons."
At the tunnel's end, Forseti observed a piece of metal protruding from the earth and rocks.
Though its appearance resembled ordinary silver-gray metal, its polished surface gleamed unusually bright and smooth.
Baka elaborated, "When we were digging, our pickaxe struck this metal, causing a loud noise that shattered our tools—unheard of!"
Listening intently, Forseti focused on the silver metal before him, lost in thought.
Antarctic vibranium... capable of shattering metal...
Forseti knew of two types of vibranium on Earth: the more common Wakanda vibranium and the rarer Antarctic vibranium, which was found in Antarctica and far scarcer.
Antarctic vibranium possessed the unique ability to shatter other metals, including ordinary vibranium, due to its sharpness.
Stowing his Demon Slayer Sword, Forseti reached into the soil, grasped the silver metal, and effortlessly pulled it free with a resounding "crash."
The metal, about half the height of a person and weighing roughly 500 kilograms, Forseti carefully set on the ground.
Deliberately selecting a useless metal object from his Sanctuary space, he tapped the silver metal lightly.
Despite the gentle tap, the silver metal produced a resonant sound akin to a gong, shattering the nearby metal into powder with a slight breeze.
"That's what happened earlier!"
"Yes, that's how my pickaxe shattered," affirmed the paladins.
Consulting the holy deed's identification feature once more, Forseti placed his palm on the silver metal, revealing a line of text.
[Item Level: Level 7]
Level 7 item!
Wakanda vibranium was level six.
This silver metal was level 7—likely the legendary Antarctic vibranium.
Even if not Antarctic vibranium, seventh-grade metal was no trifling matter.
"For future digs, avoid contact between this metal and others," Forseti instructed.
"Yes, High Lord."
A concerned paladin asked, "Our weapons..."
"Do not worry. I'll procure replacements shortly," Forseti assured.
Carefully storing the Antarctic vibranium in his Sanctuary space, Forseti then used the Bifrost to return to Asgard and proceeded to Nidavellir, realm of the dwarves.
Welcomed by a dwarf guard, Forseti requested, "I seek an audience with your king."
"Right this way." The guard led Forseti to Eitri's palace, where they arrived shortly after.
"Forseti, my old friend, crafting more vibranium weapons?" Eitri inquired eagerly.
"No, but I've discovered a metal even more remarkable than vibranium. Care to see?" Forseti replied.
Eitri's interest piqued. "Oh? What might that be?"
Initially hesitant, Forseti suggested, "Perhaps we should relocate from Nidavellir first. The metals here, though robust, may not withstand the power of that metal."
Perplexed, Eitri considered before asking, "You mean it's unsafe here?"
"I brought it with me, but..." Forseti hesitated.
"In that case, show me," Eitri insisted. "Nidavellir is a trove of metals."
"Very well," Forseti agreed, unveiling the Antarctic vibranium from its Sanctuary space.
To mitigate impact, he had cushioned the vibranium with sponge-like buffers, resembling a quilt to Eitri.
"What's this...?" Eitri raised a corner of the buffer, examining the Antarctic vibranium within with growing surprise.
"This is a metal I stumbled upon," Forseti explained. "It possesses the ability to shatter metal. A mere tap can reduce inferior metals to powder. A heavier blow could even crack immortal steel."
"Incredible," Eitri marveled.
Forseti suggested, "Feel free to test it, but exercise caution."
Eitri fetched a small hammer and cautiously tapped the Antarctic vibranium.
The Iron Palace seemed to tremble slightly at the resounding impact.
Eitri, startled, inspected the cracked hammer in disbelief. "This!"
Forseti nodded with a smile. "Indeed, a truly extraordinary metal."
Eitri, studying the Antarctic vibranium further, mused, "It shares similarities with vibranium. I suspect it's a mutated variant."
Impressed by Eitri's quick assessment, Forseti asked, "Can Nidavellir forge weapons from this metal?"
Eitri nodded decisively. "Absolutely. However, I believe this incredible metal has a more fitting purpose than weaponry."
Forseti was intrigued. "What might that be?"