[The Agony of Aging]

Feeling the long-lost youth wash over her, Nierdi couldn't help but exhale deeply, a smile creeping across her face as she reaffirmed her choice to extend her life.

Her moment of reflection was interrupted by the creaking of the door, announcing the arrival of a hunched figure.

"Squeak..." The slow push of the door echoed through the room.

Kalulu, now advanced in age, leaned heavily on his cane as he entered. His frail, hunched frame trembled slightly with each step, sparse white hair contrasting with heavy bags under his darkened eyes.

Upon entering, he squinted at Nierdi for a moment before uttering in disbelief, "Ni... Nierti?"

"It's me, Kalulu," Nierdi replied, her smile tinged with unease.

Kalulu hesitated briefly, then erupted emotionally, hobbling towards her with his cane. "You defied the laws of nature! Greedy woman, for your own life, you defied centuries of mage laws! Toying with time magic threatens the safety of the entire universe."

"I didn't use time magic to extend my life," Nierdi countered. "I drew upon the energies of the Dark Dimension."

"The Dark Dimension!" Kalulu remained agitated. "Invoking the Dark Dimension risks upsetting the universal balance. Your actions will lead to Earth's destruction!"

Nielty responded calmly, "Dormammu has long coveted Earth. In the age of Agamotto, I merely exploited his existing greed."

"Foolish! Arrogant!" Kalulu struggled to argue with Nierdi, his anger evident. "Those who dabble in darkness will meet a grim end. Mark my words—your path will lead to corruption and decay!"

"There is no inherent good or evil in power, Kalulu," Nierdi sighed.

"Power has the capacity for both!" Kalulu retorted sharply before turning away. "I will not succumb as you have, meddling in darkness and prolonging my life at the cost of my integrity!"

With that declaration, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door in his wake, though the feebleness of his old age muted the intended impact.

Nierdi sighed softly, shaking her head...

Several nights later, deep into the night.

"Ah!" Kalulu, jolted awake, cried out in pain, eyes snapping open.

His body convulsed violently, cold sweat drenching his forehead as he endured immense agony.

Kalulu was suffering the universal affliction—aging.

His frail, aging body lacked vitality, akin to a rusted machine with failing parts, teetering on the edge of collapse, nearing its final shutdown.

As a seasoned mage, Kalulu possessed acute awareness, acutely sensing every change within his failing body.

Lying still, he struggled to breathe, his energy waning. He sensed his flesh and blood inching towards the brink of death's embrace.

Dying of old age... Kalulu understood his body's plight all too well.

In that moment, the terror of death washed over him, his tremors growing more pronounced.

Am I truly nearing death's door? Kalulu pondered, his brush with mortality highlighting the pain of impending demise.

Fortunately, Death did not claim him that night.

Gradually, his breathing steadied, the acute agony of aging easing slightly. He managed to sit up, clutching a cup of tea to steady his nerves.

Kalulu wiped his forehead, sweat lingering despite the passage of time.

Moments ago, he'd felt Death's cold touch, its whispers of final farewells haunting him.


Shaking his head, Kalulu tried to dispel the harrowing memory.

Yet, Nierdi's rejuvenated visage crept into his thoughts—her youthful vitality, her carefree smile.

He couldn't help but ponder—what could youth offer?

Youth, with its vigorous body capable of running and leaping, teeth strong enough to tear through food, and skin supple enough to exude vitality...

In contrast, the elderly's body resembled deadwood, withered and frail.

Lost in thought, Kalulu couldn't ignore the nagging realization: perhaps he too should extend his life, like Nierdi did?

Hesitation gripped him, his earlier vows to Nierdi echoing in his mind.

Days ago, he'd vehemently sworn off extending his life, eschewing darkness and pledging never to compromise his principles.

But in the face of life's fragility, pride meant little.

The fear of death lingered, prompting Kalulu to swiftly make up his mind.

I desire life!

Determined, he conjured a portal to the library, retrieving a thick tome—*Darkhold*.

Sanctum magic primarily comprised white, black, and temporal branches.

While white magic rarely touched on life extension, black magic delved deep into such forbidden arts—insight Nierdi had confirmed.

The *Darkhold*, sealed and witnessed by Kalulu's own eyes, was now his lifeline. Its unsealing posed little challenge.

As the seal broke, Kalulu eagerly opened the ancient tome of black magic.

"Ah, incredible..."

The very first page enthralled him, his eyes widening in fascination at the profound mysteries laid bare on the desk before him.
