[Abomination VS Hulk]

Abomination crashed to the ground, green blood staining everything around.

However, before the agents could breathe a sigh of relief, the colossal monster climbed back to its feet. It was clear that it had only sustained superficial injuries, and was far from defeated.

"Prepare Plan B!" Coulson yelled, squeezing the trigger again. A beam of energy lanced out and struck the still-unsteady Abomination.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents scattered.

Abomination rose, scanning left and right, preparing to pursue Hawkeye Barton.

But then, something caught its attention. It looked up suddenly, spotting a military helicopter hovering directly above.

Seeing the helicopter, Abomination clenched its fists, eyes burning with murderous intent. "Face me, Hulk!"

Inside the helicopter, Bruce Banner glanced down at the raging Abomination. He took a deep breath and turned to General Ross.

His girlfriend Betty panicked, grabbing his arm. "Bruce, what are you doing?"

"Only the Hulk can stop this monster now," Banner replied. "I have to do this. I can't stand by while he continues to kill."

General Ross asked, "What if you can't control it?"

Banner hesitated briefly before saying, "Then we won't be able to launch the ballistic missiles... Let me go."

General Ross fell silent for a moment, then nodded. "Lower him down."

"No, keep us airborne and open the rear hatch," Banner insisted.

After a pause, Ross signaled to a soldier to comply, and the rear hatch of the helicopter slid open.

Banner walked over and stood at the edge of the hatch, facing the night wind, looking down at the chaotic streets hundreds of meters below where the enraged Abomination still roared.

"Bruce, please don't do this!" Betty pleaded, holding onto his arm.

"You just took the serum; you don't even know if you can control it!"

Banner shook his head, turning away from the open hatch. "I'm sorry, Betty. I have to."

Unable to dissuade him, Betty could only watch silently, giving him a kiss before letting go.

Bruce jumped, freefalling from the helicopter. After what felt like an eternity, he crashed through the pavement, disappearing underground.

"Bruce!" Betty screamed from the helicopter.

Meanwhile, Natasha's voice crackled over the comm device, "Coulson, I see Bruce Banner."

"Where is he?" Coulson's voice responded.

Natasha reported, "He jumped out of the helicopter, just underground ahead of me. If he hadn't transformed, he'd be dead."

Coulson hesitated for a moment. "Leave him be. Stick to the plan."

"Yes," Natasha acknowledged.

Suddenly, the ground shattered where Bruce had fallen, and the Hulk emerged—a massive, green figure.

Natasha was taken aback, a strange thought crossing her mind: How is it that the Hulk's pants are still intact?

While Abomination had stripped down during the transformation, the Hulk's attire remained sturdy and undamaged.

She couldn't help but ponder this oddity before refocusing as the Hulk confronted Abomination.

"Roar!" The Hulk roared in challenge, rushing forward.

The ground shook with each heavy step as the two behemoths collided.


The Hulk was knocked back in the clash, crashing into and toppling a group of vehicles, which burst into flames.

Abomination wasted no time, delivering a relentless barrage that left the Hulk struggling to retaliate.

It was clear—the Hulk was outmatched by Abomination.

The difference in their original forms was apparent. Abomination had been Bronski, a battle-hardened soldier, and retained much of his combat prowess and consciousness after transformation. Bruce Banner, a scientist, despite some combat training, was no match for Bronski and struggled with chaotic thoughts post-transformation.

Moreover, a recent serum injection intended to suppress his transformations had left Bruce weaker and less controlled.

Seeing the Hulk falter against Abomination, General Ross ordered from the helicopter, "Use the machine guns, now!"

"Yes, sir!" A soldier responded, and the helicopter's guns opened fire.

"Rat-a-tat-tat!" Bullets rained down on Abomination from above.

Abomination gritted its teeth, leaping up a nearby tall building and racing across its rooftop.

"Rat-a-tat-tat!" The helicopter pursued, guns blazing.

However, just as Abomination neared the helicopter's edge, Hulk lunged. With a swift move, he grabbed Abomination's ankle.

"Get off!"

Abomination snarled, delivering a powerful blow that nearly knocked Hulk away.

Hulk gritted his teeth, holding on steadfastly.

Their struggle beneath the helicopter threw the aircraft off balance.

"Prepare for emergency landing!"

The pilot swiftly adjusted, the helicopter descending rapidly and touching down hard.

In the chaotic descent, Hulk and Abomination's struggle caused the helicopter to clip a building, nearly crashing.

Fortunately, the landing pads absorbed much of the impact, preventing fatalities despite several injuries among the passengers.

Yet, the situation remained dire—the leaking fuel ignited, flames spreading rapidly. The helicopter's remaining fuel could detonate at any moment.

Hulk rose from the ground, shaking his head, appearing disoriented.


With a mighty roar, Abomination lunged forward, slamming Hulk against a wall and gripping his throat.

Its bone protrusions cut through Hulk's skin, drawing blood and causing him to roar in pain.

"You don't deserve this power!" Abomination growled, increasing pressure on its bone spurs, digging deeper into Hulk's flesh.

"Watch them die!"

Pinned against the wall, Hulk struggled, unable to break free. The flames from the helicopter grew, threatening to explode.

"Fiend, you're digging your own grave!" At that critical moment, a deep voice boomed from above.