Chapter 10 : Tsunade's Grandma 

Tsunade: "...."

"What are you doing?"Tsunade asked.

  "Thank you for helping me out. This money is for your meal." Watanabe said generously, even though it hurt him to give two hundred taels.

  He knew very well that if it weren't for Tsunade, Kitahara jo would never let him go so easily, let alone give compensation.

  "If you want to treat me to a meal, just treat me properly. What's the point of giving money?" Tsunade was inexplicably amused and felt that Watanabe's was little special.

  "Also, you don't think that what happened just now is over, right?" Tsunade aksed.

Watanabe put away the coins in silence.

Of course, he knew that the matter was far from over. Whether it was Danzo or Kitahara jo, they would most likely come to him later. That department called "Root" must not be joined.He had already thought about escaping Konoha.

  "I didn't expect that the Ninja School let you graduate early to join the Root. That department is not a place for normal people. You can't go there no matter what they say." Tsunade stood up for him.

  Tsunade felt deeply guilty. The reason why Watanabe was targeted by Root was all because of her. If she hadn't deliberately let him fight with her yesterday, Danzo wouldn't have notced Watanabe.

  When Watanabe heard her evaluation of Root, he had an idea and asked, "What does that department do?"

  Tsunade did not hide anything and told him all the information she knew: "Root is a newly established mysterious organization in Konoha, led directly by Danzo, and specializes in handling certain shady tasks that cannot be seen in the light. Only few people in the village know about Root."

  "When Danzo proposed to create Root, my grandmother was the first to oppose it, but unfortunately it was finally established by Danzo."

  Watanabe was in thought. No wonder he had never heard of Root. Tsunade was different. She was the granddaughter of the first Hokage, and her grandmother was still alive. It was normal for her to know some secrets that ordinary people didn't know.

  "In short, Root does abnormal things, and all its members are abnormal people. Instead of graduating early and joining Root, you might as well graduate normally like other students."

  Watanabe felt the same way. He didn't want to join Root in the first place, and after listening to Tsunade's introduction, he didn't want to join Root anymore, but...

  "But, you are now targeted by Danzo. If you are not recruited into Root, Danzo may not let it go. What will you do?" Tsunade looked at him.

  Watanabe fell silent.

What should I do?

  This is a good question.

  Of course he would not tell Tsunade that he planned to escape from Konoha.

  Tsunade saw that Watanabe didn't say a word, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

  This trouble was caused by her to Watanabe, and it was reasonable for her to help Watanabe solve it, but she hoped that Watanabe would take the initiative to ask for help, otherwise it would be somewhat embarrassing for her to ask.

  So, for a while, the two of them were silent.

  "Why is she still staying at my house? Is she really going to let me treat her to a meal?' Watanabe frowned and thought.

  The longer he stayed in Konoha, the greater the possibility of being in trouble with the Root. He had to flee as soon as possible, and a detailed escape plan had to be made.

  Just when he couldn't help but wanted to say something to send Tsunade away --

  "Let me help you!"

  Tsunade suddenly spoke. Watanabe was startled and asked suspiciously: "How can you help me?"

  Tsunade's eyes were firm: "I'll let my grandmother tell Danzo to tell him not to pay attention to you anymore, and you'll be fine."

  Watanabe was startled again.

  "Just... is it that simple?" He felt incredible. For him, this was a matter of life and death. Tsunade could solve it with just a few words?

  Tsunade pouted: "My grandmother is the most senior elder of Konoha. With her coming forward, Danzo certainly wouldn't dare to touch you."

  Watanabe: "..."

  Tsunade's grandmother was the wife of the first Hokage. If she came forward for me, she would really have such a power.

  Then I don't have to flee Konoha?

  Thinking of this, Watanabe's heart was pounding. If he could stay in Konoha, he would definitely want to stay. He knew nothing about the situation in the ninja world. If he left Konoha rashly, he would definitely have no place to stay and keep wandering around.

  "Will your grandmother help me?" Watanabe suppressed his excitement and asked calmly.

  Tsunade saw that he was still calm and said unhappily: "If she doesn't help you, why would I say it?"


  "Why are you helping me so much?" Watanabe asked the doubt which was in his heart.

  He rarely communicated with Tsunade in class. The two of them had no friendship, so it was unreasonable for her to help him.

  Tsunade bit her lip and told the truth: "It was me who caused you to be targeted by Danzo."

  "I didn't want you to lose too badly in front of your classmates yesterday, so I deliberately let you go and fought with you for a long time. Afterwards, Mr. Rukawa reported our competition process to the Hokage Building. I guess Danzo saw that report and then he came up with the idea of ​​recruiting you into the Root."

  Watanabe suddenly realized, and all the problems that troubled him were solved.

  'So that's why she was helping me' Watanabe thought.

  "I don't want to have a bad influence on you because of me. My grandmother is against the existence of the Root. I will talk to her again and she will come forward for you."

  Tsunade always felt that she was the one who caused problems to Watanabe, so she kept avoiding his eyes when she spoke, and didn't look at Watanabe directly.

  Watanabe took a deep breath: "If that's the case, thank you very much!"

  He didn't think that Tsunade was the one who caused this all to him, but was moved that Tsunade could think of him.

  If Tsunade could really help him solve the threat of the Root, then he would definitely treat Tsunade to a meal, even if it cost an extra 1,000 taels!

  "I've already said that I influenced you, don't thank me." Tsunade said vaguely.

  "Let's go, follow me to see my grandmother now."


  Tsunade's home is much more luxurious than Watanabe's. It is not only located in the commercial center, but also has an independent three-story courtyard. Watanabe felt it was magnificent from a distance.

  Although Watanabe rarely came into contact with Tsunade, he had heard about Tsunade's situation.

  Tsunade's parents all died in World War I, and now her only relatives are her grandmother and brother.

  As soon as he stepped into the yard, Watanabe saw a little boy practicing to with kunai, he was sweating all over.


  As soon as he saw Tsunade, the little boy immediately dropped his kunai and ran over.

  Tsunade rubbed his head and introduced him to Watanabe: "This is my younger brother, named Senju Nawaki."

  "Hello." Watanabe nodded to him.

  He was not unfamiliar with Nawaki. He had seen Nawaki several times in the ninja school before. Nawaki was in the first grade and due to the aura of his grandfather, he was also a celebrity in the ninja school like Tsunade, and he shouted every day that he wanted to be a Hokage.

  Nawaki blinked his eyes: "Sister, who is he? Did you bring me a brother-in-law?"

  Tsunade's face darkened: "Don't talk nonsense,Go practice, we will discuss some things with grandma."


  Nawaki seemed to understand, and his eyes stayed on Watanabe.

  In the past, his sister had never brought any boys to the house, and it was impossible to say that he was not curious.

  In the study room on the second floor, Watanabe met Tsunade's grandmother.
