Chapter 52 : Fighting against the Special Jonin

"Enemy attack ! Enemy attack !"

The bandits were caught off guard and they immediately screamed in fear, picking up weapons to try to fight back. However, Hyuga Zero was faster than them. She was proficient in physical skills, and with a single move she pierced the throats of the two men.

The last bandit fell in a pool of blood with a look of hatred after being stabbed several times by Higurashi.

Listening to the screams coming from not far away, Chiri nodded slightly. The three team members were more in sync than she thought, which was a good thing.

"What happened?"

When the bandits in the surrounding wooden houses heard the noise, they all picked up their weapons and rushed out of the door.

At this time, Watanabe and his two companions, who had seen blood for the first time in their lives, happened to walk out of the wooden house, and the two groups met head-on.

"Who are you!" the bandit pointed his sword at them and asked angrily.

"Leave the middle to me." Hyuga Zero whispered.

Watanabe: "I'll deal with the one on the left."

Higurashi: "I.. I will deal with the right side!"

The bandit was furious: "What are you whispering about——"

*Soft Fist!*

Hyuga Zero took the lead and she rushed towards the bandits in the middle area. She used soft Fist and she was as unstoppable as a war goddess. With one attack, she knocked a bandit back and made him bleed. 

Watanabe was not good at physical skills, so he formed seals with his hands and cast a fire escape. A huge fireball hit the bandits in the left area, and in an instant, the six of them were blasted into charcoal.

"They're ninjas!"

"Go call the boss!"


The bandits were killed without even fighting back. They were so scared that they turned around and ran away.

"Earth escape, earth dragon technique!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded.

Hyuga Zero turned her head and she saw a several-foot-tall earth dragon rising into the air and smashing towards her on the head.

"Fire Style, Great Dragon Fire Technique."

Watanabe quickly formed a seal and spit out a fire dragon from his mouth, which collided head-on with the earth dragon and blocked the sneak attack for Hyuga Zero.


The earth dragon and the fire dragon exploded at the same time, and there was only smoke and dust in the air.

"Thank you Watanabe-kun!"

Hyuga Zero turned around and she gave Watanabe a sweet smile.

Watanabe ignored her and focused on the scarred man walking towards him.

"So, he appeared"

Chiri was just about to take action against the rebel ninja from the Iwagakure Village when She suddenly changed his mind.

'It would be a good idea to let the three of them hone their skills a little more, especially since the jonin are not that strong. It won't be too late for her to take action when the three of them are almost at their limits.'

"You are ninjas from Konoha."

The scarred man recognized the forehead protectors worn by Hyuga Zero and Higurashi, and his face became more gloomy as he said that.

"Is Konoha completely deserted? They actually sent three of you brats to deal with me."

"Don't be so arrogant, today is your doomsday!" Higurashi responded harshly.

He was not at all afraid because Chiri was here and the bandit leader in front of him could never be Chiri's opponent.

"My doomsday?" Scarface sneered, "How dare you say that? I'll kill you first!"

As he spoke, Scarface's body swayed.

Watanabe and Hyuga Zero were surprised with his speed and they wanted to support Higurashi immediately, but they didn't know that Scarface was making a faint to the east and attacking in the west. He said that he would attack Higurashi first, but in fact he used the technique of instant body movement to flash in front of Hyuga Zero.

The surface of Scarface's fist was covered with a layer of rock and he punched Hyuga Zero in the chest.

Hyuga Zero hastily responded with a soft fist, but Scarface used the Weighted Rock Technique to strengthen the power of the heavy cannon punch. Hinata Zero could not resist it, and her metacarpal bone was cracked. She groaned and flew backwards.

Scarface took advantage of the victory and he wanted to get rid of Hyuga Zero first before dealing with others.


Watanabe slammed the ground with both hands and performed the Earth Flow Wall. A wall of earth rose from the ground and blocked Hyuga Zero to protect her.

"Do you think this is gonna stop me?"

Scarface grinned fiercely, and with just one punch he smashed the earth wall into pieces. Hyuga Zero fell helplessly in front of him, like a lamb that had lost its ability to resist. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and she begged pitifully, "No, don't come over here..."

"It's too late to beg for mercy now, go to hell!"

Scarface showed no mercy and delivered a heavy punch enhanced with the Heavy Rock Technique directly to Hinata Zero's forehead.

"You dare"

Watanabe's heart suddenly tightened. Although he had always been on guard against Hyuga Zero, he absolutely did not want to see her die at the hands of the enemy.

At the moment when Scarface threw the punch, Hyuga Zero's pitiful and weak expression instantly turned into a sharp one.

"Watanabe-kun, left!" she shouted.

Watanabe was stunned for a moment, then he didn't know what he thought of. The seal in his hand changed instantly, and he decisively performed the Water Breaking Wave Technique. He opened his mouth and sprayed a beam of water towards the air several metres to the left of Hyuga Zero.

*Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven*

At the same time, Hyuga Zero used the Hyuga clan's absolute defence technique and a large amount of chakra gushed out from various acupoints in her body, and her whole body spun rapidly like a top.

Scarface's punch was instantly bounced away by an irresistible force.

The direction in which he was flung away was exactly the direction that Watanabe had predicted in advance to perform the Water Breaking Wave Technique. The water line accurately pierced the scarred man's chest, and blood spurted out.


Scarface screamed in pain and he put his hand to cover the bloody hole in his chest. He couldn't believe that he would fall into the hands of two little brats.


The few bandits who survived in the distance were terrified. They thought that Scarface would be able to deal with the three little Brats when he showed up, but they never expected that even Scarface was no match for them.

"Just wait, I will kill you!"

After leaving a cruel remark, Scarface used the Rock Hidden Technique, escaped underground and ran away.

"Zero, how are you?"

Higurashi ran towards Hyuga Zero and asked her with concern.

Watanabe had not yet learned the technique of earth escape and the technique of rock hiding, so he had no way to chase and kill Scarface, so he also went forward to check on Hyuga Zero's injuries.

"I'm fine."

Hyuga Zero stood up with difficulty. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and smiled sweetly at Watanabe: 

"Thanks to the tacit understanding between Watanabe-kun and I, we were able to injure him severely, otherwise it would have been really dangerous."

Watanabe didn't want to admit that he and she had a tacit understanding, but it was difficult to refute it.

When he heard Hinata Zero say the word "left" just now, he immediately guessed what Hyuga Zero was going to do. From this point of view, the two of them do have a certain degree of tacit understanding.

"It's a pity that the scar-faced guy still escaped." Higurashi said regretfully.

"He didn't run away."

A clear female voice sounded.

The three turned their heads and saw Chiri crawling out from the ground. Just like pulling out a radish, the dirt came out with it. Scarface and the bodies of seven bandits emerged one after another from behind her.

"I cleaned them up," said Chiri.

Although she appears calm on the surface, she is actually very uneasy inside.

She had originally planned to use Scarface's hand to train Watanabe and others for a while, but she didn't expect that Watanabe and Hyuga Zero would team up to severely injure and defeat Scarface. This result was far beyond her expectations.

"Fortunately, Teacher Chiri is here." Higurashi breathed a sigh of relief.

"But if Teacher Chiri had taken action earlier, it would have been better. Then Zero wouldn't have been injured."
