Chapter 51 : Killing For First Time


"How many bandits are there? Are there any ninjas among them? Where is their hideout?"

Chiri asks for details of the mission.

The uncle told him everything he knew: "There are a total of 19 bandits, and the leader is a man named 'Scarface'. I heard that he is a rebel ninja who escaped from other countries. He gathered a group of bandits in Mangdang Mountain and became the boss. Several villages near Mangdang Mountain were all harmed by them."

"Okay, let me confirm with you one last time. Is the mission rewarding five million ryo?" Chiri asked back.

The uncle said nervously: "Our village can only give out this much money. If Master Ninja feels that it is not enough, we can give some extra food..."

"No need, we'll take this mission." Chiri said simply, "Take us to your village now."

When these words were spoken, Watanabe, Higurashi and Hyuga Zero were all shocked. They didn't expect that Chiri would have to take on such a difficult task right from the start.

To encircle and suppress 19 bandits, one of whom is a traitor from another country, there is no doubt that they will fight with their lives on the line.

Chiri saw what the three were thinking and said coldly, "Some of the ninja teams of the same batch as you are doing small tasks like finding cats and catching dogs, but I am different. My minimum requirement for the task is B-level. If you are afraid, you can choose to quit my team."

"I'm not scared, I'm just a little surprised. Since teacher Chiri has decided to take on the task, I have no objection."

He was very tempted by the reward of 5 million ryu. At the beginning, he just wrote an IOU for more than 60,000 ryo to Tsunade, which made him feel like he would never be able to pay it back in his lifetime.

Chiri glanced at Watanabe and thought to herself, 'if you dare to have any objections, I will be the first one to kick you out of this team,'

Hyuga Zero smiled sweetly and said, "I haven't killed anyone yet, so I might be nervous. I hope Watanabe-kun can take care of me."

Watanabe ignored her directly and thought.

'I take care of you? Just don't treat me like a bandit and kill me.' 

"I...I have no objection either!" Higurashi mustered up his courage.

The uncle couldn't help but feel worried thinking that these three children's hair hadn't fully grown yet, but he had no choice. He had been in Konoha for two days and many ninjas had ignored his task. In the end, only Chiri was willing to take on his task.

The uncle's name was Jigenro, and his village was only a dozen miles away from Konoha. Chiri and her group set out in the morning and they arrived before noon.

If it weren't for the burden of Jigenro, Chiri and others would have arrived faster, as the speed of a ninja's travel is far superior to that of ordinary people.

"Everyone come out, I've invited the ninja master here, so we don't have to be afraid of the bandits anymore!"

As soon as he returned to the village, Jigenro immediately shouted and informed the villagers who were hiding in their homes and dared not go out.

This village is truly a village in its truest sense and it cannot be compared with Konoha at all. The population is less than a hundred. After hearing Jigenro's call, they swarmed out and surrounded Chiri and others.

"Thank you, Master Ninja, for helping us eliminate the bandits."

"Our village has been forced into extinction by them."

"We are so grateful that you come here!"


The villagers seemed to have seen a savior and they kept bowing and lowering their heads to express their gratitude. The scene was noisy and chaotic.

Chiri displayed the qualities of an elite jonin and took control of the scene with just two sentences, methodically gathering intelligence about the bandits from the villagers.

Everyone was very cooperative and they told them everything they knew.

"Jigenro, you lead us to the bandit's stronghold, and the villagers please wait for good news." Chiri gave the order.

Jigenro was actually very scared, but in order to wipe out the bandits, he had to take the risk and agree to lead the way.

On the way to Mangdang Mountain, Hyuga Zero consciously opened her Byakugan to scout the surroundings, and Chiri was quite satisfied with her but didn't show it on her face.

The children of the ninja clan are more mature and intelligent than civilians of the same age. Although Hyuga Zero always pretends to be weak and sweet, when she really encounters dangers, she will show calmness that is no less than that of an adult.

Unlike Higurashi whose calves were shaking with nervousness, showing his lack of experience. Surprisingly, Watanabe was much calmer than him. At least Chiri could not see any panic on Watanabe's face.

Although Chiri always disliked Watanabe, to be honest, she really recognized Watanabe in her heart and she felt that if he grew up in the future, he would definitely become an excellent ninja.

"Five hundred metres ahead, there's a man on sentry duty."

Hyuga Zero lowered her voice and spoke as they passed a dense forest.

Chiri leaped up in the air and shot out like an arrow.

When Watanabe and others caught up with her movement, the bandit who was on guard had already fallen into an illusion, with empty eyes and a dull face.

"Give me the information about your leader," Chiri ordered him.

Under her hypnosis, the bandits lost their self-consciousness and obeyed her obediently.

The information he told was much more detailed than what Jigenro and other villagers told him. It turned out that the bandit leader named Scarface was a special jonin from the Iwagakure Village. Three months ago, he committed a crime and defected to the Land of Fire. He gathered a group of bandits in Mangdang Mountain and lived by looting nearby villages and passing caravans. In just three months, they committed no less than dozens of murders.

After knowing information, Chiri directly slashed the bandit's neck with a kunai.

This decisive scene of killing made Jigenro's eyelids twitch. He felt that the ninja he had invited seemed even more cruel than the bandits.

"You three go deal with the bandits, and I will make sure any of them escape. There's no need to leave any of them alive." Chiri instructed Watanabe and the others.

The bandit just said it very clearly, among them, only Scarface is a special jonin, and the rest of his accomplices are all ordinary people. It would be perfect to use these people to gain experience.


The three nodded, understanding that this was an opportunity given by Chiri to give them experience.

"Watanabe-kun, Higurashi, let's go together so we can cover each other at any time. Our goal is not to kill as many bandits as possible, but to protect ourselves from getting hurt." Hyuga Zero suggested.

Watanabe looked at her and decided to trust her for once: "Okay."

Higurashi was the weakest and he had no objection. He just muttered in his heart that Hyuga Zero was seriously hypocritical, calling Watanabe "Kun" all the time but calling him by his name.

"Then let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them rushed towards a group of wooden houses in the distance.

Hyuga Zero rolled her eyes and whispered, "There are four people gambling in the first wooden house on the left. Let's deal with them first!"

Watanabe and Higurashi followed her instructions, drew their kunai and rushed into the wooden house she mentioned.

Killing is a compulsory course for a ninja. Watanabe has been prepared for this. Moreover, all those killed this time are people who deserve to die. If he can't do it, then there is no need to be a ninja.

As soon as he broke into the cabin, Watanabe took the lead in stabbing the kunai into the heart of the bandit closest to him, and then pulled it out with all his strength, and a large amount of blood came out of the bandit !
