The First Encounter

The sun shone brightly, with a gentle breeze swirling through the streets as Ryuu sprinted toward school.

"I can't believe this… I'm so late!"

he muttered, legs pumping as he sped through the streets.



Ryuu collided with someone, sending both of them crashing to the ground.

"Ow, ow, ow… I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

Ryuu quickly scrambled to his feet, reaching out instinctively to help the person up.

When he finally took a good look, his words caught in his throat. It was a girl—no, not just any girl.

She was stunning, with silky, snow-white hair cascading around her shoulders and piercing crimson eyes that seemed to glow.

Her beauty was otherworldly, like something out of a dream.

"M-Miss, I'm really sorry, are you okay?"

Ryuu asked again, still in shock, his hand still extended.


Without a word, the girl coldly knocked his hand away.

"I'm fine,"

she said icily, her voice as sharp as her gaze.

Ryuu was taken aback, standing frozen as the girl brushed herself off and began walking away, her cold demeanor making her beauty seem even more intimidating.


Ryuu called after her, stepping forward.

"I didn't mean to bump into you. At least, can I know your name?"

The girl didn't even turn around.


she muttered, her voice barely audible as she kept walking.

Ryuu frowned, watching her retreating figure.

"Geez," he thought

"she's not just cold; she's freezing."

Just as he was about to turn and hurry to school, an intense pain suddenly shot through his chest.

"AHH! What the—?"

Ryuu gasped, falling to his knees as he clutched his chest, the pain overwhelming him.

His heart felt like it was about to explode. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he tried to catch his breath.

Through blurry vision, Ryuu saw the girl had stopped walking and was watching him again. Her crimson eyes narrowed as she observed him from a distance.

Then, without a word, she turned and disappeared into the morning crowd, leaving Ryuu panting on the ground.

"What just happened?"

Ryuu wondered, his chest heaving as the pain gradually faded.

"Was that some kind of magic? A spell?"

Shaking his head, Ryuu forced himself to stand, still feeling the lingering ache.

"I don't have time for this—I've got to get to school."





Fifteen minutes later, Ryuu stood outside the gates of Sakura High, pale and breathless.

"Why does something weird always happen on the most important days?"

he mumbled to himself.


A familiar voice called out. Ryuu turned to see his childhood friend, Sengoku Seichii, running toward him, grinning.

"You're late too? What's going on? Come on, or we'll both get detention!"

"Yeah, I'm coming," Ryuu sighed, still shaken from his earlier encounter.

Together, they dashed into the building, trying to sneak into the classroom unnoticed.


Their teacher's voice rang out the moment they opened the door.

Both boys froze.

"It's no surprise that Sengoku-kun is late, but you, Aramiya-kun? Even on a day like this?"

The teacher sighed, shaking his head.

Ryuu scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Uh, sorry, sensei. I overslept, ha-ha…"

"Overslept on the day your magic power is being measured? This is your future we're talking about!"

The teacher said, exasperated.

"Now, sit down before I change my mind about letting you participate."

Ryuu and Seichii hurried to their seats, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the class.

The teacher straightened up, returning to the front of the room.

"Alright, everyone, listen up! We have a new transfer student joining us today."

Excited whispers filled the room. "A new student? Is it a girl or a boy?" someone asked.

"Alright, you can come in now," the teacher called toward the door.

The whispers stopped the moment the student walked in.

Ryuu's heart dropped.

It was her—the white-haired girl from earlier. She walked into the classroom with the same cold, regal demeanor, her crimson eyes scanning the room with an unreadable expression.

"Wow… she's stunning!" a boy whispered.

"She looks like a model!" a girl murmured in awe.

But Ryuu's face had turned pale.

("It's her....)

He thought, struggling to process the coincidence.

(But why is she here)...