Transfer Student?

Ryuu's breath caught in his throat, his face paling as sweat beaded on his forehead.

( It's her... But why?)

His mind raced, struggling to comprehend the sight in front of him.

Standing at the front of the class was the same girl he had bumped into that morning. The icy, unapproachable aura surrounding her was unmistakable.


The teacher's booming voice cut through the classroom, instantly silencing the chatter. A tense stillness fell over the room.

"Now, you may introduce yourself," the teacher said, gesturing toward the girl. She stepped forward with the same cold, detached expression that Ryuu had witnessed earlier.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Tatsuno Ryoko. Nice to meet you." Her voice was flat, devoid of warmth, just like her appearance.

A murmur rippled through the room. Everyone was shocked at how her stoic demeanor didn't match her beauty at all—she hadn't so much as smiled since stepping into the classroom.

"W-well," the teacher stammered, visibly thrown off by her icy demeanor, "you can go ahead and find a seat. The homeroom session is about to begin."

Ryoko's cold eyes scanned the classroom, pausing when they locked onto Ryuu. His heart sank.

(No, it can't be…)

She walked straight toward him, her gaze never leaving his face. Ryuu froze, feeling a cold sweat trickle down his spine. The entire class held their breath as she stopped in front of his desk, her eyes boring into his.

"Can I sit here, please?" Ryoko asked, her voice soft but still devoid of any emotion.

Gasps erupted around the room. The same girl who had been so emotionless and distant was now politely asking Ryuu for a seat. Ryuu, however, was too stunned to respond, his mind swirling with confusion.

(What does she want from me?!)

He could barely muster a nod, still too shocked to speak.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ryoko said simply, sitting down beside him without another word. Ryuu felt the blood drain from his face. His thoughts were spinning wildly.

Just what does she want with me?

The teacher cleared his throat, bringing the class's attention back. "Alright, students. As you know, today's the day when your magic power will be measured. Representatives from the Board of Education are here to assess your magic capacity."


The door swung open, and four men in black coats and sunglasses walked into the room, each carrying a small glass orb.

"Good morning, students," one of the men announced, his voice formal. "We are here to evaluate your magic potential.

This is a magic assessment ball. When you focus your magic into it, the ball will change color based on the element you possess. If it turns red, you control fire; if it turns blue, you wield water, and so on.

The brightness of the light will indicate the strength of your magic. The brighter the light, the more powerful your potential."

Excitement mixed with nervous energy spread through the classroom. Students whispered among themselves, eager to discover their elemental affinity but anxious about their results.

"Now, we will call you one by one to come forward and place your hands on the ball," the officer continued. "First up—Tanaka Hikuro."

"Yes, sir!" A tall, strikingly handsome boy stood up, his presence commanding the room. His air of confidence was palpable, and his classmates began whispering eagerly.

"Wow, it's Tanaka-kun. He's been top of the class since forever!"

"Did you hear? His family's part of the elite Tanaka clan—one of the noble families!"

"Not to mention his uncle is the captain of the First Defense Division of DELIAN!"

Tanaka approached the front of the room, calm and composed. The officer gestured to the glass ball. "Place your hands on the ball and focus your magic."

Tanaka nodded and placed both hands on the orb. For a moment, there was silence as he closed his eyes and focused. Then, suddenly—


The ball lit up with an intense purple light, so bright that the entire class had to shield their eyes. Electricity crackled in the air, and the light from the ball filled the room.

"OH MY GOD!" one of the officers exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "It's the rare lightning element, and the power is immense—this is at least A+ tier magic!"

The other officers were equally astonished, murmuring among themselves. "This level of control at his age… he's truly a prodigy!"

The light from the ball gradually faded, and Tanaka calmly removed his hands, opening his eyes as if the feat had been nothing extraordinary. He walked back to his seat amidst gasps and whispers of admiration.

"Truly worthy of the Tanaka name," one officer said, still impressed. "You can return to your seat, Hikuro."

As Tanaka returned to his seat, the officer called out again, "Next student, please step forward."

Before anyone else could move, Ryoko stood up, her presence immediately commanding attention. The whispers stopped. Her cold aura froze the room as she stepped to the front.

"I will go next," Ryoko said simply.....