Shinju Hayato

"Tatsuno Ryoko and Aramiya Ryuu, the president is waiting for both of you. Please follow me."

The officer's voice echoed through the grand halls of the Magic Association as Ryuu and Ryoko followed him deeper into the heart of the building.

Ryuu's heart raced, his nerves on edge as they passed towering statues and powerful mages who seemed to carry an aura of immense strength.

"This is the main hall,"

The officer gestured.

"To your left is the reception desk. Anyone wishing to have their magical abilities evaluated must first register there."

Ryuu's eyes darted around the room.

He felt the weight of countless gazes upon him, each one scrutinizing him as if measuring his worth.

Powerful mages whispered among themselves, their eyes lingering too long on him and Ryoko.

Ryuu trembled under their scrutiny, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Ryoko noticed his discomfort. Without a word, she turned her head slightly and gave a cold, piercing glare to the onlookers.

Her expression was like ice—calm, but chilling. Immediately, the room went silent.

Every mage who had been staring at them averted their gaze, as if her mere presence was too much to handle.

"They're just jealous of your talent," Ryoko said quietly to Ryuu.

"Don't let their looks bother you."

Ryuu blinked, still overwhelmed but grateful for her reassurance.

Ryoko's calm demeanor was both intimidating and comforting at the same time.

"The president's office is on the top floor,"

the officer continued, oblivious to the brief tension in the room.

After a brief tour, they arrived at the imposing double doors that led to the president's office.

The officer stopped and gestured toward the door.

"This is where my duties end. The president is expecting you."

With a bow, the officer left them. Ryuu and Ryoko stood in silence for a moment before Ryuu's anxiety got the better of him.

He was sweating, his hands trembling slightly as he wiped his brow.

"Are you really that nervous?" Ryoko asked, her voice steady and cold as usual.

"Of course I'm nervous!" Ryuu replied, his voice trembling. "I've never been to a place like this, and I don't even know why they called me here."

Ryoko's expression softened just a fraction.

"Don't worry. I promised I'd protect you, didn't I? Just believe in me."

Ryuu took a deep breath and nodded. With Ryoko beside him, maybe he could face whatever was ahead.

Together, they entered the president's office.

Inside, a large, imposing figure sat behind a desk. Even seated, the man radiated a power that was suffocating.

His presence was enough to make the air feel heavier, and Ryuu nearly collapsed under the sheer pressure emanating from him.

The man was Shinju Hayato, the legendary former strongest mage of Japan and now the president of the Board of Education.

Ryuu's body trembled under the intense magical pressure, feeling as though his legs would give way at any moment.

But Ryoko, standing beside him, remained unaffected. Her cold expression never faltered, and she stood tall, as if the pressure had no effect on her at all.

Shinju Hayato's eyes flickered with surprise and amusement. He stood up, his eyes locking onto Ryoko.

"Welcome," he said, his deep voice filled with authority.

"I am Shinju Hayato, president of the Board of Education."

Ryoko bowed gracefully, her voice composed.

"Tatsuno Ryoko, a pleasure to meet you, President Hayato."

Hayato grinned, clearly impressed. His eyes then turned to Ryuu, who was still struggling to stand under the immense pressure.

"M-my name is Aramiya Ryuu. It's an honor to meet you, sir,"

Ryuu stammered, trying his best not to collapse from the weight of the president's power.

The president laughed, his voice booming.

"Ha-ha-ha! No need to be so nervous, Aramiya-kun. I'm not here to harm you. In fact, you and Tatsuno-san are unlike any talents I've ever seen."

Ryuu breathed a sigh of relief as the president gestured for them to sit down.

He gratefully sank into the chair, feeling the pressure ease.

Ryoko, ever composed, got straight to the point.

"President, why have we been called here?"

Hayato chuckled.

"Straight to business, I like that. I apologize if the officers didn't explain it clearly. You both have extraordinary potential.

Tatsuno-san, your mastery of S-level magic at your age is unheard of. And Aramiya-kun... your magic element is one that none of us have ever seen before.

It's rare. Too rare."

Ryuu swallowed hard, still unsure of what that meant for him.

"To help you both—and other talented students from your school—the Association has decided to organize a special three-month training program,"

Hayato explained.

"Top instructors from across the country will teach you to better control your powers and hone your magic.

We believe that one day, you will both be vital in protecting humanity from the demons that threaten our world."

Ryoko nodded, processing the information. Ryuu, on the other hand, felt both relieved and overwhelmed at the thought of this intense training.

Three months... top instructors... demons? The weight of it all began to sink in.

"If you have no further questions, you may leave now," Hayato concluded with a nod.

Ryoko stood, bowing respectfully.

"Thank you, President Hayato. We'll prepare for the training."

Ryuu followed her lead, bowing quickly. "T-thank you, sir."

As they turned to leave, the president's expression grew serious. He watched them walk out, his mind racing.

(These two are extraordinary. Tatsuno Ryoko stood unfazed, even under my full pressure—a feat even the strongest S-rank soldiers struggle to achieve.

She's a talent that only comes once in a millennium.)

But his gaze lingered on Ryuu's back.

(And the boy... there's something hidden deep within him.

Something that even made me, for the first time in years, feel a chill.

There's a power in him—something ancient, something... terrifying. I must keep a close watch on them.)

As Ryoko and Ryuu walked out of the president's office, Ryuu felt a strange mixture of relief and uncertainty.

He glanced at Ryoko, who was calm as ever.

"Three months of training, huh?" Ryuu muttered nervously.

Ryoko nodded. "You'll survive. I'll make sure of it."

Despite her cold demeanor, Ryuu felt a sense of security, knowing that she would be by his side. Whatever lay ahead, they would face it together....