Training session

Ryuu and Ryoko stepped out of the president's office, relief washing over them as they made their way toward the main hall.

"Phew, it finally ended,"

Ryuu sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"I was on the verge of collapsing from that overwhelming pressure. Now I see why he was called Japan's strongest magician."

Ryoko glanced sideways at him.

"It can be intimidating, but you'll get used to it," she said in her usual cool tone.

"By the way, have you officially registered as an S-level magician?" Ryuu asked, genuinely curious.

"Not yet," she replied, her expression unfazed.

"Well, if you'd like, we can go together for our registration," Ryuu suggested.

"Really? You'd come with me?"

Her tone brightened unexpectedly, and a genuine smile spread across her face.

Ryuu felt momentarily stunned by her radiant smile.

"Y-yes, why not? Let's go!"

Together, they headed to the registration desk and completed the formalities, proudly signing their names as professional magic users.

Once they finished, they exited the association and began their walk home.

Meanwhile, hidden atop a distant building, a muscular young man with striking red hair observed them closely.

He turned to a beautiful girl standing beside him, an aura of dark intensity surrounding her.

"That girl is the new S-rank magician? She's too young. And that boy has some unknown magic? They don't seem special to me,"

he remarked with a dismissive tone.

"I don't know about the boy, but that girl certainly intrigues me,"

she replied, a wide smirk crossing her face.

"I think I've found a worthy match for myself.

This training session is going to be interesting."

"Okay, okay, calm down now. We need to leave before we face the master's wrath," he said, smirking back.

"Yeah, let's go. Tatsuno Ryoko, we will meet soon."

The pair exchanged one last glance at Ryuu and Ryoko before disappearing into the shadows.

Back on their way home, Ryuu glanced over at Ryoko.

"So, where do you live?"

Ryoko's cheeks flushed slightly at the sudden question.

"I-I live in a rented place near the station."

"Do you live alone?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes, my parents work in another city, so I live alone, but I have a black cat. Her name is Nema."

"Oh, I love cats! If you don't mind, can I visit your place to meet her?"

Ryoko's entire face turned bright red at the suggestion, but Ryuu remained blissfully unaware of the effect his words had on her.


A familiar voice called out from behind them. It was Seichii, sprinting toward them.

"Hey, you two! Can you at least stop flirting in the middle of the road?"

he teased, a playful grin plastered on his face.

Ryoko's face turned even redder, while Ryuu looked completely confused by the remark.

"Forget that. What do you both think about the training session?" Seichii asked, shifting the topic.

"Seichii, you're selected for the training session!?" Ryuu exclaimed, surprised.

"Of course! I'm an A-level magic user too. All students of rank A and above in the city were selected," Seichii replied, his pride evident.

"What do you think about the session?" Ryuu asked, still processing the news.

"I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be part of it. I can barely control my magic like you or Ryoko-san.

There are bound to be exceptional talents there, and I feel out of my depth."

Ryuu's concern was palpable; he felt a weight of insecurity about his own abilities.

"I told you before, and I'll say it again a thousand times: I will protect you! If anyone tries to harm you, I'll tear them to pieces." Ryoko's voice was fierce, her determination shining through.

Ryuu's expression was a mix of surprise and happiness.

He wasn't sure how to interpret her words—were they a threat, or was she being genuine? Either way, hearing her meant a lot to him.

"Thank you, Ryoko-san," Ryuu said, a bright smile breaking across his face. Ryoko's expression softened, pleased by his gratitude.

"Yes, just believe in me. Now, shall we head home together?"

"Absolutely!" Both Ryuu and Seichii replied in unison, their excitement palpable.

As the trio walked home, laughter and friendly banter filled the air. Little did they know, this was only the beginning of their mysterious adventure—one that would test their friendship, reveal hidden powers, and bring them face-to-face with challenges they had never imagined.