A New Friend?

Ryuu and Seichii stepped into their room, and Ryuu tossed his belongings onto the bed, stretching out his sore body.

"Haaa! Finally, I can get some rest. My whole body is sore," he groaned.

"Make sure to rest up; all students have to gather in the main hall this evening. The commander will announce the divisions we'll be assigned to," Seichii replied.

With a nod, Ryuu got off the bed and began organizing his belongings in the wardrobe.

Seichii watched him curiously, an amused smirk creeping onto his face.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ryuu asked, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Hey, Ryuu. I've been wondering for a while now... do you like Ryoko-san?" Seichii asked, his tone casual yet probing.

Ryuu froze, taken aback by the unexpected question.

"Why do you think that?" he stammered, surprised.

"I don't know, just a hunch. You're a good-looking guy, but you don't seem to connect with girls that much.

Yet when you're with Ryoko-san, you express yourself more, and you seem genuinely happy around her," Seichii observed.

Ryuu was startled, lost in thought as memories flooded his mind.

He recalled the day he first met Ryoko during the selection process and how his heart had ached at the time.

He also remembered how she had saved both him and Seichii from the dog demon.

"I... I'm not sure if I like her or not. I don't understand her intentions or why she interacts with me the way she does.

I just know that whenever I'm with her, I feel this familiar sensation in my heart.

Even though we've never met before, I can be more open with her.

She's someone I want to know better.

I have complicated feelings for her, but one thing is for sure: she is now one of my best friends, and I would give my life for her."

Seichii was taken aback; he had never seen Ryuu so serious when it came to girls.

"Take your time, brother. But I'll say one thing for sure: if you don't hurry, someone else might sweep her off her feet. Now, get some rest."

With that, Seichii left the room, and Ryuu lay back on the bed, closing his eyes.

Confusion swirled in his mind, but soon, exhaustion took over, and he fell asleep.

As evening approached, Ryuu and Seichii made their way to the main hall.

Just as they arrived, they noticed Ryoko emerging from her room, accompanied by a delicate girl with long, dark hair that shimmered like the night sky and large, sparkling purple eyes.

She wore thin black glasses that added an air of sophistication to her appearance.

Ryuu and Seichii approached them. "Ryoko-san! Good evening!" they both greeted in unison.

"Oh, Ryuu-kun, Seichii-kun! Good evening! Are both of you heading to the main hall as well?" Ryoko replied cheerfully.

"Yes, we are. By the way, Ryoko-san, who is this girl standing beside you?" Ryuu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"This is my roommate for the session. Her name is Sakaguchi Masumi. She's an A+ level healer,"

Ryoko introduced, beaming with pride.

"Masumi-san, this is Aramiya Ryuu-kun with azure-white hair and Sengoku Seichii-kun with brown hair."

Ryuu and Seichii exchanged shocked glances at the revelation.

Healing magic was incredibly rare, and few could control it at such a high level.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aramiya Ryuu," he said, extending his hand formally.

"Hello, I'm Sengoku Seichii. Nice to meet you, Sakaguchi-san," Seichii added, matching Ryuu's formality.

"N-nice to meet you too. I w-will be in your care from now on," Masumi replied, her voice soft and slightly stuttering.

She couldn't bring herself to meet their gazes and looked down, making Ryuu and Seichii a bit startled.

"Masumi-san is a shy person; she has trouble expressing herself to strangers. But I think she's a good person,"

Ryoko chimed in, a smile lighting up her face.

Masumi's expression brightened at Ryoko's kind words.

"Okay, shall we go together? It's almost time for the introduction party," Seichii suggested, scratching his head.

"Yes, we should get going, or we'll be late," Ryoko agreed, glancing at her watch.

With that, the group started walking towards the main hall together, anticipation buzzing in the air as they prepared for the evening's events.....