The Invincible Solitude

Ryuu and the others arrived at the main hall, where the other students were already engaged in conversation.

"We're the last ones here,"

Seichii sighed, rubbing his hair in frustration.

As Ryoko entered, the lively atmosphere shifted to an eerie silence, like the hush that falls before a storm.

All eyes turned to her, the only person capable of wielding S-level magic.

Students stared at Ryoko with a mix of emotions: agony, jealousy, astonishment, and fear.

The air grew thick with tension, and Ryuu and Masumi tensed under the weight of their scrutiny.

In response, Ryoko glared back, her expression icy and deadly.

A palpable pressure enveloped the room, making even the most confident students break into a sweat.

It felt as though a ferocious ice dragon were glaring down at them, thirsting for fresh blood.

Many students couldn't even bear to make eye contact with her, and a few looked close to collapsing under the strain.

"AAAAH!" Ryuu suddenly fell to his knees, clutching his chest as his heart raced.

"RYUU-KUN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Ryoko rushed to his side, her earlier demeanor replaced by worry.

It felt reminiscent of their first encounter, but this time, an azure flame flickered ominously on Ryuu's forehead.

He howled in pain, and Ryoko's concern deepened as she instinctively grabbed his hand.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated, and a moment later, her eye color transformed to a crystalline blue.

The azure flame on Ryuu's forehead gradually diminished until it finally extinguished. Ryuu sighed in relief.

"Ryuu-kun! Are you okay? Do you feel better?" Ryoko asked anxiously, her gaze locked on him.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you, Ryoko-san," he replied, his relief palpable.

The other students in the hall were left dumbstruck, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

They stared at the two of them, bewildered.

"So, you're the new S-rank, Tatsuno Ryoko."

A commanding voice echoed through the hall, drawing everyone's attention to a striking young man with purple hair that crackled like lightning and deep black eyes.

"I must say, the rumors that you're a beauty found once in a millennium are true, and your strength surpasses all tales.

I hope we can get along in the future." He knelt before Ryoko, taking her hand.

In an instant, Ryoko's expression darkened. She slapped his hand away in disgust, shocking everyone present.

The boy was none other than the Invincible Solitude, Kurata Rajin.

Background of Kurata Rajin:

Kurata Rajin had risen from humble beginnings, born into a family of farmers who were often overlooked and marginalized.

While others received training and resources, farmers worked tirelessly under military orders, providing sustenance for the nation.

Unlike his peers, Kurata had chosen a different path, focusing solely on honing his magical abilities.

Through sheer determination, he mastered one of the rarest and most powerful elemental magics—lightning.

He challenged students from influential families who had the best resources, defeating them one by one and building his reputation as an undefeated warrior.

Thus, he earned the title "Invincible Solitude," a testament to his solitary rise from obscurity to greatness.

As Ryoko stepped back beside Ryuu, Rajin stood, momentarily taken aback.

This was the first time someone had looked down on him since he had earned his title.

A smirk appeared on his face as he straightened up.

"You really are as cold as ice. The rumors about you were not wrong at all. I hope we get placed in the same division.

Now, if you'll excuse me." He began to turn away but paused to address Ryuu.

"Aramiya-kun, I hope to see you soon as well—the only F-rank among us." His eyes flashed with a predatory gleam as he walked away.

Ryuu felt a chill run down his spine at the underlying threat in Rajin's words.


A loud, resonant voice echoed around the room as the commander and the officers took the stage.

(Finally, the training session is about to begin.).....