The Training Session Begins

Tomoki Naoto, the chief in command of the training session, stood at the top of the stage alongside the other officers.

"Good evening, students. I hope you all had a good rest. Now, let's begin the ceremony marking the start of your training session."

Every student faced the stage, their expressions reflecting determination and resolve.

"As I mentioned this morning, you will be divided into four divisions for the session.

You brilliant students are the future of our country and humanity. Over the next three months, you will be trained by professionals."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in.

"The individual with the highest merits will be awarded contributive points, which will determine your rank at the end of the session.

At the conclusion of these three months, inter-division battles will take place, where students from one division will face off against those from another.

The division that excels will receive additional contributive points."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd at the thought of competition.

"Students with the highest number of contributive points will become more eligible to be tested by the ATSURAs."

A heavy silence enveloped the hall after this announcement.

Yet, they were all exceptionally talented, seen as potential future officers capable of wielding the heavenly weapons known as ATSURAs.

"Now, you will be divided into your respective divisions.

The students from Toshiaki High and Takahara High will be in Division One.

The students from Omaharu High and Sakura High will form Division Two.

Teramoto High and Nagoto High will comprise Division Three. And finally, the Invincible Solitude, along with the students from Nishiyama High, will be in Division Four."

"Please form groups according to your divisions.

That will be all for the ceremony. You may interact with each other before returning to your dorms.

Tomorrow, the training session begins."

With that, the Commander in Chief and the officers exited the stage, and the students began to gather with their respective divisions.

"Masumi-san, we're in the same division!" Ryoko exclaimed, her smile brightening the atmosphere.

"Y-yes, Ryoko-san! I-I'm very happy to be in the same division as you," Masumi replied, her own smile growing in response.

"From today onward, we'll all take care of each other," Seichii added enthusiastically.

"Tanaka-kun, come over here with us! Let's get to know each other,"

Ryuu called out to Tanaka Hikuro, who was standing off to the side with his arms crossed.

"Hmph! I don't want to waste my time on childish things.

I'm heading back to my room," Hikuro replied dismissively, turning to leave.

"Hey, wait! Who are the other two members of our division? We're only five people here," Ryuu asked, puzzled.

Both Ryoko and Seichii exchanged glances, unsure about the identities of the remaining two members.

They turned to Masumi, who, under their scrutiny, looked increasingly nervous. "I-it's Nagamine-san and Kawamura-kun."

Ryuu's heart sank at the mention of their names.

Tension filled the air as he thought of Ryoko. He didn't know how to react.


Seichii shouted, excitement coursing through him.

He knew they were the two disciples of the head of the Hayashida family: Nagamine Meiko and Kawamura Hibino.

"I-I don't know. I haven't seen either of them since the afternoon,"

Masumi stuttered, startled by Seichii's sudden outburst.

She felt a twinge of envy watching Seichii express himself so easily, wishing she could be like him.

Ryoko, on the other hand, remained unfazed by the names.

"Aah! What a shame, I couldn't be in the same division as Ryoko-san,"

Masumi said quietly, almost to herself.

As they conversed, a confident voice rang out from behind. Rajin was striding toward them, flanked by his own division's students.

"Ryoko-san, it seems we couldn't be in the same division. But don't worry; we can surely be friends, even if we meet in battle someday,"

Rajin said melodiously, a smile gracing his lips.

Ryoko's disgust deepened at his words. "When did we become friends? I don't even know you,"

she replied coldly, her eyes icy.

"Ryoko-chan, don't say that; it hurts my feelings,"

Rajin replied, placing a hand over his heart in mock dismay.

(What a sarcastic display.)

"Well, Ryoko-chan, I must take my leave now, but we will meet again soon.

I look forward to facing you in the division battles, Ryuu-kun. I'm eager to fight someone with an unknown element."

A smirk danced on Rajin's lips as he glanced at Ryuu.

Disgusted, Ryuu felt a wave of apprehension at Rajin's words.

Ryoko stepped closer to him, holding his hand and giving him an encouraging nod.

He found comfort in her gesture and nodded back.

"Now, shall we all head back?" Ryoko asked, looking at her friends.

"Yes!" they agreed in unison, starting to walk back when a voice called out from behind them.

"Aramiya Ryuu! The Commander in Chief is asking for you!"

The group stopped, exchanging glances filled with confusion and concern. Ryuu swallowed hard, wondering what could be so urgent.....