A Breakfast with Everyone

"Ryoko-san? Is that you?"

Ryuu called out, his voice echoing slightly in the stillness of the night.

He noticed Ryoko sitting on the steps of the dormitory ladder. At the sound of his voice, she lifted her head immediately.

Her eyes sparkled with a mix of relief and satisfaction, and in an instant, she stood up and ran toward him.

Without hesitation, she enveloped Ryuu in a tight embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ryuu was momentarily startled by her sudden display of affection, but he didn't say anything, feeling her emotional outpouring.


Ryoko exclaimed joyfully, her voice choked with emotion as the tears continued to flow.

"Ryoko-san, I'm fine. There's no need to cry. Please, calm down,"

Ryuu reassured her, gently patting her back to soothe her distress.

As she held him tightly, Ryuu's cheeks began to warm, and he whispered.

"Umm, Ryoko-san, you see... you're holding me very tightly."

Realizing her grip, Ryoko quickly pulled away, her face flushed crimson.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

I was just really worried about you as a friend. Please don't misunderstand my intentions!"

Her words tumbled out in a flurry, and she felt heat rising to her cheeks.

Both of them stood there, blushing furiously, as the awkwardness of the moment settled around them.

"I-it's getting late. S-should we head back to the dorms?" Ryuu suggested, attempting to change the subject.

"Y-yes, let's go," Ryoko agreed, relieved to move on.

Together, they made their way back inside the dormitory, the silence now filled with a sense of camaraderie.

As they arrived at Ryoko's door, she paused. "This is my room. See you tomorrow, Ryuu-kun."

"Yes, see you tomorrow. I should head back to my room now,"

Ryuu replied, turning to leave. But just as he was about to step away, he stopped and turned back to her.

"Ryoko-san!... Thank you for waiting and being so worried about me," Ryuu said, a bright smile lighting up his face.

Ryoko's heart skipped a beat at his words, her cheeks glowing even brighter as she managed a shy smile in return.

"N-no problem, Ryuu-kun. It's what friends do."

"Alright then, I'll see you later!" Ryuu said, waving before he headed to his own room, and Ryoko slipped into hers.

The starry night passed, and the morning sun began to rise, painting the sky in hues of gold and orange.

Today marked the first day of training, and Ryuu was still peacefully sleeping when an abrupt, loud voice shattered the tranquility.

"RYUU!! Get up already! It's time for breakfast! If you don't wake up now, we're both going to be hungry!"

Seichii shouted from the other side of the room, his voice echoing with urgency.

Startled, Ryuu bolted upright in bed, his heart racing.

"It's morning already?! I'm going to be late again!"

he exclaimed, rushing to get ready.

Both Ryuu and Seichii hurried through their morning routines, racing against time.

After a flurry of activity, they made their way to the cafeteria.

Once they entered the bustling cafeteria, they scanned the room for familiar faces.

It didn't take long for them to spot Ryoko and Masumi seated at a corner table, enjoying their breakfast together.

"Good morning!! Ryoko-san, Sakaguchi-san!"

Ryuu called out cheerfully as he and Seichii approached them.

Ryoko looked up and beamed at them.

"Good morning! Ryuu-kun, Seichii-kun! Come, join us for breakfast. Did you two sleep well?"

Masumi, sitting quietly at the table, glanced up nervously but remained silent.

Seichii, ever the extrovert, noticed her unease and decided to engage her.

"Masumi-san! How are you? Did you sleep well?" Seichii asked with an excited grin, genuinely interested.

Masumi jumped slightly at his sudden question, her eyes widening.

"O-oh, S-Seichii-kun! G-good morning. I-I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

she stammered, her voice trembling as she tried to meet his gaze.

Her face flushed with embarrassment as she felt guilty for not being able to respond more confidently.

(I'm useless!!! I can't even talk to people properly. Everyone tries to talk to me nicely, but I can't even answer back to them.

Why can't I make eye contact with new people? Just why was I born this way?)

The thought spiraled in her mind, overwhelming her as she fought back tears.

Just then, a handkerchief appeared in front of her, breaking her reverie.

"Masumi-san, I know you haven't opened up to us yet, but I want to tell you one thing: you are our friend.

You can talk to us normally without hesitation,"

Seichii said, his voice calm and encouraging.

"I don't know the reason why it's hard for you to talk to new people, but I do know that you want to make friends and have fun, just like everyone else."

Masumi looked up at him, stunned by his kindness. No one had ever spoken to her like this before.

"So if you want to do anything or need help, just let us know. We're here for you, your friends. I believe you are a very kind person, so trust in us,"

Seichii continued, offering her a bright, warm smile.

"T-thank you! Seichii-kun," Masumi replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Thank you to you too, Ryoko-san, Ryuu-kun, for being friends with someone like me. T-thank you, really, thank you."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt the warmth of their support enveloping her.

"There, there, Masumi-san. Now stop crying; we're happy to be your friends too.

So let's all enjoy breakfast together before it gets too late,"

Ryoko encouraged, patting Masumi's back gently.

As they all sat down at the table, laughter and chatter began to fill the air.

Just then, a voice from behind them piped up, teasingly,

"Oh! You have quite good friends, don't you, Masumi-san?"