A Speacial Bond?

"You've got yourself quite a few friends, don't you, Masumi-san~?"

A teasing voice broke the moment, causing all four friends to turn their heads in surprise.

They saw Nagamine Meiko strutting toward them, a smirk plastered across her face.

Beside her was Kawamura Hibino, his expression equally disdainful.

"You must be thrilled to have found some other losers you can call friends. Aha ha ha,"

Meiko taunted, her laughter ringing with mockery as she directed her insults at Masumi and her companions.

Ryoko's anger began to simmer beneath the surface at Meiko's hurtful words.

Ryuu noticed her tense posture and felt the atmosphere shift as frustration brewed.

"Now you don't have to roam around lonely like you used to at school. Ha ha!"

Hibino added, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

That was the last straw for Ryoko. Her anger surged, and she was ready to lash out.


Before she could finish, Masumi interjected, her voice surprisingly bright.

"Nagamine-san! Kawamura-san, you're finally here! I wanted to meet you both since yesterday.

Look, I got selected to join the training session! I'm so happy to be in the same division as you two!"

Everyone froze, taken aback by Masumi's unexpected reaction.

Despite the insults hurled at her, she was smiling, filled with genuine excitement.

Ryuu, Seichii, and Ryoko exchanged incredulous glances.

Masumi, usually so reserved, was speaking so confidently and cheerfully—it was as if they were witnessing a whole new side of her.

"Hey! Why are you so happy? We're here badmouthing you, and you're talking to us while smiling.

This is why you didn't get any friends in school; you're really weird,"

Meiko scoffed, her disdain palpable.

"I can't stay with you guys here; I'm going to the training area."

With that, Meiko turned to leave, her expression twisted into a smug grin.

Masumi, however, noticed and couldn't help but smile brightly in return.

As Meiko and Hibino walked away, Ryuu, Seichii, and Ryoko stood there, still in shock, staring at Masumi.

The realization of how she had behaved struck Masumi, and she felt embarrassed.

"I-I'm s-sorry! They both are my seniors from elementary school, so I think I can talk properly in front of them.

Even if they don't show it, b-both of them have always been kind to me.

Only those two have ever cared for me at school. So please, don't think poorly of them,"

she pleaded, bowing her head slightly.

"Masumi-san, you don't have to apologize. We can see in your eyes how much you adore those two,"

Seichii reassured her with a warm smile. Hearing his words made Masumi feel lighter, and she smiled back, gratitude shining in her eyes.

Ryuu stood to the side, his expression encouraging. Only Ryoko maintained a cold, calculating look, still simmering from the earlier confrontation.

After some time, the cafeteria closed, and the four friends made their way outside.

They were headed toward the training area when a striking figure approached them.

A handsome middle-aged man with blue hair, as deep and vibrant as the sea, exuded a calm aura reminiscent of an ocean breeze.

"Aramiya-kun! You're here! I've been searching for you everywhere. Did you have breakfast properly?"

The man called out, his voice smooth and friendly.

Ryuu blinked in confusion, not quite understanding why this man was looking for him.

He recognized him as none other than Morishita Shigeru, a renowned scholar and educator.

"Ryuu-kun, who is this guy?" Ryoko asked, curiosity mingling with suspicion.

Her glare at Shigeru was sharp enough to cut through steel.

Shigeru noticed her reaction and offered a warm smile.

"I see you have a very beautiful companion here, Aramiya-kun.

Young lady, don't worry. I'm not going to steal your boyfriend away from you. I'm merely his teacher.

I would like to request your permission to be his mentor as well."

Ryoko's face ignited in a fiery blush, her emotions swirling as she tried to hide behind Ryuu.

He was equally flustered, not having expected Shigeru's comment. The awkward tension only confused Shigeru further.

"M-master! W-we're just friends. T-there's nothing romantic between me and Ryoko-san! She is one of my best friends. Please don't misunderstand!"

Ryuu stammered, his cheeks bright red as he tried to clarify their relationship.

"Aha ha ha! My apologies! I misunderstood.

I don't know why, but I sensed a special bond between you two, something I've rarely felt before.

So, I assumed you were a couple. Please forgive my carelessness,"

Shigeru chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. However, his mind began to race with thoughts.

(There's definitely a unique bond between these two. I have never encountered such a connection before.

It feels as if the DEVAS themselves have destined these two for each other. I must observe them more closely.)

"M-master! You don't need to bow or apologize to us. How can a master bow to his student? Please, raise your head high,"

Ryuu insisted, startled by the formality.

Shigeru lifted his head, placing a reassuring hand on Ryuu's shoulder.

"You truly are a noble and kind soul, Aramiya-kun. I have no doubt that one day, you will make history."

"I'm honored to hear that from you, master," Ryuu replied, his voice steady but filled with reverence.

Ryoko, Seichii, and Masumi were left dumbfounded, trying to process why Ryuu was calling this man his master.

"Ryuu-kun, who is this man, and why are you calling him your master?" Ryoko finally asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I should have introduced myself first—how disrespectful of me. I am Morishita Shigeru.

I study the nature of this world and its intricacies. I was given the honor of teaching Aramiya-kun in this training session by the president of the Board of Education.

It's a pleasure to meet such promising young talents of our country," Shigeru explained, his tone warm and inviting.

All three friends stared at him in astonishment.

They had heard of Morishita Shigeru, the most esteemed scholar in the nation. The fact that they were meeting him in person felt surreal.

"Master, these are my friends. The girl by my side is Tatsuno Ryoko, the boy over there is Sengoku Seichii, and the girl beside him is Sakaguchi Masumi,"

Ryuu introduced, his voice filled with pride.

"Nice to meet you, sir!!" they all exclaimed in unison, bowing deeply out of respect.

"Ah! There's no need for young talents like you to bow to me. I'm just an ordinary person, so please, stand back up,"

Shigeru replied, his voice warm and humble.

They rose back to their feet, still reeling from the realization that they were conversing with one of the country's finest minds.

"But master, why were you looking for me?"

Ryuu asked, curiosity piquing as he wondered about the purpose of Shigeru's visit....