A Secret Location?

"But Master, why were you looking for me?" Ryuu asked, concern threading through his voice as his brow furrowed.

Shigeru turned to face him, his expression calm but his tone firm.

"Did you forget already? Today marks the beginning of your special training."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing.

"What else would I be doing but searching for you everywhere?"

Before Ryuu could respond, Ryoko, who had been silently watching, interjected with a sharp glare.

"If he was supposed to be practicing at the training grounds with everyone else, wouldn't he already be there?

You could have just taken him with you."

Shigeru chuckled softly, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Little girl,"

he began, his voice filled with the patience of a seasoned master,

"if Ryuu were meant to train alongside the others, I wouldn't have taken him on as my disciple."

He turned his gaze to the sky, the sun casting a warm glow on his weathered face.

"Ryuu must experience the highs and lows of nature, the ebb and flow of life itself. Only in solitude can he truly understand his magic.

This journey is about more than strength—it's about finding the connection between himself and the world around him."

Ryoko frowned, her heart heavy with unease as she listened.

She cared deeply for Ryuu, and the idea of him venturing into unknown territory for this "special" training filled her with doubt.

Shigeru, sensing her concern, smiled warmly.

"I can see how much you care for him, but you have nothing to worry about, little girl. I wouldn't harm him—he's far too important for that."

He laughed, his voice deep and reassuring.

"Besides, if I can't handle training a young man like Ryuu, what kind of master would I be?"

A slight blush crept up Ryoko's cheeks, though she felt her worries ease a bit.

"Master," Ryuu spoke up, his curiosity piqued.

"what is this special training area you mentioned?"

Shigeru's smile widened, but he maintained his air of mystery.

"You'll see soon enough. It's not far from here."

Without further explanation, he turned and began walking, calling back over his shoulder,

"Come along, Aramiya-kun. Our training awaits."

"Yes, Master!" Ryuu answered, determination replacing the earlier confusion.

As they headed toward the distant mountains,

Ryoko stood behind, watching their retreating figures. She clenched her fists slightly.

(Just wait a little longer, Ryuu-kun. I will grow stronger, and I'll make you remember everything. Just be patient with me.)

Meanwhile, Ryoko, Seichii, and Masumi made their way to the training grounds when an obnoxiously familiar voice called from behind them.


Rajin, swaggering towards them with his division members in tow, smirked as he approached.

"What a coincidence! We're also heading to the training area. Guess it's fate we crossed paths, huh?"

Ryoko's eye twitched in irritation, and Seichii rolled his eyes.

(Of all the people…)

Rajin continued, his voice dripping with mockery.

"By the way, where's Aramiya-kun? Don't tell me he got kicked out of training on the first day? Ha! I was looking forward to showing him who's boss."

Ryoko felt her temper flare, but before she could respond, Seichii stepped forward, his voice cold and cutting.

"Ryuu isn't training with the others because he's a rare talent—a talent that no one else can teach."

Rajin's smile faltered, his arrogance giving way to a flicker of anger. "Hmph. We'll see who's the real talent by the end of the month."

With a final sneer, he turned and strode off, but not before Ryoko shot him a venomous glare. Her hands itched to wipe that smug look off his face.

"Let it go, Ryoko-san," Seichii urged quietly. "We'll deal with him during the inter-division battles."

Ryoko sighed, her anger simmering down. "Yeah, you're right. Let's just focus on our training for now."

Together, the three of them entered the training grounds, determined to put Rajin out of their minds.

Meanwhile, Ryuu and Shigeru were trekking through the dense mountain woods.

Ryuu's legs were burning, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"M-Master… h-how much longer do we have to climb like this? I can barely move…"

Shigeru glanced back with a knowing smile.

"Aramiya-kun, this is part of the training. To understand the essence of magic, one must first become one with the world.

Strength is born from perseverance, and perseverance comes from knowing your limits—and then surpassing them."

Ryuu, though exhausted, felt a surge of inspiration from Shigeru's words. He pushed through the pain, his determination renewed.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached a clearing.

The sound of rushing water filled the air, and as Ryuu stepped forward, his breath caught in his throat.

Before him lay a breathtaking scene—a secluded glade surrounded by towering trees, bathed in sunlight.

A crystal-clear river cut through the middle, its waters sparkling like diamonds.

"This," Shigeru said, spreading his arms wide, "is where your special training begins."

Ryuu stared in awe, the sheer beauty of the place leaving him speechless. His fatigue vanished as a sense of wonder filled his heart.

"M-Master… t-this place… it's…"

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Shigeru grinned. "But don't get too comfortable. The real challenge is yet to begin."