The Chief Officer stood tall, his voice echoing across the training grounds as the students listened with rapt attention.

His imposing figure commanded respect, and the serious expressions on the faces of every student showed they understood the weight of the moment.

"Dear students,"

The Chief began, his deep voice booming,

"as we all know, the war between the human and demon civilizations is a tale etched into our history—a conflict that ended five centuries ago.

Humans stood victorious, but not without the aid of the divine beings known as the DEVAS.

It was their intervention that ensured the safety and future of all living creatures on this planet."

His voice lowered, adding a somber tone.

"However, due to the cunning and unimaginable power of the demon lord, Ravana.

Even the DEVAS were unable to completely eradicate the demon race. The demons, though weakened, persisted.

To ensure that humanity could protect itself against future threats, the DEVAS bestowed upon us legendary weapons, forged in the heart of their own divine power: the Atsura."

The mere mention of the Atsura sent a shiver through the students.

These were not mere weapons; they were living legends, forces capable of shaking the earth itself.

"The Atsura are nine weapons, each more terrifying than the last, entrusted to the strongest humans of the past.

These weapons, passed down through generations, were intended to guard humanity and the balance of the world.

Now, let me tell you about each one."

The Chief Officer's eyes gleamed as he began recounting the details of these fabled tools of destruction and protection.

"First, the mythical sword that houses the deadliest lightning known to man, the black lightning itself.

This weapon was entrusted to humanity by the God of Lightning and is known as Claiotsura, the Sword of Lightning."

He continued, the intensity of his voice rising.

"Then we have the spiked flail, capable of shattering the very earth in two with a single strike.

Entrusted by the God of Land, this is Oritsura, the Flail of Destruction."

The students were wide-eyed as the Chief described each weapon, their awe growing with every word.

"The heavenly bow, as pure and white as ice but stronger than diamonds, was given by the God of Ice.

This is Sharatsura, the Bow of Miracles."

"Next, the navy-blue spear, calm like still waters but as fierce as the mightiest tsunami.

Entrusted by the God of Water, this is Gurentsura, the Spear of the Ocean."

"The hammer, burning hot as the sun and fierce as a lion, entrusted by the God of Fire. This is Sharutsura, the Hammer of the Scorching Lion."

"The Scythe of Darkness, Harupetsura, granted by the God of Death, capable of reanimating the dead themselves."

"The wand, capable of bending dreams into reality and turning reality into mere dreams, given by the God of Creation.

This is Spectsura, the Wand of Nightmares."

"And finally, the strongest of them all, the Atsura entrusted by the God Shiruna—the weapon that can rend space itself, capable of both creation and destruction.

This is the Buramatsura, the weapon that shapes and reshapes existence."

The students' breath caught at the description of Buramatsura, the most fearsome weapon ever to exist.

The legend was so great that even speaking its name brought an air of reverence and fear.

"These weapons,"

The Chief continued, his voice deepening.

"Were entrusted to humanity to ensure we could defend ourselves against the demons.

However, with great power comes great greed.

The families who inherited the Atsura gained immense fame and influence, and soon, that power turned them against each other."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd of students.

"Wars erupted between humans, as they fought to claim the Atsura for themselves.

During these bloody conflicts, three of the most powerful Atsura—Sharatsura, Spectsura, and Buramatsura—were lost.

Whether the earth swallowed them whole or the heavens spirited them away, no one knows. They vanished as if they never existed."

His voice took on a grim edge.

"To prevent further bloodshed and protect the remaining six Atsura, the organization known as Delian was formed.

The Atsura were gathered and sealed under Delian's protection. But remember this: each Atsura has a spirit of its own.

It will not grant its full power unless the spirit of the weapon bonds with the spirit of its wielder.

Only through that bond can a wielder unlock the true strength of an Atsura."

The students remained silent, absorbing the weight of what they had just heard.

"In the modern age," the Chief went on, "only one person has been able to forge a true bond with an Atsura.

But I believe that each of you has the potential to become a true wielder. You are the future of our country and of humanity itself."

With that, the Chief Officer concluded his speech.

"The special training session will begin now," he announced. "May you all strive to earn your place among the great warriors of the past."

The Chief stepped down from the platform, leaving the students buzzing with excitement and renewed determination.

They watched him return to his cabin with the other officers, and then, in their respective divisions, began heading back to their training areas.

Ryoko, Seichii, and Masumi gathered in a corner of the field.

They were discussing the speech when suddenly Hibino and Meiko appeared in front of them, strolling over with confident smirks.

Masumi's eyes lit up, and she sprinted towards Meiko, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug.

"MEIKO!" she cried, her face beaming with excitement.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Meiko shouted in disgust, struggling to free herself.


Masumi recoiled, her expression falling. She let go and backed away, her head hanging low in disappointment.

A sudden chill swept through the air. Masumi glanced up to see Ryoko standing nearby, her eyes cold and sharp, locking onto Hibino and Meiko.

Her killing intent was palpable, sending an icy shiver down their spines.

"Have you both forgotten about yesterday?"

Ryoko's voice was low, filled with menace.

"How dare you treat Masumi-san like that when she's shown you more kindness than any of us ever have?


Her words were like daggers. As she stepped closer, a glowing ice sword formed in her hand, crackling with raw energy.

Hibino and Meiko froze in terror as Ryoko closed the distance in an instant.

The blade hovered mere centimeters from their necks, its cold edge sending a sharp sting into their skin.

Hibino stepped in front of Meiko, shielding her with his body, but the sword remained poised to strike.

Both closed their eyes, bracing for the end.

Then, suddenly, a large hand grasped the blade, stopping it in its tracks. A loud, booming voice came from behind them.

"Now, now, students. Be careful. I may be old, but I can still dodge your attacks easily."

A figure emerged from behind them. Ryoko's expression shifted as she recognized the man who had intervened....