Nishikawa Teuro

A man in his forties blocked Ryoko's attack with one hand, his fingers firmly gripping the icy blade.

The sheer force of his effortless defense sent a wave of shock through Ryoko.

Her ice sword, a weapon infused with elemental magic, should have been nearly impossible to stop, especially with bare hands.

"My bones might be old, but I think I still got something left in me, ha-ha-ha,"

The man chuckled, his laughter hearty and unbothered.

Ryoko blinked, still stunned by the ease with which this man had deflected her assault.

She quickly retracted her sword, the cold energy dissipating into the air as she took a step back.

Her mind raced as she tried to process what had just happened.

"Kid," the man said with an amused grin.

"I have to admit, you're quite the tough one. I didn't think a kid like you could unleash such strong magic.

I've never seen anyone so young capable of summoning an elemental blade—especially one with such pure energy. No wonder they gave you an S-rank."

His words were filled with both admiration and intrigue, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

Ryoko's usual cold, composed demeanor cracked for a brief moment as she tried to piece together her thoughts.

But she quickly regained her composure, her face settling back into its familiar stern expression.

She stared at the man, her sharp eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Mister," she said, her voice calm but with a hint of challenge.

"who exactly are you?"

"Oh, right!" the man exclaimed, as if suddenly remembering something important.

"Where are my manners? I should've introduced myself sooner."

He gave a slight bow, his jovial tone contrasting with the tension of the moment.

"I'm Nishikawa Teuro, the teacher of the Fourth Division."

The moment his name left his lips, everyone around them froze in disbelief.

Nishikawa Teuro?! Ryoko's eyes widened slightly.

She had heard of him—a legendary figure in the magical world.

Teuro was known as a top-tier A-rank magic user, famous not only for his skill but also for his ability to teach some of the most promising young magicians at the Association.

That's why he was able to block my attack so easily. Ryoko thought, her pride wounded but her respect for the man increasing.

Even someone as strong as me… I'm still not strong enough to protect Ryuu-kun. I need to restore my power, and quickly.

Her mind drifted to Ryuu, her heart tightening with the burden of her unfulfilled promise. She had to protect him, to help him remember who he truly was.

Her eyes, once filled with cold resolve, now reflected a mix of sorrow and determination.

Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, Teuro clapped his hands together, breaking the tension.

"Alright, kids! Let's not waste any more time. The training session starts now!"

Teuro was bursting with energy, practically bouncing as he began leading the group towards the training grounds.

Ryoko, Seichii, Masumi, and the rest of the students exchanged glances, their faces a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Is this guy really a teacher? they all thought simultaneously, letting out exasperated sighs as they followed the overly enthusiastic Teuro.




Meanwhile, deep in the mountain forests, Ryuu was following Shigeru and Akiko through the dense trees.

They had been walking for a while, weaving through the labyrinthine pathways of the forest until they arrived at a secluded clearing.

The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, and towering trees encircled the area like ancient sentinels.

In the center of the clearing stood a massive boulder, weathered and worn by the elements, yet still imposing.

Ryuu scratched his head, utterly confused.

"Master, what is this place? And… why is there a giant rock just sitting in the middle?"

Shigeru turned to him, a bright smile spreading across his face.

"This is part of your training."

Ryuu's eyebrows furrowed. Training? With a boulder? He couldn't make sense of it.

"A rock… for training? What does a rock have to do with magic?"

"Ah, Aramiya-kun,"

Shigeru began, his voice taking on a more serious, contemplative tone.

"Nature is the birth giver of all life. Humans, animals, even demons—they all come from nature. It is the mother of everything.

Every phenomenon in the world, from the changing of the seasons to the rising tides, is the work of nature."

Ryuu listened, his confusion slowly turning into curiosity.

"Magic is also a gift of nature. The elements we command, the energies we wield—they come from nature itself.

To truly understand magic, you must first understand nature. You must become one with it.

When you do, your magic will become clear to you, and you will finally comprehend your own powers."

Shigeru's voice grew softer, almost blending into the sounds of the forest.

It was as if he was not just speaking of nature—he was part of it. Ryuu realized he could no longer sense Shigeru's presence.

It was like the man had dissolved into the forest itself.

"You see," Shigeru continued

"When I was your age, I was considered a failure. I couldn't understand my magical powers.

I was a lowly F-rank magician, ridiculed by others in this world where magic is everything. I thought I had no place here.

But instead of giving up, I sought knowledge. I studied magic not to wield it, but to understand it.

I immersed myself in nature, and over time, I learned that even if I couldn't cast the most powerful spells, I could still teach others. That is how I found my purpose."

Ryuu was silent, absorbing Shigeru's words. The older man's wisdom struck him deeply.

"It was nature that led me to meet Akiko," Shigeru added with a smile, his eyes softening as he glanced at his wife.

Akiko, standing nearby, blushed slightly, her usual composure faltering.

"H-hey! Don't say things like that in front of Aramiya-kun! What kind of impression do you want to give him?"

Ryuu, flustered by Akiko's sudden outburst, stammered.

"Ah, don't worry about me! I'll… just close my eyes!"

He quickly covered his eyes with his hands, causing Akiko to blush even more.

Shigeru burst into laughter, his booming voice echoing through the clearing.

"Ha-ha-ha! Aramiya-kun, you're quite the funny kid!"

Ryuu, still covering his eyes, couldn't help but chuckle along with Shigeru.

The lighthearted moment broke some of the tension, and the three of them shared a brief moment of laughter.

However, Akiko quickly regained her composure and cleared her throat.

"Alright, enough joking around. It's getting late. Let's start the training."

Shigeru nodded, his smile fading as his expression turned serious once more.

"You're right. It's time."

Akiko stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the massive boulder in the center of the clearing. She extended her hand, placing her palm flat against the stone's surface.

In an instant, the air around her shifted. A powerful aura began to gather, swirling leaves and flower petals toward her like a cyclone.

The natural energy coalesced around her, humming with raw power.

With a single, graceful motion, Akiko directed the gathered leaves and petals toward the boulder.

The moment they touched the surface, the enormous stone shattered into countless tiny fragments, scattering across the clearing like dust.

Ryuu's jaw dropped in disbelief. He had never seen anything like it. The sheer precision and power of Akiko's magic were astonishing.

Even seasoned captains of the defense forces would struggle to accomplish such a feat, yet Akiko had done it effortlessly—with mere leaves and petals.

Akiko returned to Shigeru's side, a proud smile on her face.

"See? I'm still strong enough to be a defense force captain."

Shigeru chuckled, patting her head. "That's my wife for you. Strong and lively as ever."

Ryuu could only stare in awe, admiration for Akiko's strength filling his heart.

"That was wind magic," Shigeru explained.

"Akiko and I have spent our lives immersed in nature, and over time, she has mastered the art of wind manipulation.

Her control is so precise that she can tear apart a boulder with the help of mere leaves."

Ryuu's eyes widened. He had never heard of wind magic being used in such a way. It was beyond anything he could have imagined.

Shigeru's tone turned serious as he addressed Ryuu.

"Aramiya-kun, your training begins now. Your task is to tear that boulder apart, just as Akiko did."

Ryuu's eyes darted to the remnants of the shattered boulder, his heart racing.

"M-Master, how am I supposed to do that? I don't even know what my magical ability is!"

Shigeru smiled gently, his eyes filled with confidence.

"But Aramiya-kun, don't you already possess fire element magic?"....