A Sudden Breakdown

"W-what is this power?! S-she just turned that huge rock into a pile of ice!"

The voice echoed through the training grounds, the disbelief palpable in the air.

Everyone, including Teuro, stood frozen, eyes wide in shock.

Ryoko had just unleashed a high-level ice spell, the kind of magic that most would struggle to control after years of training.

And yet, she had cast it effortlessly, in mere moments.

Even the most seasoned soldiers in the defense force would hesitate to perform such high-level magic under normal circumstances, let alone with the ease and speed Ryoko had just demonstrated.

The scale of her power was something unheard of for someone her age and rank.

All eyes were on Ryoko now, their gazes filled with awe, fear, and confusion. But Ryoko paid no attention to the stunned faces around her.

With a calm and indifferent demeanor, she turned away from the crowd and began walking toward the training center, her expression unreadable.

Seichii, standing a few paces away, remained unmoved by the spectacle.

While others gawked, his face remained composed, almost uncaring.

Masumi, standing nearby, couldn't help but notice his calmness amidst the chaos.

Her heart was still racing from witnessing Ryoko's overwhelming power.

"S-Seichii-kun," she stammered, her voice trembling.

"W-why are you so calm? D-didn't you see what Ryoko-san just did? Isn't her power terrifying?"

Masumi's face had gone pale, her fear of Ryoko's abilities evident.

She looked to Seichii, hoping for some explanation, some reassurance. Seichii glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Masumi-san," he said quietly,

"what you saw just now was nowhere near her true power."

Masumi's eyes widened. "W-what do you mean?"

Seichii's gaze turned distant, his smile fading as he recalled a memory that still sent shivers down his spine.

"Her true power... it's far more terrifying than what you just saw. I've felt the full force of it before, and it nearly paralyzed me."

He paused, his eyes darkening as the memory resurfaced.

"There was a time when Ryuu and I were attacked by a demon—a powerful one. It had us cornered.

I thought... I thought we were done for. But then, out of nowhere, Ryoko-san appeared.

She didn't hesitate for a second. With one swift move, she tore the demon apart. I didn't even see her strike.

One moment the demon was attacking, and the next... it was in pieces, scattered on the ground."

Seichii clenched his fists as he continued, his voice low.

"I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Her power... her bloodlust was so overwhelming that it felt like the air itself was suffocating me.

I was frozen, unable to even lift a finger. She was like a force of nature, completely unstoppable. To this day, just thinking about it makes me shudder."

Masumi could see the lingering fear in Seichii's eyes. It wasn't just admiration—it was pure, unfiltered fear.

She had never imagined that Ryoko, who was always so quiet and composed, held such devastating power within her.

The realization left her feeling both sad and inspired. She suddenly understood how little she truly knew about Ryoko, and it made her feel small.

But at the same time, it sparked something within her—a desire to grow stronger, to reach a level where she could one day stand alongside someone like Ryoko.

Meanwhile, Teuro remained rooted to the spot, his eyes fixated on the direction Ryoko had walked away.

He hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, drawn to the shattered remains of the giant stone she had frozen.

As he knelt beside the icy fragments, a sudden wave of energy hit him, causing him to freeze in place.

"W-what is this?" Teuro whispered, his eyes widening in disbelief.

The energy radiating from the ice was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

It was pure, concentrated magic, far beyond the scope of any ordinary spell.

(What is this power? This... this isn't something normal.

I've never felt such raw, untainted magical energy in my entire life. I need to report this to the chief immediately...)

While Teuro grappled with the implications of what he had just witnessed, Ryoko had already left the open training area.

She found herself sitting beneath a large tree, staring up at the white clouds drifting lazily across the sky.

"The clouds are beautiful today, aren't they?"

A familiar voice broke the silence. Ryoko turned, startled, to see Ryuu sitting beside her.

"Ryuu-kun?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise.

"What are you doing here? When did you return from the mountain?"

But Ryuu didn't answer. He simply smiled and continued to gaze up at the sky, a strange, distant look on his face.

Ryoko frowned, sensing something off about him. He had never acted like this before.

Instinctively, she stood up, summoning her ice sword into her hand.

Without hesitation, she swung the blade at Ryuu, but the slash passed through him as though he were made of mist, leaving him completely unharmed.

"I knew it," Ryoko muttered, lowering her sword.

"You're not the real Ryuu-kun."

The figure of Ryuu smiled softly, turning to face her.

"You're right," he said calmly. "I'm not the real Aramiya Ryuu. I'm just a collection of his memories, a fragment of his spirit that resides within you."

Ryoko's heart sank. Her suspicions were confirmed, and a wave of guilt washed over her.

"You don't need to feel guilty," the memory of Ryuu said gently.

"I know what happened in the past wasn't your fault.

I know you tried to protect him, to protect me, with everything you had. But sometimes... things don't go the way we want them to.

The past is behind us now. No one can change what's already happened. But the future is still ours to shape."

Tears welled up in Ryoko's eyes as she listened to the spirit's words.

She had been carrying the weight of her guilt for so long, the sorrow of losing Ryuu and the burden of failing to save him.

She had never allowed herself to truly grieve.

The spirit of Ryuu smiled at her, his voice soft. "I believe in you, Ryoko-san. I know that you can create a brighter future, not just for yourself but for everyone.

You're stronger than you think, and you'll find a way to make things right."

Ryoko's tears began to fall freely now, her composure breaking at last.

She reached out and embraced the spirit of Ryuu, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Why did it have to come to this?" she cried, her voice shaking.

"Why did you have to forget everything?! Why did you have to forget me?!"

The spirit held her gently, his presence warm and comforting.

"I know how much pain you're in, Ryoko. But you have to stay strong.

You're my light in this world, the one thing that gives me hope. Please... stay strong for both of us."

As the spirit of Ryuu began to fade, his final words lingered in the air, leaving Ryoko sitting alone beneath the tree.

She wiped away her tears, determination filling her heart.

"I'll make you remember me, Ryuu-kun," she whispered to the sky.

"Just wait. I'll make you remember."

Suddenly, a voice broke through her thoughts.

"Oko-san! Ryoko-san! Can you hear me?"

Ryoko looked up to see Rajin approaching, waving at her.

(What's he doing here at a time like this?)

"Ryoko-san!" Rajin called out as he neared.

"What are you doing all the way out here? Did those weaklings from your division make you feel down, or are you just out here clearing your head?"

Ryoko sighed, standing up and turning to face Rajin.

She wasn't in the mood for his antics, but she knew this conversation was inevitable....