Mysteries in The Heart

Ryoko didn't pay any attention to Rajin's taunts, her eyes still fixed on the expanse of the blue sky above.

The breeze was gentle, and for a moment, it felt like she was the only one in the world.

Rajin's voice, however, kept tugging at her peace, but she didn't turn to look at him.

Rajin's playful grin faltered for a second, annoyance flashing in his eyes.

But he quickly masked it, continuing in his usual mocking tone.

"Well, Ryoko-san, where is Aramiya-kun hiding these days? I haven't seen him even once since the welcoming ceremony.

I'm really curious, you know? I mean, what kind of special training does he need to do all by himself with that pathetic F-rank magic talent? Ha-ha-ha!"

His laughter echoed, cruel and sharp. Each word was carefully chosen to poke at Ryoko, to see how far he could push her.

And for a brief moment, it worked. Ryoko's fist clenched, her heart burning with anger.

The urge to lash out, to silence Rajin with a single icy blow, surged through her like a storm.

But then, in the midst of her rising fury, she heard a gentle, familiar voice in the back of her mind:

"Stay strong."

The words resonated within her, grounding her.

Slowly, she unclenched her fist, forcing herself to calm down.

She turned to face Rajin, her expression icy, her voice colder than the magic she wielded.

"There's no need for you to concern yourself with Ryuu-kun. He's fine where he is,"

She replied, her tone cutting and final, leaving no room for further conversation.

Without another word, Ryoko stood up and walked away, leaving Rajin sitting there, his eyes narrowing as his small, amused grin twisted into something far more sinister.

"Oh, Ryoko-chan... just you wait until the inter-division battles.

I can't wait to see that pretty face of yours twist in despair when I break every single bone in that pathetic Aramiya Ryuu's body,"

Rajin whispered under his breath, his voice dripping with malice.

His fingers tightened into a fist as he watched her walk away.

"Just wait."

Far away from the training grounds, deep within the ancient forest atop the massive mountain, nature thrived untouched.

The soft chirping of birds filled the air, blending with the rhythmic sound of the waterfall cascading down the rocky cliff, the water shimmering in the light as it flowed down into the valley below, bringing life to the city at the mountain's base.

Beneath the waterfall, two figures sat in deep meditation—a breathtakingly beautiful woman and a young azure-haired boy.

The cold water crashed down on their shoulders like a thousand tiny boulders, its force strong enough to break the concentration of most people.

But the woman, Akiko, sat perfectly still, her eyes closed in serene focus, unshaken by the pressure.

Ryuu, however, was trembling all over, his body straining under the waterfall's relentless weight.

His breath came in ragged gasps, and despite his efforts to maintain his composure, he could feel himself reaching his limit.

"Akiko-san... I-I can't take this anymore,"

He stammered, his voice shaky with exhaustion.

"The pressure is too much... I'm going to black out if we don't stop."

Akiko opened her eyes and glanced at him, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Aramiya-kun, you want to take a break already? It's only been ten minutes." She chuckled lightly.

"But I suppose it's only natural. This is your first time experiencing this kind of training. Come on, let's step out."

With graceful ease, Akiko stood up from the rock, the water falling off her like it didn't even affect her.

Ryuu, panting heavily, managed to stand as well, though his legs wobbled beneath him.

Together, they walked toward the large maple tree at the edge of the forest clearing, where Shigeru was standing, his arms crossed, watching them with a proud smile.

"Finished so soon?" Shigeru's deep voice rumbled as they approached.

"I have to admit, Aramiya-kun, you lasted longer under that waterfall than I expected. Most people would've passed out by now."

Ryuu forced a weak smile, still catching his breath.

"Th-thank you, Shigeru-san."

Shigeru chuckled, patting Ryuu on the shoulder.

"It's almost sunset. I think we've done enough for today.

Let's call it a night and resume training tomorrow morning."

The three of them stood together, watching as the sky slowly turned from blue to orange, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the landscape.

The day was quietly giving way to the night, and as the three of them made their way back to the small treehouse they had been staying in, the peacefulness of the forest surrounded them like a comforting blanket.





Later that night, with the stars twinkling in the sky and the moon shining brightly overhead, Ryuu found himself sitting on a thick tree branch, gazing up at the sky.

The cool night air brushed against his skin, and the scent of night flowers filled the forest, their soft glow lighting up the darkness.

He sighed, lost in thought. Despite the beauty around him, his heart felt heavy, like there was a storm brewing within him.

He couldn't shake the strange feeling that had been plaguing him since the day of the selection ceremony,

The sensation that something important was just beyond his reach, something he couldn't quite remember or understand.

Suddenly, a presence appeared beside him, startling him out of his thoughts.

He turned quickly, only to find Akiko sitting next to him, her eyes also fixed on the moon.

"Couldn't sleep?" she asked softly, not turning to look at him.


Ryuu murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

A comfortable silence settled between them as they both stared at the moon.

Its soft, silver light bathed the forest in an ethereal glow, and for a while, neither of them spoke.

Then, Akiko broke the silence, her voice calm and reassuring.

"Everything will be alright, you know. Just believe in yourself."

Ryuu blinked, surprised by her words.

"How... how did you know I was feeling troubled?"

Akiko finally turned to face him, her gentle smile never leaving her face.

"It's written all over your face, Aramiya-kun. Your heart is confused, and your spirit is restless. I can see it in your eyes."

Ryuu lowered his gaze, his hands trembling slightly.

"I don't understand what's happening to me," he confessed.

"Ever since the selection ceremony, there's been this... painful sensation in my chest, like there's something important I've forgotten.

And then, in my dreams... I keep hearing this voice calling out to me, telling me to remember something, but I don't know what it is."

As he spoke, tears began to well up in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks before he even realized it.

Ryuu's hands shot up to his face, his voice quivering with confusion.

"Why... why am I crying?"

Akiko reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Aramiya-kun... sometimes, our heart knows things that our mind hasn't caught up with yet.

Whatever it is that's troubling you, it's something you've been holding inside for a long time. Let it out. Only by facing it can you find the truth."

The dam finally broke, and Ryuu sobbed, letting out all the pain and confusion he had been bottling up for so long.

Akiko sat quietly beside him, her presence a steady source of comfort, as Ryuu cried out his frustrations to the night sky.

From a distance, Shigeru watched the scene with a soft smile on his face.

"Thank you, Akiko," he whispered to himself.

"It will help him find the truth. This world is changing, and soon, we'll all have to be ready. We must act quickly."





The next morning, as the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon, Ryuu, Akiko, and Shigeru stood once again before the waterfall, the sound of rushing water filling the air.

"Aramiya-kun," Akiko began, stepping forward, her expression serious.

"Today, we're going to show you a secret place that only Shigeru and I know of."

Ryuu's eyes lit up with excitement, curiosity sparking within him.

"A secret place!?"

Akiko nodded, holding out her hands toward the waterfall.

She closed her eyes and began chanting in a low voice, her words barely audible.

"Oh, Mother of Life, Spirit of the World. We, your children, ask permission to enter the Holy Cave.

Divide the land, unite the air. Let the world shake, and bless us with your divine power."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, and the waterfall split in two, the water parting down the middle as though an invisible force had commanded it to.

Behind the curtain of water, a hidden cave emerged, glowing faintly with ancient power.

Ryuu stared in awe, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"The water... it's like the laws of nature themselves are being rewritten."

Akiko smiled softly, stepping forward.

"Come, Aramiya-kun. It's time for you to see the truth.".....