
Ryoko had finally reached the bottom of the mountain, her face a mask of emotionless calm. She moved with an eerie grace, and a bone-chilling cold aura surrounded her, freezing everything in her wake. Each step she took left a trail of ice, the ground beneath her feet crystallizing instantly.

R-Ryuu-kun! Just wait for me! I'm coming. I promised I would save you! Please, just hold on!

Her inner thoughts were fierce and determined, despite the icy calm on her exterior. With a fluid motion, Ryoko raised her hand, and in a swirl of frost and mist, an ice sword materialized in her grasp. Its blade gleamed with a sharp, otherworldly light. She pointed it forward with purpose, her eyes narrowing.


In one swift movement, she swung the sword through the air, sending an icy slash in the direction ahead of her. The attack was so powerful that everything in its path—trees, grass, rocks—froze instantly before shattering into countless fragments of ice. Nothing stood in her way, and the once lush and vibrant forest was now a desolate, frozen wasteland.


Meanwhile, Shigeru and Akiko had made it back to the treehouse, where Ryuu lay on the floor, breathing heavily and slipping in and out of consciousness. His pale face glistened with sweat, and his body trembled as if in constant pain.

Aramiya-kun's condition is getting worse by the minute. We have to reach the training area soon or…

Shigeru's heart pounded with fear and anxiety as he glanced at his unconscious friend. He turned to Akiko, who was also gravely concerned.

"Akiko! We need to get to the training area—"

A deafening growl interrupted him mid-sentence. His words died in his throat as both he and Akiko instinctively turned toward the window, their eyes widening in horror. Emerging from the dark shadows of the forest was a sight neither of them had expected: a horde of demons, their grotesque forms shifting and writhing, poured out from between the trees. The sheer number of them was overwhelming.

"T-this... what is happening?!" Shigeru stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "We're in the heart of Tokyo... h-how can demons be here, in such large numbers?"

His disbelief was palpable. Tokyo was fortified by powerful protective arrays, designed and maintained by the highest-ranking officers of the Defense Force. These barriers were supposed to incinerate any demon attempting to enter the city unless they were of an incredibly high rank. But here, not one, but dozens—no, hundreds—of demons had broken through.

This is impossible! These demons must be at least C-rank or higher. How could so many appear here all at once? And why?

Shigeru's thoughts whirled as he looked down at Ryuu, lying unconscious on the floor. Could they be after Aramiya-kun?

Suddenly, a deafening crash shook the treehouse as the demons attacked the giant maple tree supporting it. The massive trunk groaned under the pressure, its branches trembling violently.

"Honey! They're attacking the tree! If this keeps up, the treehouse will collapse!" Akiko cried, clutching Ryuu protectively in her arms.

Shigeru's face was drenched in sweat, his mind racing in search of a plan. But before he could act, Akiko approached him with a determined look in her eyes. She gently handed Ryuu over to him, her voice firm yet tender.

"Shigeru, take care of Aramiya-kun. I'm going down there to fight. I will protect you both, even if it costs me my life."

Shigeru's heart sank at her words, and panic surged within him. "No! Akiko, you can't! You can't face all those demons alone! Don't throw your life away like this!"

But Akiko merely gave him a sad, loving smile. "Thank you for everything, honey."

Before Shigeru could react, Akiko leaped from the treehouse, landing gracefully on the ground below. The demons immediately surrounded her, their eyes filled with bloodlust and hunger. A pack of wolf demons lunged at her, their sharp fangs gleaming in the pale light.

Akiko closed her eyes, preparing herself.


In an instant, the wolf demons collapsed to the ground, their bodies slashed open and blood pooling beneath them. Akiko opened her eyes, summoning two sharp shurikens of wind into her hands. The air around her crackled with energy as her determination grew.

"Today, I, Yokoyama Akiko, will destroy you vile creatures!"

With a fierce battle cry, she hurled her wind shurikens at the oncoming demons, the spinning blades cutting through the air like a whirlwind. The demons that were hit were instantly sliced in half, their lifeless bodies crumpling to the ground. But no matter how many demons she cut down, more kept coming. The onslaught seemed endless.

From above, Shigeru watched in horror, tears streaming down his face. Why? Why am I so weak? Why can't I help her?

Akiko fought valiantly, but as the battle dragged on, her movements began to slow. Suddenly, a massive wolf demon appeared behind her, its eyes glowing with malice.


The wolf swung its massive claws, delivering a devastating blow to Akiko's back. She cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from her wound.

"AKIKO!!" Shigeru screamed in despair as he saw his beloved wife fall. In a moment of desperation, he jumped from the treehouse, landing awkwardly and breaking his leg in the process. But the pain was nothing compared to the sight before him. Akiko lay on the ground, her breaths shallow, and the giant wolf demon raised its claw again, ready to deliver the final blow.

No! Please, someone… anyone, save her!

Just as the wolf's claws descended, blood splattered through the air. Shigeru braced himself for the worst, but when he looked up, he was stunned.

The wolf's claw had been severed, lying in a pool of blood on the ground. The giant beast howled in agony as it stumbled backward, its leg bleeding profusely.

Standing before Akiko was a girl with stark white hair, her expression cold and emotionless. She held a gleaming sword of ice in her hand, its surface glowing with a deadly chill. The air around her was frigid, and even the demons, known for their ferocity, trembled in fear.

"I-it's… Tatsuno Ryoko!"

Ryoko raised her sword, her voice barely a whisper as she muttered, "Crystal Cut."

In an instant, her ice sword grew larger, and with one powerful swing, she unleashed a devastating slash.

Every demon in the field were torn to pieces, their body shattering like glass under the force of attack.

Shigeru was frozen shock, his mind unable to process the sheer magnitude of her power.

Only one thought was in his mind
